posted on May, 6 2004 @ 05:21 PM
Global warming is a fact, but even thou there is a global warming, this in turn makes for regional cooling. Which ironically is the only thing that
keeps some scientists from saying that global warming is a fact, because they are noticing this cooling also, and think because of it that there is no
global warming.
The one fact that most people don't realize is that it is only normal that while most of the globe is going through a global warming, the rest will
go through a global cooling. It is the natural effect of the Earth trying to balance itself.
As the Atlantic conveyor slows down because the water in the poles is warming, as a result mostly the ice at the north pole is melting , and the
salinity of the water is getting less dense because of the fresh water that comes from the melting glaciers.
This less salinity keeps the cool water from sinking, which will in time slow even more and even stop the Ocean conveyor which warms most of Europe
and the north of the United States and Canada.
What all this data means imo, is that in the not too distant future the poles are going to move down, so all those cities in the northern latitudes
will be part of the new north pole.
I think that what is happening now its just a natural event. One which has happened many times in the past. But it also seems to be true that human
activity has helped in making this scenario a reality sooner, and maybe even with more repercussions.
There are more than 100 underwater cities in the Mediterranean alone, and we have found a lot of cities underwater all over the world, you think this
is not going to happen again? Think again. This is a fact, and it will happen again. As the Earth goes through this, it will create extreme weather
in many places and its even possible that because of this and because of the Sun's strange behaviour, other major events will happen.
Most large cities are close to the coasts, which even thou is great for commercial purposes and for tourism, its incredibly dumb because of other
practical reasons. Sooner or later abrupt climate change will happen, not in hundred of years but in a decade or less, in a regional manner at first
and this will affect many coastal cities the most. Those will be the ones that will really suffer. I do not think it will be as fast as it is
portrayed in the new FOX movie The Day After Tomorrow, but in the past many civilizations have been caught in some kind of abrupt climate change, or
abrupt geological event, and they paid for not being prepared. I think it is just dumb to be caught unprepared again.
As for bad science....the site which you mentioned outland seems to be the one with bad science. The owner of the site doesn't even seem to have
enough time to check his spelling.
[Edited on 6-5-2004 by Muaddib]