I have debated the location of this for a bit and because these Winter Soldiers testimonies are currently happening now, I figured this is the
Alright. In light of the recent thread that I started about the US soldiers shooting a 10 year old Iraqi girl, I decided to look a bit into the
winter soldier 2008 testimonies. These soldiers are gathering for a four day event, as they did in 1971, to tell their stories of war crimes that
they have been a part of while in Iraq and Afghanistan.
During the thread about the Iraqi girl, many military people shared their opinions as to how they felt about this girl being shot. The agreeing term,
at least from intelligent posters, was that whether it was accidental or on purpose, it is a sad thing that this girl died. It is truly sad that
anyone has to die over there, but that goes without saying.
My goal with this thread is to hopefully get the opinions of some military personnel on how they feel about these soldiers coming forward and sharing
their stories. Some of the things they claim to have been a part of are beyond comprehension. I am curious to know whether people believe that these
guys should not be saying anything, or if they agree that these crimes deserve to be heard and dealt with.
Here are excerpts from two articles about this event. There is some profanity in the articles so be aware when checking out the links.
Marine Jon
Turner spoke of his first kill. He called the person "the fat man," and said he was an innocent. His commander celebrated the death. According to
Turner, his commander would have given him or any other marine a 4 day leave pass, if his first kill had been by stabbing.
...., "We were ordered to guard a fuel station - and a bunch of people rushed to get fuel, and we jumped off the truck and charged at the Iraqis and
we really beat the hell out of them with rifles, fists, feet, and so once they had fled, broken and bleeding, we mounted up our trucks and
Article 1
Clifton Hicks talked about free fire orders in city neighborhoods and the indiscriminate, often vengeful, targeting of cars and civilians, and
about riding through the gates of their compound one night, aware that the humvee in front of his had run over a civilian.
Article 2
I guess my question is this. Are the actions that these soldiers had to take justifiable or are they just actions that are part of war? My biggest
concern is that the commanding officers in these situations seem to be "getting off" by conducting this occupation like a competition between their
I know not all soldiers act irresponsibly. That is a given. And this thread is by no means intended to attack the military. It is however to attack
the "so called war on terror" coined by or fearless leader GW.
To be honest I feel sorry that our soldiers have to be put into these situations in the first place. If our protectors weren't given false info in
the first place, this would not be necessary. We have now reached a point where it may not be possible to bring these guys home anytime soon. This I
believe was the intention from day one of this conflict. The atrocities that these soldiers speak of are not to be blamed on them but to be blamed on
the current leaders of this great nation we call home.
I know that some will take the quick post of, you should be grateful that these guys are protecting you and allowing you to be on your computer. But,
those who really care about our protectors know that they do not need to be fighting an unnecessary battle created by a man with his own agenda and
not the best interests of our nation at heart.
Whether you side with the argument that war is war or that you feel these actions are inexcusable, the fact of the matter is that we need to know what
our soldiers are being put through on a daily basis and the toll it takes on them both physically and emotionally.
Thanks for taking the time to read this thread and to keep our soldiers in your thoughts.
thank you to alternet for the two contributing articles in this thread.