(Pleae read whole post before responding. I did some major rambling, but hope I got my point across.)
It's been awhile since I have posted. The site has changed. I don't know if this has been posted before. I think the new search engine is not
that user friendly (Or it could just be me). I'm not sure if this should be posted here, but it has to do with oil and the price of gas. Mods,
Please bare with me.
Anyways, with the high price of gas, I began thinking about an article I read about a year to 18 months ago. After some searching tonight, I have not
found it, but have found some others which I hope will give you insite to my first of 2 points.
The 1st on converting coal into liquid fuel. The article I was looking for, said as long as oil remaned above a certain price, say $18 a barrel this
would be feasible. The articles I find say $35, but at this point that is even good. The original article I am refering to said, that as long as oil
remaind above $X (18-35). Coal could be used to produce liquid fuel and make money. Now the draw back to the original artical I read, is that this
process would only make diesel and jet fuel. But if you take those 2 out of the equation, think how much would be left for the refinement of
gasoline. Surely this would lower the price of gas. For those playing DEVIL'S ADVOCATE, Yes this may cause an incease of the price of coal, but it
still should be less than the $100+ price of a barrel of oil. The conversion process is called Fischer-Tropsch.
Here is an article I did find on it....
My 2nd idea,
This maybe a little more out there.
Every year the US Govt gives grants, substities, and tax rebates to companies working on alternative fuel ideas. What if instead the Govt takes all
that money;. Say 10, 50 even 100 billion dollars and gives that to the person or company that finds that source, TAX FREE. Now this opens a whole
new market. The prise has to be enough, so that the oil companies can not buy the discoverer off. Do I know this for fact NO. (But tell me in this
day and age with the technology we have, shouldn't have someone have come up with an engine that gets 100+ miles to the gallon.
With that tax rebates, sudtities, and grants, all big corporations are worried about are the next one of these they will get from the Govt. It is
free money. Why come up with a solution, when the Govt is giving to your bottom line.
The answer is for the Govt, to give nothing, until you produce results. Now this may keep some companies from working on a solution, maybe there is
some JOE PUBLIC somewhere who has an idea, and the thought of getting all this money tax free appeals to him. He will find the money to create his
While I am one of the first people to say GOVT. is not the solution to anything, the PEOPLE ARE. With a reward like this, the PEOPLE will be
motivated. Also, going against everything I believe in, the Federal Govt. should pass a law that any company/individual interfering with this
process, will lose everything. That is why the prize has to amount to more than any company/individual is willing to lose.
Let me say first and foremost I am a Conservative. I believe in limited Govt. and the such. And in typing this I have come up with many things that
can go wrong with this idea.
But, one of the major reasons I am posting this, is that all of you oput there on this board, can help find a way to make this work. Let me say
At one point 10 - 15 years ago oil was trading at about $10 a barrel. The oil companies had to be making money then. Otherwise they would have gone
The price of oil is based on SPECULATION, not how much it takes to pump it out of the ground and transport it. While global conflict may account for
some of the price, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT STILL COSTS MORE TO PUMP THE OIL. While some salries may have gone up, it does not justify a 10 fold increase
in price. I'm willing to bet the farm that over the last decade that more of the proccesses have become automated. Which should reduce the
Oil companies are showing $10-40 billion in profits a quarter. If they are serious about showing, IT"S NOT THE MONEY. then the price should go down.
I am the first to agreee that the Govt. Whether is is FEDERAL or STATE taxes on gas is high. From reports I've read it is anywher from 1/3 to half
of the cost of a barrel of oil. But until we pay the price for drilling and transporting a barrel of oil, with a profit factores in this will only
get worse.
Granted it is the Govt's fault a new refinery has not been built in over 20 years. I ponder this question.....
Why does our own, (The US Govt) make it so hard to drill and process our own oil? Are they subject to some middle eastern countries demands? IF so,
All the LIBERALS, cry about the ENVIROMENTAL impact. Guess what? Simple solution. If someone destroys the ENVIROMENT, then make them pay for it,
through the ASS!!! (Sorry for the language, but I think it makes the point.)
We know the US has the reserves and the capability. The LIBERALS and the TREE HUGGERS are the ones stopping us. Personally, I'd rather take my
chances on an AMERICAN company doing the right thing, then send my dollars to some middle eastern DICATATOR who is going to use them against us.
Before I made my opion clear, that the Govt. is not the solution. But I do think they can help, FIND the solution.
While Govt. can't find the solution, thay can make it worthwhile for the people to do so. The Govt can set uo a program similar to the X_Prize.
Instead of finding a cheaper way into space, they can offer a reward to find alternative energy!!
Will this be easy..NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
But someone has to show the direction.
I will not be online for 12-24 hours. Please add your thoughts/ideas to this, I will respond when I return. Do I have the answers, NO!! But I'm
willing to give an IDEA, which I hope you will contribute t(SP)!!!!