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My new avatar...

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posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:40 AM

It is symbolic of those on the street; satan's star

Those with gridded and surveyed lots with homes; nazi symbol

The power grid that seperates the two is the magnetic field symbol.

The all seeing eye of the elite with the radiation/bio-hazard symbol.

At the bottom is the symbol of the black sun.


I feel trapped. At times suicidal. At times murderous.

I own several hundred thousand dollars of homes; all under high tension power lines. I bought them because they were abandoned and run down... but in my eyes at the time; structurally worthy of saving; heart pine, timberframed homes of yesteryear. Naive to the dangers of EMF when I began... I've patched and plumbed... roofed and repaired... The home I am in now is a beautiful 1899 colonial revival in a historic part of downtown. Hardwood everywhere; floors walls and ceilings.

I cannot stay here... the sizzle is killing me and driving me mad. I feel it is effecting me more so than others because of my childhood heavy metal poisoning... but it is bad nonetheless for all involved... this area of town was abandoned and boarded up for over a decade before I came here. I though it was just because nobody wanted to fix up an old house... I was wrong.

But I have to sell these homes to someone because I owe the bank/society.

I bring innocent souls here to live on my compound; beneath this evil and endless radiation. I charge them rent... Nobody stays long. Turnover is inevitable. I seek new owners; buyers. I don't know that I can ever shake hands and look into the eye of the family that wishes to purchase this burden from me; half a million dollars of biohazard.

I feel like evil incarnate. I hate myself. 1000's of man hours of my life renovating a slice of hell... to find myself with a well polished radioactive turd. This is my life... and this avatar is now my symbol.

Whether I move...
Whether I burn my houses down...
Whether I continue to be a landlord with endless tenant turnover...
Whether I declare bankruptcy...
Whether I sell to an unsuspecting fool...
Whether I set my Stihl chainsaw to the hundreds of city high tension lines...

My soul is forever tainted.

10+ gauss overhead...


Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:03 AM
That's pretty disturbing. Maybe you should have the guy that reads avatars give your new avatar the once over...he's pretty good

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by jensouth31
Maybe you should have the guy that reads avatars give your new avatar the once over.

I find my existence is disturbing.

Who is this avatar read you speak of? Is he like a palm reader?

Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:13 AM
It's this thread right here

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:13 AM
Ooooops.....double post :bnghd:

[edit on 3/18/2008 by jensouth31]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
I find my existence is disturbing.

Then it's your responsibility to change the things that lead you to that reality. It can be done....

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by kinglizard

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
I find my existence is disturbing.

Then it's your responsibility to change the things that lead you to that reality. It can be done....

What is it I am to do?

my two bare hands...

I plant 100's of trees.
I have repaired every broken board.
I have reroofed every structure here.
I have replumbed every structure here.
I pray
I read scripture

All my ducks are in a row.

I am losing my mind seeking the solution you elude to.

I've spoken with the city.
I've spoken with the police.
I've spoken with the fire department.
I have been blown off repeatedly by the power company.
I have spoken with numerous attorneys that tell me there is no law against such lines over my home.

I wear magnetic jewelry
I sleep with a large magnet and sodalite crystals
I have have installed sheet metal for a ceiling in my bedroom

I've called 911 and sat under the lines; looking up as they sizzle while they asked me what was wrong, insinuating I was crazy...

I have been lead here by in internal urge to do right... to make right of a poor circumstance, in a poor end of town. I have done everything in my power; sans purchasing the power company outright and digging the high tension lines underground myself.

I've shown my neighbors the bad areas with my gauss meter... and those that I do show... if they are tenents... they soon leave...

I keep my personal power consumption very low. I do not heat my water with power. I do not heat my home with power.

And now I am here... speaking.

what is it I must do?

I am ready to just paint 666 on everything I own here... forget my family name and associated debts... and live on the streets or join a commune.

but what is honor?


Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

I cannot say I know what pain you are going through. However, you have other options.

Do you have any savings? If so, you can buy a piece of land and rebuild a cob or straw bale house.

If not, are you willing to sell your house for a less desirable price and get out fast?

You are a very outspoken member who I respect and do not want to see you go down tubes.

I'll be back later to give some more ideas.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Try selling them to FEMA... Or some other big organization with well knows ties to endless amounts of money.

I feel very sorry for you having placed so much creativity and hope into these hellholes only to discover that your labor of love has turned out to be nothing more than castles in the sand.

Remember sometimes it is not about the end results it is about the journey.
This journey is finished for you now or at least your ideas dreams and goals of the outcome. Be greatful for the opportunity to have done your best and for good reason, noble and true. If you must there is always the auction.

I am very proud to hear of your work and to know you have given all and raised the consciousness of your community , even if it fell on deaf ears and closed hearts. Pearls before swine as they say.

It will not change you or touch the beauty of its completion.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 02:35 PM
PS Yank those trees up and relocate them, at least the ones you can! I love tree's and perhaps you can take them with you to where ever existence is calling for you to be.

Blessings , light , love and much laughter!

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
Do you have any savings? If so, you can buy a piece of land and rebuild a cob or straw bale house.

I own land; beautiful land in rural America... I own it outright. I could live there... but I am here... finishing this last colonial... because before I was here this was an abandoned crack house... I felt a moral obligation as an able bodied carpenter, with good credit, to fix it. Now I own it... and owe a fortune for having brought it back to life.

and I have to "finish it" before anyone else will buy it from me or "live in it" to help me float the taxes, mortgage, & insurance. If I walk away now... leave it as is... unoccupied it will go back to the same state it was in when I found it... windows shot out... condoms on the floor... human faeces in the corners. Taxes unpaid; loan in default....

But I am essentially out of money... completion is another 10k away...

If not, are you willing to sell your house for a less desirable price and get out fast?

I've lowered my prices to the point of loss... I've come to terms that selling is not an option at the moment; economy as it is. So I'm a landlord by default... even if I sold cheap... I have to face the man I sell to... as I face my tenants... at least my tenants get "opt out clauses"

I just do not know what path to take... it seems the door of possibility is closing faster than I can make my way to it.

I just want to be on my land with my family... in a tent if need be... with this burden off my shoulders and conscience. The thought of being an absentee landlord is the last thing I want.

Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by antar
Try selling them to FEMA... Or some other big organization with well knows ties to endless amounts of money.

This journey is finished for you now or at least your ideas dreams and goals of the outcome. Be greatful for the opportunity to have done your best and for good reason, noble and true. If you must there is always the auction.

That sandcastle picture reminds me of my compound.

This journey is nearing an end... but I think I will spend many hours in the confession booth explaining my heart on the matter to a priest.

I have never heard of selling ones home to fema because there are high tension lines overhead... can you provide links?

nice to see you both on my thread antar and biggie...


Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by antar
PS Yank those trees up and relocate them, at least the ones you can! I love tree's and perhaps you can take them with you to where ever existence is calling for you to be.

Blessings , light , love and much laughter!

The only place on my land that I can hold my gauss meter in the air and not get a reading is when I am standing under one of the trees I planted.

These trees are staying; they protect and provide fruit for my tenants. There are plenty of trees where I am eventually headed.

...If I had any more room on visa platinum I would send a bunch of fruit tree saplings to Heaven.

Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 03:20 PM
I really do not like the idea of being a "pity me" type of person...

I want to be upfront that I do not want pity... I am really looking for salvation... understanding... insight.

my mind is twisted over my life position. this is my 5th year under the sizzle.. my jaw shakes and my forehead crinkles... I just want out. and for the life of me... I cannot figure it out. I cannot come to terms with how it is I get to leave here... in clear conscience. How do I get me, my wife, my dog, and two cats out of here... how do I get this property under these lines into someone else's hands... who deserves that? who am I to put that upon them?

What should land under high tension lines be used for?


Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 03:33 PM
something that really frustrates me...

before I came here... "bad people" occupied these houses... drunkards, prostitutes, junkies, hoodlums, vagrant vandals... satans star

when I am done with a home... "good people" occupy them... tax paying, job holding, family oriented, hard working.... good people. swastika party corporate job holders...

and the prettier I make things... the more I stack on the crown moulding... the fancier the lighting... the more sturdy the floors and walls...

the "better" the people that arrive... or at least the more "orderly" clean cut swastiky...

In short; I attract societally perceived "good people" to a radiative hell.

I used to like the people that paid their taxes and lived in houses...

Now, through the periods of sickened thought and suicidal tendencies, I consider becoming a vagrant.

Just walking away....

blackened sun,

Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by antar
Try selling them to FEMA... Or some other big organization with well knows ties to endless amounts of money.

I sent an email to habitat for humanity... thanks for the inspiration.

Somehow, annonymizing the transfer through another "organization" holds the potential to clear my conscience...

that said...

Could you imagine being someone that signed up for habitat or a fema structure... got one of mine... and then found this thread on the net...


Is there any way to get a judge to pass some type of judgement on the property? What would that be called? I would need it like... condemned, with debt cleared. I can see a judge looking at me like I'm nuts now...

Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:18 PM
Sri Oracle,

You just u2u’d me asking that I comment again in this thread but I don't feel qualified to offer any real advice. It seems like you attribute these psychological issues on the magnetic fields from high voltage lines…or from allowing others to live in your homes that are under these lines???? Am I reading the issue correctly?

Anyway the obvious knee jerk advice would be to tell you to move and sell the homes but who knows if that is the real issue. I feel this may be due to very common and treatable mental illness possibly including depression. The best advice I could give is advising you to see a qualified physician. If nothing comes of that then consider other possibilities but you need to first rule that out.


posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:21 PM
As for the avatar it depicts all the most powerful negative imagery we have in this world. I believe it's more powerful than most realize and I recommend trashing it and finding something more positive. Stop connecting with negative things....

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
You just u2u’d me asking that I comment again in this thread but I don't feel qualified to offer any real advice. It seems like you attribute these psychological issues on the magnetic fields from high voltage lines…or from allowing others to live in your homes that are under these lines???? Am I reading the issue correctly?

The issues are quite physiological as well... tension headaches; aches and pains; magnesium and calcium deficiencies; I suspect long term bone loss...

Having been here 5 years... I feel like radiation in raining through me and taking parts away as it does. Its hard to explain...

I definately wouldn't want to put anyone else here long time... wife and I are refusing to have children.

I feel this may be due to very common and treatable mental illness possibly including depression. The best advice I could give is advising you to see a qualified physician.

I am quite depressed and anxious... an absolute inability to concentrate without losing track of what I was thinking about... the symptoms leave almost immediately when I leave here though... memory of my time "off compound" is what gets me through the things I have to do here under the lines.

When I camp on my land in the Ozarks... or when I just leave for the weekend... all symptoms and anxieties come to rest....

and I sleep; something uncommon for me lately...

Even when I visit a friend in town... I sleep...

The lines I am talking about are not your regular house to house lines... they're like the corn field in nebraska lines that would light up flourescents if the city lights weren't to bright to make the phenomenon possible.

It sounds like a big vat of bacon frying at high heat on my front porch.

The symptoms are most definitely not simply psychological. My corner house is the worst on the Gauss meter. I've had three tenants there...

first beat each other up
second accused me of stealing and spying on him; but since he moved out we became friends
third lived in the back room under a self concocted wire net until last week when she gave me her 30 day notice.

all of the other houses on the block have been torn down.

all the other houses on the way from the substation to here are either mine... or have been torn down or are unoccupied/abandoned. and most on this side of the street from here to the next substation... are unoccupied abandoned, or torn down.

It is quite obvious there is a problem when you look at the situation as a whole, objectively.

My madness lies in my need to pass this evil onto someone else to save myself; at times I'd rather kill myself than place another thrifty nickle ad for another short term tenant to radiate.

eco-friendly downtown 1/1
wood heat - solar hot water

Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
As for the avatar it depicts all the most powerful negative imagery we have in this world. I believe it's more powerful than most realize and I recommend trashing it and finding something more positive. Stop connecting with negative things....

I try so hard to connect to the positive... I feel like I am the only positive influence on my block... I try to be a positive influence in all that I do...

I, alone, am the one who picks up the litter around here.
I, alone, am the one who gardens around here.

Why would anyone else stop to?

"Danger: Radiation, Keep Moving"

For the sake of man... this issue, this evil issue needs brought to the light.

So, though I may save my "signature" for positive tidings... for now... my evil avatar with all of its negative imagery will stay.

I have no outlet in the real world for my thoughts on the sizzle...
I cannot bring it up with my banker.
I cannot bring it up with my tenants.
I cannot bring it up with my wife... she knows.
I do not bring it up with friends; I do not like to be a pity me... and my friends largely are in no position to help... and they know... they don't stay here long when the lines are cracking; it makes your neck hurt.

I find bringing it up with a realtor puts it on their conscience... and no sale will come that way.

High tension lines are largely a defacto taboo subject.

"Hi... would you like to rent my home under the high tension lines?"

I will promise on the day that I can disconnect myself from this nightmare... I'll change the avatar to butterflies and bunnies for you though.

Until then... ATS is going to have to suffer the world from my perspective for a bit...

A world full of conforming fascists opposed by lawless satanists, so divided by the elitists fields of power, yielding a cancerous blackened sun.

lolly pops and rainbows,

Sri Oracle

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

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