@Mike- Yup millitary does good and bad things to your mind, but mostly good, alot of our brains were designed for war/defence/hunting so I tend think
most of us with millitary experieance tap into a large part of our brains other men don't, but I could be biased.
As far as the overlay- THANX! It was a quicky, but I know those help me see things at a glance, and doing them helps me see details I can't see
without them, wich, without the overlay I would have missed. Any such rock shaped like that on earth wouldn't be still laying out, unless it had
recently erroded out, mainly because there are about 6.5 billion curious, semi-intelligent (lol), monkeys running around its surface! The oldest known
art on earth is a rock found in a cave that naturaly resembled a face, so we courious monkeys have been recogniseing neat shapes in rocks for a long
The moon skull is even better, with the red rim around the mouth area, AND if you look at the bigger picture you can make out where its body was too.
I just wonder why we stopped goin to the moon after that, maybe we were scared, or maybe we did go back in secret? I talked to a guy with a giant
back-yard telescope and he said the glass domes on the moon were easy to see, just no one looks. At the time (late ninties) I thought he was nuts, but
after finding all this moon stuff, it made me realize I had a debunker in me too. I'd rather error on the side of nuts, and tone it down when more
evidence is forth comming these days. So what if your theory is nuts, as long as its based on evidence?
@rocksarerocks- There is a giant diffrence between a skeptic, who talks probiblities facts and evidence, and a debunker, who demands proof rails
against deduction calls anyone who disgrees crazy and is upset by anything that can't fit into thier neat little mental box. Wich do you think you
look like to me?
I knew I put too many question marks and that it would set someone off, but others like you would have ASSumed that I was declareing it was proof
without them. I'm fully aware it really could be a rock. So, what good does it do you or anyone here to simpley dismiss it as a rock and that its not
worth anyone's time, who made you the truth sheriff? If you were to require "proof" of everything, you'd never get threw your day. Do you think
its people who aproach things like you who make discoveries and advance humanity, or people like Mike here who do more for our future? Well I geuss
we'd all just go crazy from our brains falling out all the time if debunkers weren't around to try and shove them back in our empty skulls lol.
I'd love to know how a person becomes a subject matter expert by continuously posting pictures of rocks with thread titles that are completely
misleading followed by a question mark.
LOL I'm not a rock expert 1st of all. Like I said I just know weapons real well, from bare hands to M1A1's I've handled, used, repaired, studied,
and forgott more about weaponry in genral than most people , and who better to make some educated guesses? Who exactly are all these people being
miss-led? Do you think your self the saviour of the mentaly meek, or are you affraid YOUR being miss-led? What a party pooper. I bet the guy/gal who
found that rock laying around, wich we later found as the oldest known art, had some other cave man standing over his/her shoulder saying "Ug, THAT
not a face, it just a rock, me think you crazy! Put rock back, we have mamoth to hunt." Good thing they didn't listen either!