posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:50 AM
Right, you will end up with Moldy Bread!
Lets say you have your money in an FDIC insured bank account, and the dollar drops and drops and drops till it is nothing more. If your account
defaults the FDIC should cover you in Ameros when they come on line. But if you are walking around with a wheel barrel full of cash, then thats all
you have.
I would also not recommend buying Gold now. Its 'high' meaning that the speculators have been speculating. The person selling it to you bought
low, and is profit taking.
And to those who recommend the Euro... bad idea... The Euro will drop like a lead weight if the Dollar collapses, what would back their economy
without American's buying goods. Sure it is high now, swollen with Dollar Defectors. And yes the dollar looks bad, but worse when compared to the
overvalued Euro.
The Swiss Franc would be a much better choice if you want to not get swept up in the markets. Its percentage as a reserve currency is small, yet
fairly stable.
I am also not an economist, but just somewhat informed, so do whatever feels best for you. But pulling out now might seem like a good idea, but all
you are doing is following the other sheep.
One innovative investment idea I heard recently was the purchasing of foreclosed homes, and then renting the property back to the family who would
loose their residence. It is probably the most sound. It keeps the property in the hands of private citizens, and the family who would lose their
home, can keep fighting instead of moving to a tent city...
Do what ever feels right.