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Possible Underground base 15Miles northeast of Pittsburgh PA

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posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 02:15 PM
I found some edvidence of a Top Secret Millitary Base near Russellton PA about 15-20 Miles northeast of Downtown Pittsburgh PA, There have been numerous UFO Sightings including Discs, a Cigar shaped came out of the hills in 2007, 1970 Triangle Type craft seen in the area. There been a Total 15 Sightings just alone in Deer Lakes, Me and my friends found edvidence of a tunnels under Deer Lakes Park and near schools.

The town is known for mines in the past, but Nuclear Missle Sites from 50s and now there are rumors of site based on old cold war maps and seen black wedge shaped objects and roars in the sky with lights over Deer Lakes Park during the middle of the night.

People have been arrested by Millitary Police in past on outskirts of the Deer Lakes Park secret Entrance and a large system of tunnels around the entire area.

Looking at the old nuclear strike maps from FEMA I found Deer Lakes as target with something weird.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by pauforesearcher]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:47 AM
ok....can you give us any proof or evidence ? or even some links to maps of the area in question ??

i looked at the general area and other than an airport with building works going on...there is nothing.

any suggestions ,links, pics or evidence ?????


posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by pauforesearcher

If you could provide the general topographical co-ordinates so's i can hunt down the specific area using google maps it would be appreciated.

I'd be able to add it to the list.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Yeah some proof would be great. A map or something. Would other ATS members be up for starting scout groups to explore the places?? Of course certain one would be bad ideas to explore.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:35 PM
I can check google earth, but i need some kind of co-ordinates to be able to know exactly where to look. If it has been there since the 70's, they will ahve camouflaged it by now.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:35 PM
I can check google earth, but i need some kind of co-ordinates to be able to know exactly where to look. If it has been there since the 70's, they will ahve camouflaged it by now.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 11:38 PM
it be nice to know where at around rulleston, i know someone that lives near there

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by purpleneonofdoom

Um lets see......

But I am not far away and I can actually drive up that way and check it out. Perhaps me and my team can check it out and then stop by and have some lemonade with the Amish families building the UFO's there.

I have never heard of any nuclear weapons ever being near Pitt during the cold war era.

News to me!

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by pauforesearcher
.... Me and my friends found edvidence of a tunnels under Deer Lakes Park and near schools.

Can you possibly take some pictures of this 'evidence'? That would be great.

The town is known for mines in the past, but Nuclear Missle Sites from 50s and now there are rumors of site based on old cold war maps and seen black wedge shaped objects and roars in the sky with lights over Deer Lakes Park during the middle of the night.

Sounds like the movie, The Hills Have Eyes
Anything posted online to help support these "rumors".

Looking at the old nuclear strike maps from FEMA I found Deer Lakes as target with something weird.

Can you post a link to these maps and tell us what you see that is "weird" about them?

Thank you,

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:13 PM
I believe there is an under ground base some where between Bessemer Pa, and Pittsburgh. I live in Bessemer which is about 8 miles from Wampum Pa, which is 30 miles from Pittsburgh. Wampum is where they filmed the original Night of the living dead, or possibly Dawn of the dead. For some reason I cant remember but Im sure its no problem to figure out. Anyway, back to my point. I have been researching UFO's, abductions, government manipulation, crop circles, alien races, and many other aspects of this phenomenon for well over 5 years. I have come to he conclusion that these beings and space ships are 100% real. I dont just believe it, I know it. Currently, Wampum Pa, has a storage facility underground(where they filmed some of the movie) so big that it once stored the worlds biggest sattelite. This facility is big enough to hold about 10 football fields with ease. Thats just the part the public has access to. There is many tunnels and secret areas through out the facility we are not permitted. The under ground bunker sits under the old mushroom minds. Its basically farm country and the population is only almost 1000. Its mostly land and woods all the way to Bessemer. There is probably over 100 lakes between Bessemer and Wampum. Now, let me explain why I think there is definatly secret government operations happening right under my nose. On January 17th 2008, I was on the phone with a friend of a friend of my mother who I have never met or talked to until this day. I called her because of a UFO she claimed to see in broad day light in her back yard. She explained that as she was sitting in her kitchen she looked out the window and saw a huge hovering silent disc shaped craft stationary at the top of her approximatly 70 foot pine tree in her back yard. She then explained how it shot off in a blink of an eye. Sound familiar? It's the same thing most people say when they have a sighting. I then asked her if she had any experiences with UFO's before or if she was one that new a little about them. She said she did not have any knowledge of UFO'S and this was the first time she seen one. I continued to ask her questions that took about a total of 45 minutes. The phone call went on from 7:05pm until 7:50pm. After a hung up the phone, I went down stairs to tell the wife and kids what she said. They were very anxious I could tell because they all had their coats on waiting to go to wal-mart after they heard details. I told them everything and the oldest out of my 2 girls said as she was walking out the back door, I wish I would see a UFO and then they left. Where I live is mostly country. Behind my house it is wooded and a couple hundred feet through the wood is a big lake. This all faces the direction to Wampum. The car was parked facing the house with the woods and lake behind the car. When they left, I locked the doors and went upstairs to get on the computer to research some UFO stuff. Thats when I heard my wife laying on the car horn and my youngest who is 11 pounding and screaming at the door to let her in. So, I get down stairs and open the door. All three of them practically ran over me trying to get in. Chey, the 11 year old was balling her eyes out. And Lynn who is 15 was as white as a ghost. My wifes eyes were so bid it scared me. After they caught their breath, my wife told me this. She said, honey, I started the car and put it in reverse. She then said she looked in the rear view mirror and seen a very bright light. Jokingly she said to the girls, look girls its a UFO. Then the bright light got closer and was to the left of the car flying so low you could touch it. She said it was definatly disc shaped and made no sound. It then got higher, shot across the street, paused, and then shot up into space. She said it appeared to have 3 white light and a red one in the middle. Now, ofcourse I ran out side to see anything and I seen about 8 military planes circleing above our house. Remember, I live in the boonies so this is unusual

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by kidjr27

here you go dude , to support your claims:


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Continued- I dont know if it was the fear that they(Ufo passengers)sensed from the girls or the arrival of the military planes that made them leave. I kinda think I some how channeld them from the phone conversation and they tried to present them selves to me but could not because either they didnt want to scare any of us to a heart attack or it was because of our wicked elite shadow government that wouldnt hesitate to shoot down their craft. I feel really strongly about them trying to reach us and the governments wont let them. I think we know who has control over the skys. It certainly isnt us. I mean, look how quick those military planes arrived. Anyway, before I get off track let me get back to my point. Since that sighting by my wife and kids. Plus the sighting of my moms friends friend. I have really started digging deep trying to find truth. I started with researching the Illuminati. I learned their symbols and also learned the symbols they use to brain wash and manipulate us. Howeve, I do nt wish to comment on to much of the Illuminati because of this following reason. One night when I went to bed after hours of researching Illuminati(free mason)symbolism. As I layed down and closed my eyes, no matter how hard I tried, I could not get the all seeing eye out of my head. I know your probably thinking it was just my mind playing tricks on me but I dont. I dont think it was a trick at all. The detail of this eye was so great it looked like it was on tv or something. It would change shape and every time I would close my eyes it got closer. I then stood up very nervously and went to get a drink and try again. When I closed my eyes this time, I seen a pyramid with the all seeing eye in it. I was now scared very much. Every one told me that I would start to uncover things that I wish I wouldnt have and I thought this was what was happening. I didnt believe them until now. I eventually passed out after watching tv for hours until day light. The next night I was sleeping when my wife woke me up, shaking me trying to get me to awake. She said I was in a full out scream with my eyes open. She said I had the most horrified look on my face she had ever seen. She said she could tell that even though my eyes were open what I was seeing wasnt her or anything else in the room. I dont remember what I saw but I have a scary feeling that I may have had a heart attack if it wasnt for her. You see, I have really been pushing for the truth and have put my thoughts maybe in the wrong places. I know I am nobody important and that would make me that much easier to dispose of. I hope im just being paranoid but I know I am not. Since then, I have had many nightmares. One nightmare consisted of a baby with a mans face with his mouth stitched. Very akward, strange, and scary. I use to think dreams were just dreams. Now I know better. So thats my story. It is all 100% true. I would sware that in front of congress. A;so. there has to be an underground base some where around here. I have a good idea its right there in plain sight in Wampum Pa. Thanks for reading and if you have any questions or comments email me at [email protected]. I look forward to your replys. PeAcE...

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by snoopyuk

Thanks for the picks bro, totally kewl... I have seen that dock many times. You say you were delivering powderd milk? Im curious of what go's on in other parts of the minds. It is a very big place.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by snoopyuk

Hi Snoopy, nice find. Does that place remind you of a certain facility over here in Corsham? ;-)

It seems odd that a facility advertising mainly vehicle storage should be storing large quantities of powdered milk! However, looking a little deeper (pardon the pun) into this it seems it's also used by government agencies and hospitals. FEMA may use it to store emergency supplies such as bulk powdered milk, as well as hospitals for catering supplies etc.

So it may be just a warehouse,...... or it's a secret COG bunker stockpiling supplies and using a commercial front. The vehicle storage would double up as a vehicle pool that would survive a catastophe but whose owners would not. The COG inhabitants would then have their pick! ....Just kidding guys! :-)



posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 07:19 AM
In George Romero's Day of the Dead the majority of filming was done in Wampum Mine in PA. If you've seen the film then you'll know it's a huge underground place! Supposedly just a storage warehouse now though!

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by stratsys-sws

hi there hope you are well , long time no speak,

yes it does remind me of corsham, i have been meaning to u2u regarding a few things,

are you busy at the moment ?? you up for some research ??



posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 03:50 AM
Hi Snoopy...U2U on way.



posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 05:50 AM
You know.... I have to say that southern PA is a messed up place. I get this a lot, and I've been to PA myself. Something is WRONG with lots and lots of people in that state. I was near the border to Maryland, in a town called New Freedom (blegh don't get me started on why I was there).

A few very fishy things about that area:

-Freemasonry is a friggin religion there. The one church in the town was ACTUALLY not a Christian church, but a Masonic Temple. Their emblem is everywhere, and maybe it's just Southern PA that's this whacked, but it's the most blatant display of Freemason control I've ever seen!

- exactly three miles to the south of New freedom is a "hippie commune" called Heathcote, and I know a girl who was forced to live there for a year. She stated that child abuse, strange late night rituals, and massive pedophilia happen there. I applied to live there, and for a hippie commune to be so exclusive about who gets in..... seems kind of like a cult. a Children of God cult or something.

- the whole area is like something out of the Twilight Zone. It's literally like a bunch of rich people built a a bunch of beautiful towns, and then abandoned them, and eventually the inbred mutants from the woods came and took it over completely. Another person I know from that town lives in this absolutely immaculate looking neighborhood, completely over-run by the most cock-eyed evil psychotic freakazoids you will ever meet, and a year or two ago, three houses away from her, some guy held a whole family hostage and ended up murdering everyone.

- If anyone is a fan of Bill Hicks, one of his albums is called The Flying Saucer Tour, a show recorded in noneother than Pittsburg, PA. There's a flying Saucer on the cover, seeming as if it's flying out of or towards PA (an arrow points to PA.... go look at the album cover).

- Also, before I had ever even visited PA, I had dreams of being in PA and going to a secret underground facility located under a small mountain range covered with wooded area.... lo and behold, that's exactly what a great proportion of PA is.... very big hills and small mountains completely covered with dense forest. You could easily hide a facility under that landscape. The only people that would go near it would be confined to their cars on narrow highways.

Blah.... I'm not going back to New Freedom, PA EVER again. Did they ever test nuclear bombs underground in PA? or did somebody dump a bunch of radioactive waste into the water supply? Or are all these hatred-filled mutant humans some sort of science experiment gone wrong?

Don't get offended if you are from PA. I'm probably not meaning you, unless you're a hatred filled mongoloid wearing a deer hunting shirt and refusing to give me directions just cuz I ain't from 'round here and I look funny. I look funny?!?!?! Oh my god, I wondered if these people had mirrors.

Pennsylvania is #ED UP, man!!!! Not saying everyone who lives there is messed up, or that every city in PA is messed up.... but Pennsylvania is not pleasant. It's a beautiful area of land... but I just got the worst vibes EVER, like I had entered Hell or something.

[edit on 17-4-2008 by indierockalien]

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by indierockalien
I have to say that southern PA is a messed up place. -

I love S. Pennsylvania. Heck ... Eastern, Western, and Northern Pennsylvania as well. Beautiful country. Full of history. Nice people. Good food. Excellent weather. Oh ... and we have THE FLYER!

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by pauforesearcher
use this link which gives you a do-it-your-self field guide for those who wish discover the true extent of the American covert underground infrastructure.

i know one exist in ellijay georgia

the nearby town of Dawsonville (a 40 minute drive) was the site of "hot" military underground base. not to mention the marietta georgia (an hours drive) underground infrastructure.

take a gander at both steven smith's site and my thread. let me know what you think

[edit on 18-4-2008 by musselwhite]

[edit on 18-4-2008 by musselwhite]

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