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6000 yo Mumified dinosaur, Crazy!!!

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posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 03:24 AM
Unlike almost every other dinosaur fossil ever found, the Edmontosaurus named Dakota, a duckbilled dinosaur unearthed in southwestern North Dakota in 2004, is covered by fossilized skin that is hard as iron. It's among just a few mummified dinosaurs in the world, say the researchers who are slowly freeing it from a 65-million-year-old rock tomb

[edit on 20-3-2008 by gmac1000]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:41 AM
Wait..... anyone else spot the problem of a 6000 year old mummy DINOSAUR??

even the article title got it wrong, surely someone must have noticed that dinosaurs were not about 6000 years ago, specially when they say they are taking it out of a 65 million year old rock... unless the egyptians killed it and used their super powers to embed it into a rock? heh

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:41 AM
Hmmm... I would like to see more pictures of the created, other than just the face.. This should help to give us a good idea of the external physiology.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:35 AM
That's what happens when a blog site like LiveLeak pull its headline from another blog site who made it up from another blogsite.

It is an Associated Press article. The original title when searched on its site is:

Workers painstakingly uncover rare mummified dinosaur found in North Dakota

The title of the article does not need to send this thread off tangent.

Other than that, this is a great find. One of only 4 ever found, i hope they extract it well.

That is a link for a slideshow on it from CNN. Some shots of its skin.

[edit on 20/3/2008 by SilentShadow]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:00 AM
If there's one thing that most people, reporters especially, don't seem to understand, it's dinosaurs or any prehistory.

They could have just checked with your average 7-year old. They would know!

I don't think the skull in that pic is from THAT dig. I think they are just showing you what an Edmontosaurus skull looks like. It looks like parts are filled in with plaster on that one, too, which is common if that don;t have all the parts.

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