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is ats being hached/subverted from within or ?

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posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:46 AM

Earlier. I decided to share what I know first hand and included some links to a documentry series on YOUTUBE entitled ILLUMINATI Bloodlines Of Power. Within 5 minutes of making that post my compter crashed, high speed connection froze and I had to gain access from another computer an different wireless connection. The I noticed my posting moved from the top of recent posts down to almost the was gone for a little while, and no, I am not imaging it (I am talking to you MF who is messing with the posts and who is now monitoring my posts).

My dad already rold me this forum is being especially monitored by Homelanmd Security or some agency that shares with the others. It doesn't bother me; I always speak the truth and am way up the food chain to whomever this pissant that is messing with me works for.

However, and while I have alredy stated I know this web forum is fly paper, I have read and gotten a strong feeling that something subversive internally was going on; as though the owners had were answering to some outside influence. Has ownership in ATS changed? Has some new money and influence come in? Somethings not right. Has ATS been threatened by some attorey or agency...they would not do it covertly, they would come at you under a flag of law.

It doesn't matter, I have already decided what I believe,

Here are links to ILLUMINATI Bloodlines of power Parts 1-5 of 31 way of spitting in whomever's face


Good luck, we are all going to need it


mod edit cap title

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 3/17/2008 by kinglizard]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:04 AM
I think some agency is monitoring the site and there are plants here that subvert and suppress discussion. Back in 2006-2007 there were a lot more controversial topics around and important information was coming out but it all seems to have been quietly deleted and "forgotten". I don't know how anyone could moderate this site without taking up arms and getting ready for things to go down, or at least try and get all this stuff out as soon as possible to as many people as they can. Around mid-2007 or so, there were many hoaxes deliberately being posted (end of the world dates which never happened and the like) which brought the quality and reliability of the site down a lot. My page refreshes every now and then and I know it's not the ads. We'll see if this thread disappears or not...

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:09 AM
My page refreshes every few seconds only when I am on this site.

Also over the last week when I am on ATS only my page just shuts down!
Other pages stay up just ATS goes away and brings me back to my home page. All other tabs stay open and on their current pages. If I have ATS on two tabs then both tabs close down.

Highly annoying.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by MajKarma

It was probably your ad blocker.

I have Part one and two Google links, it makes two DVDs.

Linked on this page:

Report down links, always search topic for reposting

PART ONE: Learn where the term Hicks comes from.
Like Hicksville.

PART TWO: I think that has the Queens Throne with the Blood
Stone underneath taken from Jacob as he rested his head before
fighting with angels coming down from a ladder.

Years later an angel came to save a town in Mexico and asked
some peasant to move a stone who refused three times and then
the angle moved it himself exposing an underground stream saving
the community from thirst and starvation.

I think the town reverted back to un thankful ways and the stream gave
out. It goes in and out nowadays.

ED: On a private forum the owner made a loop to change links
to another form that he disliked.

[edit on 3/17/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by MajKarma

I have had almost the same thing happen to me all the time.

from errors that close my internet explorer window against my will....
to glitches that mess up my post composing (some weird thing where when I go back to edit a part of my post .....not with the edit button, but during the initial post...... the new stuff I type out deletes the old in its place instead of moving it right-down)
and more!

I believe that it IS a conspiracy, though, there is not only humans who are trying to regulate the net, but spirits who are masters (atleast some of them) at timing you into events.... they know when it is going to storm and they know when your internet is going to shut down for maintenance, etc....

the "ghosts" hanging around me have played me into scenarios like yours, all the time!

they were even kind enough to tell me about it.. and let my little mind think it over......

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:03 PM

The very same things you guy's are talking about happen to me too, well, not sure about the spirits, but the page refreshing and while I'm typing at my very slow rate, my page moves, and I have to retype half of what I was typing all over again, but again, only this site, never happens emailing or on other forums. I was wondering if those things happened to others here, now I know.

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by MajKarma
Has ownership in ATS changed? Has some new money and influence come in? Somethings not right. Has ATS been threatened by some attorey or agency...they would not do it covertly, they would come at you under a flag of law.


Simon Gray, the founder, started this site in 1997 and remains intimately involved.

I began helping with site technology and hosting in early 2004, and remain the only person able to access the servers.

Mark began helping with business-expansion assistance in 2005, and remains in that role today.

At the bottom of every page of this website is a link to our corporate site that is very open about who we are and what we're doing:

Also at the bottom of every page on this website is a clear link to a Contact US form. We have thousands of members and tens-of-thousands guests visit the site every day and I've not heard of the kind of issues you're describing... nor have I heard from you to see if we can track down the cause.

Here are some additional links that help demonstrate our openness...
Privacy Policy
Executive Staff

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by WishI
reply to post by MajKarma

the new stuff I type out deletes the old in its place instead of moving it right-down)

Maybe you accidentally pressed the INSERT button. It does the same thing if you have it set to. Go to your control panel and check out the keyboard settings.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:27 PM
Any organisation visiting with the explicit purpose of altering the social fabric is a subversive organisation.

In which case, it's probably happened more times than any particular ATS member would care to keep track of.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:34 PM
You'll always have spies on this web site but as for Simon Gray, S.O. & Springer, I feel they're doing what they can to deny ignorance and let us all know what's going on around the world. And they let us speak our minds for free while working hard to keep it that way. You might want to check to see if you have Trojans or viruses messing with you. I could be wrong , but I feel this web site ( ATS ) along with BTS & PTS are the best out there. Of course this is what it's all about on here. If you have a conspiracy theory that even involves the three amigo's or other staff and the web site then speak your peace, but I have had very few problems with this site. I listen, learn & try to deny ignorance as best as I can, but so many here are better at it than me. I can only imagine what it's like to keep the servers going while hundreds of new members keep flocking in. I give them thanks for keeping things good and for letting free speech rule here.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by saturnsrings

but the page refreshing and while I'm typing at my very slow rate, my page moves,

Do you mean your page jumps up and down?
If so, that is a problem that started occurring about a month ago, if you are using Firefox, there are several causes and fixes.
One fix involves hiding the bookmarks toolbar.
To find the problem and solution that applies to you, google "Firefox page jumping".
There are too many possibilities to know what caused your problem. Another recent problem with igoogle involves gadgets not loading on igoogle anymore. Clearing cache will solve that one.
The last month has been a terror for Firefox and google problems.

As far as Homeland Security watching ATS, who cares? Well, actually, I do because they're wasting tax dollars if they are. Most people here don't say anything here that they wouldn't say in public. IF being disgusted with the politicians in Washington is a crime, then they'll have to arrest 80% of the country, and the other 20% should be committed to a mental institution for the mentally delusional. Last time I checked, free speech is still allowed. Anymore advocating anything more is quickly put in place by the moderators.
So speak your peace. We believe in freedom here, freedom to agree or disagree, but please do it nicely. Hey, if homeland security wants to discuss anything, chime in. You're welcome to your opinion too. No one here wants anything but good to come to our countries.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:53 PM
A huge +1 for the FireFox problems.

Over the last few weeks firefox has sometimes made it impossible to post here.
While I am typing my post, the screen will do things That I dont tell it do, Large blocks of text seem to dissappear for what seems like no reason and if I press the backspace button to correct a mistake, my browser will sometimes go back a page, making me lose my work.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:54 PM
Judging by the content of the site, and the massive amount of disinformation, I think it is pretty clear to anyone with even half a brain that this site was created and is maintained by the intelligence agencies. Also, consider the fact that it is advertised on C2C - do you know any other website that does that?

Here, so much truth is mixed with incredible disinformation to do with aliens and the New Age. Only the government does that.

When you mix the facts about Freemasonry, global government, microchipping, mind control, etc. with incredible propaganda and new age nonsense, you lead people to a state of psychosis where they are unable to tell fact from fiction, and thus totally neutralized. This type of mental illness is evidenced all over this forum, with all the talk of planet x, aliens, 2012, etc. - people clearly having no ability to tell what is and is not real, until it is all just a soup of confusion in their minds.

Not all new age sites are created by the government, mind you. People who maybe unknowingly start a website promoting the new age quickly see the kind of psychosis produced by this kind of bizarre propaganda, and they are left with a choice to either keep going, as there is incredible money in all of this new age nonsense, or begin to direct people toward facts rather than insane religious propaganda.

I am not accusing anyone who works for this site of anything, as I am certain only the very top people would be aware of what is going on here (for instance, the "site owner" who is on here suspiciously proclaiming his innocence). If any of the employees are reading this, you will log this in your memory, and later be reminded of it, and see it happening. It is all very plain when laid out as I just have.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:56 PM
Yup, it was driving me crazy until I found the fixes. Firefox is a great product. I did a lot of beta testing of it, but the down side of open code, is the risk you take with problems, as they forge ahead with new features. All in all, it's MUCH more stable than IE. I wouldn't use IE, if you paid me.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Wilsonfrisk

Judging by the content of the site, and the massive amount of disinformation, I think it is pretty clear to anyone with even half a brain that this site was created and is maintained by the intelligence agencies. Also, consider the fact that it is advertised on C2C - do you know any other website that does that?

You're free to believe what you want. But what are you afraid of?
Do you use email?
Do you have a credit card?
Do you ever order anything over the internet?
Do you ever use a cell phone, or land line?
The government has access to all those things too.
I certainly can't and don't speak for the owners, but I'm sure that they would say something like "Join in if you like, or if you don't fine"
You are FREE here to do or not to do.

When you mix the facts about Freemasonry, global government, microchipping, mind control, etc. with incredible propaganda and new age nonsense, you lead people to a state of psychosis where they are unable to tell fact from fiction, and thus totally neutralized. This type of mental illness is evidenced all over this forum, with all the talk of planet x, aliens, 2012, etc. - people clearly having no ability to tell what is and is not real, until it is all just a soup of confusion in their minds.

You know what you just described above? SOCIETY
Every one of those things you mentioned exist as items of discussion in every day life.
Sure, some people believe in planet x. I personally don't, but here you're free to discuss what you believe or don't believe. Do you feel free to do that where you work?
We're not mindless idiots that all believe the same thing. At ATS here, there are scientists, professors, lawyers, truck drivers, farmers, just about every walk of life, free to discuss what they want when they want,...
and just maybe learn something.
Have a Nice Day.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by MajKarma

Does it matter if it's being subverted from within, so what if it is? They should have a section on here called "ways you'd fix the govt". If big brother was monitoring they may actually learn something. Not trying to be rude by saying our govt is run by twelve year olds, they're doing a good job showing it on their own.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:49 PM
I think you people are way too paranoid. Have you ever heard the phrase, "If you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras"? It applies here. If you're having browser problems on a website, perhaps it's just your browser or the website? Why does it have to be some conspiracy against you, or that big brother is watching you? That's just silliness. Stop jumping to absurd conclusions.

After all, you're probably not that important. I'd imagine that 99.999% of the people on this forum are uninteresting to the three-letter agencies. I use Firefox all the time and I've never had a problem on this website. Not once. I guess that means I'm also uninteresting to the three-letter agencies.

Clear your cache from time to time. Keep your browser updated. Use a good antivirus tool and run anti-spyware software regularly. Keep a clean computer and you generally won't have these sorts of bizarre problems. And when you do, you can rest assured that it isn't "them" watching you. Keep some perspective, folks, or you'll drive yourselves crazy.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Neiby

As much as i'd love to support your reasoning and value it highly, i'm afraid i beg to differ.

There are numerous reasons why a three-letter org. would be interested in this site, and some reasons are more obvious than others.

#1 on the list is the potential threat of those who post here, and i think it would be quite safe to assume that the people of ATS represent a reasonable portion of a revolutionary movement's capabilities.

the less obvious #2 reason is the current Anonymous focus that has entered the ATS conflux of ideals, and as such Anonymous activity on ATS is likely to be monitered quite critically.

Any sub-revolutionary group or even individual that makes an effort to spread out to others will automatically receive a few notches in threat estimation.

It is up to the individuals to organise themselves in a way that doesn't mean relying on the damn internet.

For those Anonymous who doubt what i'm saying, ask yourselves; aren't you just making a target of yourselves and the people who may want to help you?

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Wilsonfrisk
I think it is pretty clear to anyone with even half a brain that this site was created and is maintained by the intelligence agencies.

Really? On what do you base such an assumption? I've been busting my own butt (and pulling hair and suffering sleepless nights) for several years to maintain this site (not to mention over-stressing several credit cards in the process).

Also, consider the fact that it is advertised on C2C - do you know any other website that does that?

Yes. We advertised on Coast To Coast AM for three months. There have indeed been other advertisers with websites, or advertisers that are Internet businesses advertising on that show quite often. Are you implying that they're all "created and maintained by intelligence agencies?"

Here, so much truth is mixed with incredible disinformation to do with aliens and the New Age. Only the government does that.

People do that. All of our material is created by and prioritized by our members.

I am not accusing anyone who works for this site of anything,

No, certainly not. You're just accusing the three owner/operators of a gross breach of ethics.

for instance, the "site owner" who is on here suspiciously proclaiming his innocence

It's an unfortunate "Catch-22" for topics such as this. If I didn't stop but to try an help set things straight, someone like you would say: "There's a suspicious lack of input from the owners and staff, which must mean we're on to something." So I do stop by and try to help, then you accuse me of being some nefarious agent with ill-intent.

It is all very plain when laid out as I just have.

Unfortunately, we've seen it many times over, and over, and over again.

There have been all manner of accusations leveled against us (owners) over the years, all of them are available for search, all threads still exist, and they're not hard to find. There have been times that I committed an earnest effort in an attempt to "turn the tide" of such malicious and unfounded assumptions, but like the catch-22 here, it was all for naught.

All I have to offer in our defense at this point is the simple idea that we have worked exceptionally hard over the years to provide anyone who joins with a powerful tool that provides this:
Google Search
Within hours of posting this thread, a simple search on just a portion of the topic places it as the #1 search return of 2,150 pages. Can you tell me anywhere else where anyone can post their most important thoughts and see it ranked high on Google within mere hours? One example of this power is seen here, ATS Premium: Barksdale Missile Number Six: The Stolen Nuclear Weapon... an important thread achieved international popularity with over 1,000 other sites currently linking to it, with a #1 Google rank for a search on "stolen nuclear weapon" out of over 600,000 returns.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

You know what you just described above? SOCIETY
Every one of those things you mentioned exist as items of discussion in every day life.
Sure, some people believe in planet x. I personally don't, but here you're free to discuss what you believe or don't believe. Do you feel free to do that where you work?
We're not mindless idiots that all believe the same thing. At ATS here, there are scientists, professors, lawyers, truck drivers, farmers, just about every walk of life, free to discuss what they want when they want,...
and just maybe learn something.
Have a Nice Day.

Thank You ProfEmeritus.
Maybe they should think about their FoodCity, Kroger or Bi-Lo value card. Now they know where you shop for food and what you eat.
All through the history of human life stories have been told. Now whether they are true or false is up to the reader. The Bible and other historic books have been past down through history and retold again and again. Just the same as the stories being told today on this forum. Not just all the above that you stated ProfEmeritus, but different countrymen and women with different religionns, ethics and beliefs. From across the whole planet. Now that is amazing in my book and thanks Simon who dreamed this site up himself and all those who help to run it. Hey! That does mean that without us members this site would be nothing.

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