posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 05:48 AM
First off, I'd like to say that the pantry experience was not only caught on tape by saremy127, the man that filmed the first videos that you're
talking about. He actually did move out of his home and another group found and examined the house after. On YouTube you can find their videos by
looking up the screen name "PantryGhost"
Second: I don't really think it's fair for anyone to say "He didn't react the way I would have reacted so he must be faking". Truth is, I
probably would have stuck around and opened the door, and continued whispering; but I know other people that would have booked without a second
thought. We all react differently.
Third: If you pay close attention to ALL the videos, and the ones done by PantryGhost for good measure, you can clearly see that the girl appears with
her hands in slightly different positions and comes in and out at different angles. Also, in different parts of the video where the OP opens the
pantry door twice, you can tell that the pantry is far too small for a child to actually hide in the pantry while the OP examines the inside. You see
both sides of the pantry, so there's no pully system, and a trap door? Come on.
No "fishing line" rigging would have been able to twist open that door knob.