posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 07:46 PM
This is something I just wrote for a targeted individual forum, This is something about my implanted mind control.
The first real downward thing I belive they like to do (the order of this may vary) is get you labelled as mentally ill, at first when you get v2k you
dont usually know any other targets so you are ill prepared and end up telling your doctor who labelles you schizophrenic and puts you on meds, if you
have bad luck you will end up on physcotropics which aids the perps over 100%. Serequel is one of them. But we are targets you shouldnt need meds
anyway though I hear valium is good, but its addictive and your better off all meds anyway.
In my 33 years of targetting I thought Id had it all till the perps I had changed and about 30 more turned up and had control of my arms and legs and
mouth. Also my vocal chords as they can talk for me. I stopped communicating with my perps which helps 100% you feel the programming take less of a
hold the longer you go without communicating with them. And so called mind reading takes less of a hold. I have been commited to a mental health
hospital and thrown in jail for 1 year as well. I have experienced perp hallucinations which are stronger than any hallucinagenic drug, I could write
as full post just on the visuals alone. I have lost full control of my mind so that to put together a thought was impossible, I have been beaten black
and blue with my own own fists with the perps punching me continuasly in the face, no joke as well as the mind assaults I get physically kicked to #
and bitten by them, blood is regular from me. I lived in a false word were I belived the aliens had landed and wanted me to help them take over the
world, this lasted for 1 year, the world I lived was totally fake, even people took on a alien shape. I even saw u.f.os all the time.
So now I think they could be done with me as theres not much they can do, things are getting better but theve nearly drove me to live on the streets,
so always expext the unexpected from them as they have greater powers than you could ever think off. JUST NEVER EVER TALK TO THEM, dont call them
names, dont say there going to hell because they can feel your disgust and they are just people, dont lay into them or you will regret it, they are in
control, just ignore them.
O.K Thanx