The message: Text By Pholus A. Xephyr
This is a
positive message demonstrating our shifting consciousness.
Imagine a single-celled amoeba or even some type of simple-celled bacterial lifeform. Its consciousness, at its limited state, is purely reactionary.
It lives its life concerned with only survival. If the conditions for life exist, it reaches out and feeds, and continues to feed until it ingests
enough for its DNA to double, then it splits and then there are two feeding until they again split, and continue to live in this fashion, continually
moving forward (or outward from its original position) until the conditions for feeding cease and it goes dormant (awaiting the next opportunity to
feed and divide) or dies. Imagine bacteria in a Petri dish. This is pretty much how it lives and dies.
That is, at its most basic,
linear 1st dimensional living and consciousness.
Now imagine an ant, a complex lifeform living its entire life on the surface of the earth. It does not look up and wonder about the clouds or the
stars. It is primarily concerned about the propagation of its species. It nurtures and thrives, and reacts to conditions in its
environment but does not try to rise above it or concern itself with the affairs of other species unless it is a matter of territory. Its world is
essentially flat and centered on the essentials of continuity. It moves back and forth and comprehends the idea of width as it relates to territory.
When its community is threatened it fights, when its community grows too big it breaks off to form another.
Gravity has little effect on it in the sense that, like an ant, it does not perceive
UP and
DOWN, it only knows,
BACK and
FORTH. As long as there is a surface on which it can move. If it has a religious system, it must surely believe that humans and other animals
are gods since they seem to come out of nowhere and destroy them. Their lifeform is so far removed or separated from that of higher forms of life,
that they can't even imagine what life is like outside of living life on a plane (flat surface).
This is
planar 2nd dimensional living and consciousness.
Now lets move up the evolutionary ladder to man. We might imagine that there are other lifeforms that consider its environment beyond the simple 2nd
dimensional concepts, but we can only judge them based on their demonstration of those considerations, such as, intentionally building vehicles that
help them traverse beyond their point of origin. As such, we can grant some limited higher consciousness to the animal kingdom, but, for the vast
proportion of their life, they are 2nd dimensional entities. Even birds, who do exist in the air, still only use the air as a means of getting from
point A to point B. So, for them, the air is still just another surface for which they are naturally equipped.
Over the millennia, man's consciousness has slowly shifted from the 2nd dimension to the 3rd. Man slowly grew out of his fearful belief structure in
which his reality was a flat earth where the unknown existed above and below and at the
edge of their reality. As Discovery and Invention
became part of man's normal existence, he developed 3rd dimensional consciousness. Man has added to his natural experience the concept of curiosity.
Not just curiosity about where the next meal, shelter, or mate might be found, but curiosity simply for curiosity's sake. Wonder.
Wonder became the separation point for mankind to shift into higher states of consciousness. First man wondered about his environment and why it was
the way it was. Man looked up and wondered if he could reach up and touch the sky, so he reasoned that if he could climb high enough he should be able
to do so, but fear of the unknown told him this was not allowed (Tower of Babel). Man invented classism, sexism, prejudice, and religion to control
others within its species. This is living
IN THE BOX (within the cube). There were four walls and nothing else, all reality was governed by
immutable laws that were a mystery only the clergy of whatever religious superstition and political body could dictate and disseminate.
There became two different perspectives on the purpose of mankind's existence; to simply continue and thrive in an unchanging, fear-based world,
or to expand and evolve his conscious understanding. These two perspectives fought against each other for millennia. Each tiny step of
evolutionary thinking and experimentation and finally general acceptance opened the door to the next, and then the next, ever while fighting against
the established conditions of those who supposedly controlled the thinking and actions of the common individual.
This was/is
our shift into 3rd dimensional living and consciousness.
So what is 4th dimensional living and consciousness? For one, it is moving/thinking
OUTSIDE THE BOX. Recognizing that there is something
MORE and that is can and should be understood. That is our mind is a living Tesseract or Hypercube capable of expanding and thinking beyond the
perceived barriers of physical matter. Another notable way we are
already living "subconsciously" within the 4th dimension. Since the 4th
dimension is presented as "Time" or rather the concept of "non-linear time", or more correctly, "space-time" we have actually, passively begun
to incorporate into our thinking the very idea that time and space are relative to the individual perception.
With the invention of writing we have documented our known history, and combined with our imagination and ingenuity we can perceive the past and
extrapolate into the future. We see time from both ends of the spectrum, and from any juncture we choose. Not only that, but we have actually, as a
mass consciousness,
CHANGED the past. This is a subtle concept that not many will consider, but it is absolutely true. How have we changed the
past? Consider the FACT that mankind literally accepted, beyond doubt, as a species, that the world was flat. That the Sun somehow traversed across
the sky and that, for all intents and purposes, the Earth was the center of reality (the universe).
There was no other concept of life beyond the known and anything
not known or understood was feared.
PART II is the 6th post down, enjoy
[edit on 18-3-2008 by xnibirux]