The United States is slated for destruction in 2010. Thats when the SPP will be fully implemented. And it wont be any war that brings the USA down but
rather its very own political leaders.
These political leaders wont act to stop massive waves of illegal immigrants into US territory because they know its pointless with the impending
merger between the US, Canada and Mexico.
The merger between the United States, Canada, and Mexico has been underway since the NAFTA treaty but has recently accelerated with the illegal SPP
treaty of 2005 I say illegal because any treaty must be approved by the US Congress but this one wasnt. Bush calls it an "agreement" and therefore
doesnt need approval.
Just recently Canada and the United States agreed to share troops in the event of a crisis. It will be much easier for canadian troops to shoot a US
citizen for failing to go along with Marshall Law than for a US soldier to do so.
Mexican truck drivers are now free to enter US soil to deliver goods. And with the coming NAFTA Superhighway, mexican trucks will have free reign
inside the USA.
The US economy and Dollar are being purposely destroyed from within. Recessions dont just happen folks, they are scientifically designed by the
Federal Reserve and its elite banking families.
Using the age old tactic of heglian principles, the elite are causing the crisis and will naturally offer you the solution. This "solution" will be
a new currency called the Amero followed by a new nation called The North American Union.
And for those that think this wont happen, I refer you to the European Union.
Nobody should be surprised by this act. After all, the politicians we elect tend to all be members of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), a body
that supports world govt. What did you think would happen when you elect people who are members of the CFR ? And dont think things will change in the
coming election...all the remaining candidates are CFR members. The election is a fraud and this country will soon end thanks to the ignorance of its
citizens and the political leaders/traitors.
And dont think the elite arent prepared for those cowboys that plan on resisting. Right now Haliburton's baby company (KBR) is building concentration
/ internment camps in the United States in preparation for Marshall Law. Last year alone Congress allocated 385 million dollars for these camps to be
The govt is even working with local clergy in a program designed by FEMA to get people to submit to Marshall Law by using Romans 13. They have already
used this tactic in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Its time to wake up folks.