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younger generation believers...with experiences

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posted on Jan, 19 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by cosmicstorm

glad to know im not alone out there...i think the main issue is...consciousness...people today have so much going on and are so involved with life here that they forget life is bigger than this little rock we all live on....

its sad to think how hard it is to try to get people to see outside of the box...people like you and i are rare when compared to the masses...i too feel like im here for something bigger and at times feel 'universally close"

glad to see there are others out there like me

star and flag to wake up those who want to by seeing this...thank you.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by spotnick

Hey i have the same things as descirbed in the thread but what worried me about what you said was the number 11:11 i have been getting that for some time now. It even apears on different things not just the clock. Have you figured out the meaning of that number 11?

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:46 AM
Well it seems this thread has died down a bit.I am just wondering how everybody is doing.Anything new going on?

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 12:36 PM
I get these headaches, along with increased restlessness. I feel sorrow, and pain. Yet it is not my own. I feel helpless, I have seen things when I pass out. Conversations with people who i've never met that know me. When I walk through the woods I can feel someone watching me yet there is no one for miles.

Does anyone have any idea.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

hey JK, nah thing are better or just different.

I've talked to a psychologist and they put me on antidepressants... i feel more relaxed now... i guess thats ok.

I wanted you to do something though... i want you to take a myers personality test and see what you are... I am a INTP and i was wondering what the rest of you were... i wonder if a certain group of people find themselves here on ATS or more specifically more so into this thread....

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 10:38 AM
I had some childhood experiences [I am now 23]. My mom used to tell me that I would talk to my dead grandfather who died two years before I was born. I would see streaks of bright orbs of reds, pinks, purples, whites and blues only in the living room. One day there were so many orbs flying around I screamed for my mom who calmed me down. I saw a UFO when we were drinking down from our cottage in Bala. I was watching out the window and it was fairly far away and it was following along side our car. When we stopped at a red light if darted straight up in the sky and out of sight.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:12 AM
How many people started to experience things when they were about SEVEN YEARS OLD?

Has anyone who has been abducted had their children seem RELLY out of sorts around seven?

Is there a site specificly designed for EVIDENCE FROM CHILDREN OF EXPERIENCERS?

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by rjmelter

That's a good question RJ. I'm an INFP as well. If enough people answer, I wonder if any correllations can be made-even though most people on this thread all seem to be in the same boat anyway. Who else?

Not much has gone on since I last posted. Mostly involved with work, even though that won't be much longer. Another business claimed by the economic situation. RIP Treats for Troops!

Although I do have a question for you all: I know we've discussed dreams and visions and what not here before, but what are your takes on dreams with reoccuring people in them?

Just curious.


posted on May, 2 2009 @ 05:46 PM
I will take the test and report back.....

I have a question though,where is Cosmicstorm(the OP) at??

I hope she is okay.

You know I was thinking that ever since I was young I have had some sort of deep attraction to the stars.I remember during car rides from Illinois to Tennessee I would always look up at the stars.I am always finding myself gazing up,like somehow I know I belong up there.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

I too have been fasinated with the stars. but because of them, i started to contemplate the possible size of the universe...and i must have been like 4 at the time, and the contemplation of the size of the universe hit my mind so hard that i was really starting to get dizzy.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:16 AM
I read first 10-15 pages and I am truly dissapointed. It is the very human nature to feel him-herself special etc. And yes, some people are more sensitive about the sky, stars, our origins, our future and they are more worried about theirselves, their environment and their universe. This had been since thousands of years. There is nothing new about it.
But, what is new and I think unfair is, that all of you, who think that they are different and special, are at the same time blaming the world, the all situation in the world, both your world, and the world as such. Sorry but this is a trap. They want to use your fragile condition as a mechanism of escapism. In fact, you could be a real threat to the current political and economical ideology and may be help to change it, because you feel deeply that something is wrong. BUT, if you escpae to the unpolitical realm of metaphysical illusions, I am afraid you will only help to the Establishment who governing us. In Conclusion, being more activist, being more in politics will both help you pschologically and help to change this #ty world that you all time talking about.

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:07 PM
Are any of you vegetarians?

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by DGFenrir
Are any of you vegetarians?

No, I love meat. I do't think I could ever become one either. Also it is not that healthy to only eat vegetables.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Mayan Pilot
reply to post by rjmelter

Although I do have a question for you all: I know we've discussed dreams and visions and what not here before, but what are your takes on dreams with reoccuring people in them?

Just curious.


Mayan INFP's make up only 5% of the global population which makes you very unique iwas in the intp group which is like 2% but still yet almost the same as INFPs.

Dreams with reoccuring people are telling you that the person has a significant purpose in understanding your dream. and dreams are not literal, dreams are a vessel that takes deep, personal and sometimes spiritual thought processes and tries to bring it to the surface in metaphors or other similar means.

More than likely you should talk to this person that you dream of, if you've never met them then perhaps they are your soul mate telling you to hurry the hell up and find them, lol. but WRITE down as much of your dreams as possible, disect what they mean to you, like say if there is a hair clip, that very same hair clip to a woman would symbolize a great gift because they got it from their mom who got it from their grandma or something... EVERY SYMBOL in your dreams has a very specific purpose... our brains are the most creative, intelligent, and amazing super computers in this world... Just spend more time trying to discover the hiddent meaning in your dreams.

AND NO to the vegetarian comment someone else posted. Veggies alone are not enough to suffice your body's needs in this world. Eating animals is part of life, we were meant to give a blessing and or a prayer.. or atleast some form of deep respect to each animal we ate however. Our True Selves have strayed so far from nature its hard to perplex how we fit into it at all sometimes. A lot of us here on ATS i have noticed are very intune with their deeper selves and making a difference. So im glad that you are trying to figure things out for yourself, thats awesome.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by deccal
I read first 10-15 pages and I am truly dissapointed.

Oh dear...

It is the very human nature to feel him-herself special etc.

Do you feel special? If it was human nature, then everyone should feel it.

And yes, some people are more sensitive about the sky, stars, our origins, our f ........ ge this #ty world that you all time talking about.

I feel that you are somewhat afraid of us. You come across to me as a bitter person who doesn't want to believe that anyone could be more evolved than them. I pity you and bid you well in all future endeavours.

If I sound a bit bitter, then I apologise. It has been a long and rough day and what you wrote touched a raw nerve.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 03:52 AM
This is fascinating. I was never aware of satrchildren and indigo children before.God my life looks even more dull now. I've never had anything happen to me that i could call unexplained. Even the weird things that do happen, i can put down to coincidence. The day before i was diagnosed with a brain tumour, I was watching an episode of the Simpsons where Homer gets a crayon stuck in his brain. Then on the way to the hospital someone has graffitied the word brain over the zebra crossing. Weird or just coincidence.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 05:12 PM
well lets see i am 20 years old and i do too feel very connected with nature. i notice things outside in nature that most everyone else i know. do not notice. i also seem to just "know" when things are not right in nature. . which has been happening way too much this year.

when i had just turned 3 years old i spelled my full name in front of a doctor, and mind you its not short, the doc was so amazed he dated and signed it.

growing up, especially my teen years i always hung out with the older crowd, ive always felt like i was on a higher level than the other kids my age.

street lights do not function well around me. i have been driving down streets and just watched street lights go out as i go by and then come back on. happens more when walking sidewalks with a few good friends.

i have very psychic experiences for example thinking of a friends name right before they call after not even hearing from them for days.

i seem to always show up right when something major is happening, without any knowledge of it at all beforehand.

i see flashes of light in my peripherals in certain places or buildings.sometimes they are actually right in front of me. usually white traveling about 3 or 4 feet at angles. but the lights come in all shapes sizes and brightness. sometimes they are very tiny super bright white almost gold-ish orbs that fly all crazy then disappear. i notice alot of these lights that just catch my eye.

i was told by a psychic that i have an old soul. and also karma seems to run my life. i cant even begin to describe how many times " coincidences" come out of no where to basically save the day.

i am very uncomfortable in hot weather, i prefer winter time.

posted on Sep, 21 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Well I am going through my old posts from this thread to share with a friend and see that it has been inactive for a long time. So a shameless bump for all the people who haven't seen this thread in a while.

It was a gem plus JKrog08 was an active contributor. I could certainly say I have had more experiences than I ever though when this thread first took off.

Edit to Add: It's funny to see something you wrote so long ago and to see how much your paradigm has changed. I can't believe reading some of my old posts the way I used the word 'dimension' instead of 'density'. Not to mention some things that I still hold very close to my heart that I said way back when just waking up.

edit on 21-9-2010 by Universal Light because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
I do hope no-one feels im wasting time with this post, but if there are others similar to me then they must be feeling the same as i do...... i had personal experiences as a child aged 7/8, with regards to abduction.... im now 25 and for the past few years things have been getting pretty intense, im not saying im having abduction experiences, but rather vivid dreams, strange events etc.... i feel very connected to all things of this nature, i always have..... which makes me feel very different to my peers whose main concern is getting drunk on weekends or boyfriend troubles?? i just cant relate to any of that.... i feel much more wise and self assured than what i see of other people my age.... ive always felt since i was little that i was here to do something 'big' although im still waiting to find out what that is...... what i am basically asking is, all you on ats, who have had experiences or a life long interest in this subject..... do you feel different to others? in almost all aspects of life?....... do other people stare at you for no reason?.. do you tend not to be in relationships?.. do you have psychic tendancies? do you feel a connection to earth and the universe?........ i hope i am not sounding too crazy
despite all this im a student and a mother, and live a pretty normal life!

before i read this thread let me start by saying that i understand how you feel and feel pretty much the same about life (im a guy tho, and just turned 18) i have always felt this way to some degree, but not untill i had a crazy sighting (yellow triangle ufo pretty much flew right over me and my friends in august 2010) and i started looking into this stuff everyday, and start to figure out whats actually going on more, i feel more disconected with the majority of people ( cuz 90% of people are ignorant to this stuff) and ya you feel more connected with nature and the universe because you feel like you understand whats actually going on now........ i just had an hour long conversation about this last night...... with a pretty good friend of mine, we hung out in high school and played lacrosse together and stuff, and he had his first sighting in the summer (of the same looking triangle ufo) and has had multiple sightings since.... he says he feels the same way since the summer.... we kinda stoped hanging out (like you said, relationships dont seem so important lol) but i just brought it up with him last night becuase i could tell what he was thinking... and sure enough, we feel the same way about alot of things and have had a sighting of the same ufo!

crazy, anyways im gonna read the other posts on this thread now, this is a great topic

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:02 AM
crazy how so many people feel this way...

whats even crazier to me is how other people DONT feel this way...

i to have been having crazy vivid dreams (mostly nightmares actually) very realistic nightmares

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