posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Rasobasi420
I think you should treat everything with compassion and understanding. She was feeling sick and decided to head home. It's not like she was cutting
class to go home and play video games.
Even though it seems cut and dried according to their rules, nothing ever really is. Especially if you want kids to grow up without contempt for laws.
Rather than enforcing rules, use common sense. Even some cops know this, they let people off for minor things if they realize they made an honest
Being stubborn and unflinching with respect to laws and rules.. But there are always exceptions to make.
And sure, nobody wakes up thinking "I'm going to save someone today", but that's what you do when the situation comes up. Whether it's self
preservation, or a selfless heroic act.
It's just my opinion, and a moot point now anyway, since I'm sure she's already served detention, and like people said, it's easy to do. But it's
the principle of the matter that's probably most important.
I guess they showed her right from wrong.