posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:03 AM
I've been working on a webstore for friends of me. It's a lot of work but I'm happy with doing it since webdesign is a kind of hobby for me.
They used to have someone doing it before me, but he was making a mess of their pages. Pictures were displayed in totally different sizes, fonts were
big and small in one sentence etc. And he even told them that there was no way you can implement internet payment in your site. In other words... he
didn't know what the **** he was doing.
So they helped the kid find another job (they are really sweet people) and asked me to do the site. Two days ago I got a phonecall from them saying
the site was hacked. So I rushed to them and checked it out. He directed the entire order system to himself, by changing the domain email (I mean the
ENTIRE domain email) passwords. He even changed the database passwords.
You know what he changed them into? 2fast4u
Can you believe that?
Next to that he messed op the entire database by installing a second shop into the main database of the first. It's needless to say I spend two days
getting things a bit back to normal.
The thing is I don't understand why he acts this way. I mean... he's probably jealous or something but this is a very odd way to readt.:bnghd:
Sorry I just had to get it of my chest... thank you for listening.