posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 06:50 PM
If you're going to grow herbs,try to use them fresh if you can.Just pick off what you need and give it a rinse.Drying herbs takes away a lot of the
robust flavour.
I used to keep planters on my window sill so the herbs were just a reach away.
Tarragon is great for a lemon herb butter or creamy sauce for fish and veggies.
Basil is awesome for tomato sauces,and so is oregano.
Thyme is a wonder for soups,sauces and gravies.
If you can grow fresh pepper where you are,grow it as well.Leave them as corns and grind as necessary.Keep all herbs and spices out of sunlight
(dried).Sunlight diminishes the flavour and potency.
Happy Cooking!