posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 12:56 PM
I'm going out on a limb a little bit, and am risking myself of possibly being labeled a bigot. This is not the case, but I am posing a situation of
which may be in the near future for the US. I do not have any supporting evidence for this situation, this is just going on a gut feeling.
The Situation:
The current presidential candidates, any and all of them, have a high risk of assasination by various groups based on race/religious/political
standing. If this were to happen, and was at the hand of a person of another race, creed, color, or political standing than the candidate, there
would be a potential for race/religious/political rioting much like the LA riots, but country wide.
Massive looting, fires, hate crimes, and possibly vigilantism could happen in areas of high racially/religiously/politcally mixed populations. Say
this has happened and martial law has not yet been declared, and no one can speculate how long the rioting will last.
My question that I pose to my fellow members here on the forums, is what to do? Luckily, I am on the far outskirts of suburbia surrounding a large
metropolitan area, under most arms of the reasons for the riots, I would be far enough away from the heavily populated areas to be affected.
Those members in the urban areas, what do you do if you are a member of the non-rioting faction? Bug out? In? Join the resistance? And why?
And as always please keep the thread on topic.
[edit on 18-3-2008 by DropInABucket]
Before anyone gets upset, no...its not the entire race/religion/polical side that is rioting, just a large enough percentile that
urbanites/suburbanites in the affected areas are at significant risk 24/7.
[edit on 18-3-2008 by DropInABucket]