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So... blame the Zionists... and then do what?

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posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 11:35 PM
I notice that a lot of people think that Zionist Jews are at the root of many of the world's problems, because of the 'God's Chosen' mentality, and that America with its largely Christian population, that owes its origins to Judism, will unquestioningly follow Israel. This article from Rense.Com sums up the attitude.

Bear with me and assume, for the sake of this post, that such things are true. I notice that a lot of writers will readily blame the ZJ, but as a rule do not present any ideas of how to break away from the ZJ's influence. I suppose many of them are afraid that they will be accused of trying to come up with a 'final solution' type of plan, like the Nazis had.

Over the past few days I've been thinking deeply about this. If the ZJ (or any other cabalistic shadow-government type of group, for that matter) really does have the vast amount of power that they are said to posess, the how would they be deposed? For instance, modern Israel's atrocities are well documented, yet many Americans still support her. What would it take to for the American population to become aware of those atrocities and call them for what they are, without caring about being met with any one of the "victim cards?"

Please don't misread this post and think that I am inherantly bigoted. I'm just trying to fill in what I see as a big blank in conspiriology. And, forgive me if this is in the wrong forum...

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 09:03 PM
Fortunately, we still have free speech in the USA. But in Europe, the Europeans need to stop giving away reparations to the Jews for their bogus holocaust story and flush the holohoax down the toilet. Both Europe and America need to cease all foreign aid to Israel and pull out of Iraq.

The flip side of blaming the conspiracy on the Jews or any tribe, is an awakening of the need for unity amongst our own tribe. The anti-property rights acts (Civil Rights Acts) need to be repealed along with the anti-white imigration act that allowed Mexicans and others to flood our country with their presence. They couldn't find work here if we didn't have to hire them.

The flip side of denouncing Jew religion is an awakening of our own need to be more loyal to our own Christian religion.

It is a two-edged sword.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Well, after Zionism, you'll need to find another scape-goat for all of the world's problems. "If it wasn't for ______ a lot of the world's problems would be gone!" Just fill in the blanks...

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by richyrichard
flush the holohoax down the toilet.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with that term. Would you care to elaborate and educate the rest of us?

Originally posted by richyrichard
The anti-property rights acts (Civil Rights Acts) need to be repealed along with the anti-white imigration act that allowed Mexicans and others to flood our country with their presence. They couldn't find work here if we didn't have to hire them.

So you're advocating a return to the "Only Whites need apply" era of American history?

Originally posted by richyrichard

The flip side of denouncing Jew religion is an awakening of our own need to be more loyal to our own Christian religion.

Educated people call "Jew religion" Judaism. Just thought I'd point that out to be helpful.

Your views are most interesting.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:27 AM
In response to richyrichards overly Christian supremacy anti-jew post:

Not wishing to stir up a hornets nest or anything... but wasn't Jesus a Jew??

For all intents and purposes Christians and Jews worship the same God, which is also the same God that the Muslims worship. Those 3 religions are intertwined, just each one follows a different Messiah/Prophet/religious text and way of worship.

I truly cannot see why there is so much fuss over religion in today's modern world. Can people just accept there is no "one true religion", and get on with their lives peacefully?

As previously mentioned, if the "Zionists" were out of the picture, they'd just be replaced by a new group.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ro01xc08
Not wishing to stir up a hornets nest or anything... but wasn't Jesus a Jew??

Yes, but those damned Jews killed him so he could die for our sins! Those bastards!!!1111

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by richyrichard
Fortunately, we still have free speech in the USA. But in Europe, the Europeans need to stop giving away reparations to the Jews for their bogus holocaust story and flush the holohoax down the toilet. Both Europe and America need to cease all foreign aid to Israel and pull out of Iraq.

Hallo from Europe! Ever been? I suspect not.

It's a fantastic place, full of great countries. All of which have freedom of speech. It's also where the Holocaust happened. As has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. It follows that people who write phrases like "bogus holocaust story and flush the holohoax down the toilet" can only be doing so either from a position of complete ignorance, or because they want attention.

The flip side of blaming the conspiracy on the Jews or any tribe, is an awakening of the need for unity amongst our own tribe. The anti-property rights acts (Civil Rights Acts) need to be repealed along with the anti-white imigration act that allowed Mexicans and others to flood our country with their presence. They couldn't find work here if we didn't have to hire them.

Uh huh - can you explain the economics of these ideas a little more - because to an ignorant European like me it would seem that what you're writing here is based on slightly tenuous economic theory.

The flip side of denouncing Jew religion is an awakening of our own need to be more loyal to our own Christian religion.

Yes, as Djarums says, we actually spell it "Judaism" - otherwise it looks like we're being needlessly pejorative - which would in all likelihood only be the case if we were an embittered idiot without any real argument.

Where I disagree with Djarums is where your views are called "most interesting". I'm afraid I find them to be anything but - they're tired old nonsense that has cropped up in endless threads on these boards and been thrown out by all parties for being hopelessly bizarre, ill-thought through and baseless. And most of all - boring.


posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Yes, but those damned Jews killed him so he could die for our sins! Those bastards!!!1111

Yup, he died for the sins of Mankind. Not just for Christian's (which were a minor religion back then), but for the Jews and the Romans as well. In fact, even for the Pagans/Celts etc. As it was general his intention to die for our sins, it doesn't really matter who done it. Thank the flying spaghetti monster for not being religious. (I would have said "Thank God" but then some people get upset over it).

Back on topic, I vote we blame all future problems on Buddhists, should the zionist overlords ever be discovered and displaced. No reason for choosing Buddhists, other than they haven't really had much persecution in the western world over the past few years.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by ro01xc08
Yup, he died for the sins of Mankind. Not just for Christian's (which were a minor religion back then), but for the Jews and the Romans as well. In fact, even for the Pagans/Celts etc. As it was general his intention to die for our sins, it doesn't really matter who done it.

I was actually making fun of the contradiction that many of the anti-semetics have regarding Jews...they attack Jews on the ancient charge of deicide, yet believe Christ's death was salvation for mankind, a good thing.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 01:23 PM

[edit on 25-3-2008 by SaviorComplex]

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