posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 04:36 AM
I'm having problems posting videos. For some reason when I post a video the generated code keeps adding a backslash (
\) to my link which
results in a Bad request.
This happens with both YouTube and Google. (I didn't have this problem before)
example: my code = [ gvid ]8578627348211373904[ /gvid ]
it's sometimes difficult to know when to put the hyphen. So, here it is again with the hyphen: (same results)
my code = [ gvid ]-8578627348211373904[ /gvid ]
This is the video that should display, but as you can see the backslash is
added in both instances.
I've noticed some people are still posting with no problem, so it must be me. I'm using Firefox on a Windows XP platform (Service Pack
EDIT: Sorry, it appears the second link (with the hyphen) works!!! It doesn't work in preview mode... So this is all a hyphen thing?
[edit on 24/3/08 by ConspiracyNut23]