posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 07:59 PM
This really burns my ass.
My grandmother is in her mid 70's and has lived a life. She was 19 years old with three children and a widow. This is someone that has always been
there for me and my love for her is comparable to very little. Having moved away from home a few years ago, I do not see her as much as I would like
but I try to talk to her on the phone at least once a week. While talking on the phone with her she said a few things that really irked me.
As an elder person, she's not capable of getting around as she used to. Mind you she walks more than most of us, even in the worst of storms, but
she can not be expected to get to the bank to by 2pm when the mail doesn't come until almost 1pm. So she has decided to have all of her money
directly deposited. As a convenience, she has her bills automated as well. The money comes in, the bills are paid, she tries to live as stress free
as possible. ...Right.
Due to the holiday season being upon us, her income was not deposited on the day that it should have. But the payments she has been expected to pay
are still being taken out. Because the money wasn't there, to no fault of her own, she was charged for each one that was not there. Today alone she
was hit with over $200 in fees. I'm not sure what for, but one of them was upwards of $70. She lives on a fixed income and is trying hard to keep a
bit of oil in the tank. The winter is a long tough battle for her and now a large percentage of her monthly income is going to be taken for late
This is ridiculous.
Are senior citizens considered a second rate class because of their physical restrictions? Is this maltreatment justified?
Our Super Moderator, intrepid, authored a great discussion on this sometime ago and that is what is resulting in this partial rant. Our senior
citizens truly are a class that are being forced beneath the poverty line and likely pushed back into the work force.
This is only one example of what I believe to be blatant maltreatment of a class of citizens that have earned our respect and courtesy. Why is it
that we teach our children to respect their elders, but our ignorant bureaucrats treat them as if they are second rate citizens.