I would too. The thing is, more and more people are starting to believe that the official story of 911 is wrong. As each day goes, the percentage
increases. Eventually, it will be such a large percentage that officials are going to be forced to answer questions instead of ignoring them.
I think I know why GWB pardoned himself now. I would too if I were him.
Anyone who hasn't seen this video please take some time to watch it. It is one of the best, if not the best 9-11 documentary I have seen.
I think one of it's strengths, that makes it really accessible to people who wont entertain the 'conspiracy theory', is that it takes a completely
different tack. It joins a lot of dots and shows at the very least there was vast incompetence from the US Government, and if this is true if nothing
else, nobody took any sort of responsibility for it whatsoever.
Wow! Just discovered this video and it is probably one of the most important 9/11 videos I've seen.
For anyone that is genuinely interested in 9/11, do take the time to watch it because it reveals a lot 9/11 Commission Report, and about what the
government already knew.
If it wasn't for the widows in this video, the Commission Report would not have come about, and as we all know, the Commission Report was a big waste
of time.
Very interesting, lots of facts you may not know in it, and seeing as there is nothing that can be 'debunked' in this video, it would explain the
lack of 'debunkers' commenting in this thread.
Here's a link to an all in one version of the video.