reply to post by Bashibozkedi
First and foremost let me say that "These" United States were not founded as and are not today a Democracy. A Democracy is one of the most vile and
detestable forms of governance known to man where 51% can force it's will upon 49% of the people. No, we have as the poster has already stated a
"Constitutional Republic" in which certain rights are afforded to all citizens and therefore can never be taken away "by law." Now wheather or not
we observe due diligence in keeping said rights from being trampled upon is entirely laid before us to hold our ground. And I must say that we as a
nation have done a piss poor job thus far!
My second point is that I say "These" United States to drive home the the fact that we are in fact a "Union" of Semi-Autonomous States. Our
mislead populous, dim witted Presidents (of late), and some people around the world have been led to believe that this is one country and it is that
simple mostly in part by the use of the title "The" United States.
You see a subtle play on words can connotate a whole lot of things and not realy come across as being very significant at all. The word "These"
implies many where as "The" sugests one. This country was formed with the idea of self governance at the heart of it's being and our founding
fathers knew that what was good in Maine may not bode well in say South Carolina. For that reason each state had free reign over it's own laws, some
taxation, commerce, malitia, and almost any other thing that an independent country would. There were few things that the Federal Government took
charge of such as currency, interstate/international commerce disputes, taxes to fund the Fed. Gov., and not too many other things.
You see we have always been seperate yet united. We have never been "The" United States, rather "These" United States. A country where people in
Illinois may well say "you can't smoke weed" yet if California says "go ahead and toke up" we may not agree but they have their right to live the
way they choose and make legal what ever they see fit.
Americans as a whole have no real desire to seced from one another in as much as they would rather secede from the overbearing and (dare I say)
oppressive sort of government that has become our Federal Government. Which I might add has sat too long for any good that it may have done in the
past. Today it has gotten far too powerful and must be checked if we are to remain free at all.
There is no problem with this form of government that we have now only that it has been unexercised in it's true form for far too long. We have
checks and balances that are no longer in use. A Legislature that has run a muck with far too many laws and is impotent or derelict in it's duty to
place checks on a President that runs rough shod over the Bill of Rights and Constitution. All the while the Judiciary Branch that should be hard at
work striking down nonsense laws does little more than sit on it's hands and hand down luke warm opinoin's at best.
Yet still I must play devils advocate and say that the Federal Government doesn't even have the man power to enforce the Federal Laws that people cry
so much about. The states and local governments do the arresting and enforcment. Why, because they will not stand up for what their people want and
rather do the bidding of the Feds in order that they do not loose their Federal funding in the schools, police depts., and other public projects. Not
to mention political backing. So the next time you are sitting around singing the praises of the Federal Gov. make sure to remember who it is that's
enforcing the laws.
As for the question that i believe was asked, Yes this countries problems can be fixed. But first we need to do away with these stupid notions of
"Party lines" and yes I am going to say it. Just because you fall into the demographics targeted by The Republican Party it is not the only way to
go and vice versa just because you fall into the targeted demographics of The Democratic Party doesn't mean that it is the way for you. Or I'm a
woman so I have to vote for Hillary. I say to all of you that think in this manner that you don't belong anywhere near a ballot box and are part of
the reason why this country is the way it is today, and are the main cause for this circus of a political system we now have
describes you.
Stop listening to the Pundits and think for yourselves. Listen to a debate, or maybe even (wait now, this may be shocking) a third party candidate.
"What's that you say" yes third party they aeren't all crazy. As a people lets get more involved and maybe listen in on a debate once in a while
and stop being spoon fed our opinions and develope our own for a change. Working class, poor, minority, woman doesn't necessarily = Demecrat. And
Rich, middle class, white, male doesn't always = Republican.
We can fix our country we just need to get involved first of all. Next we need to understand that the President isn't our King and place more
emphasis on local and Congressinal elections and try holding these people responsible for their duty to us, country, and campaign promises. Push them
to repeal laws that are not in line with our Constitution on the Federal level and not to enforce on the local level. It has been done before.
Remember that a government derives it's power
only through the concent. Tell your locol representatives to stop supporting and you can refuse
to concent.
As for the comment that a previous poster made about the Latin movement for secession in the south western states. I believe that they are political
plants put here by or supported by the Mexican Government. Which I will add makes no effort to hide the fact that it promotes illegal immigration (at
least under Pres. Fox) this may all be an affort to regain these territories. Call me crazy if you like but it could be a possibility. In any event (I
know I'm off the mark but) I think it's good that people want to come here and start a new life and do well when they can't do so in their place of
birth. But, America has laws and limitations that must be followed and for anyone to place the burden of one country's failed policies and lack of
concern for it's citizens onto another because they are neighbors is wrong and unfair. If it's the whole Mex/ American war, they took the $5 Mil.
and signed the treaty.