posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:30 AM
wasup everyone,
im in college and i just got home from class and i get on the highway and start spotting ana unusual amout of state troopers around just sitting so i
continue driving and i see a helicopter circling the area. immediately i start to think theres a high sped chse or something and i might get to see
something exciting. then i came down to earth and realized its probobly just an accident or something or a speed trap.
so i get almost to my exit and notice that the troopers have the whole northbound side of I-95 blocked off by the airport and im really starting to
wonder wats going on and i gt home run in the house and turn on the news and what do i see...... George Bush stepping out of air force one.
(By the way, i live in Jacksonville Florida)
needless to say im more impressed with the plane than him. just when i though i was going to get to witness something exciting.
i live almost literally next door to the airport so i hope i get to see it take off. But i was wondering and i noticed that besides his caravan he
really didnt have any kind of protection. a couple blocked roads and a motorcade and he's supposed to be safe. i just thought that was alittle odd.