posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 07:32 PM
..I've seen one..
This wasn't nearly as well documented, but it was insane.
My mother and I were driving towards my sister's house, we were on a fair sized highway here in Ontario, the 401. First I saw it, a huge airliner,
flying in an incredibly steep bank (From where we were, the plane appeared to be completely on it's side.) and veering away from us, it was
approximately 1.5 kilometers away, and it turned completely around. This was just evidence of how steep the bank was, it was moving towards us, then
it went past us, (still a long way off, more than a kilometer) then it was coming back around, it was almost down beneath the line of site now, and it
was going down really fast. It went behind a patch of trees, which showed us just how low to the ground it was, and it still looked to be completely
on its side.
Oh jesus, it was insane.
But we never heard anything about it. Didn't see a major fireball, feel a shockwave, the cars in the area were all moving pretty slowly, could've
just been traffic though. Nothing on the news, but my mom and I both saw it, it was in full view and obvious trouble for at least 3-4 minutes before
it seemed to go down, anyrate, it was terrifying.