posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Dubyakadubla
Are all of you really this ignorant of how the world works and who sells the oil? Its OPEC that sets the amount they wish to release, the less they
release and the more the demand=higher prices for oil.
The gasoline/petrol producers are making a profit, so what. What about your jackassed governments? The governments of the world are making 300% more
in taxes than the companies making a profit.
OPEC controls the oil, not President Bush idiots. He went to the saudis, they told him to screw off, they will pump less oil in the near future.
The real blame is the US liberal congress and freak environmentalists, they will not let any oil company drill anywhere in the US. Screw ANWAR, no
will ever go there, ever. Lets let oil companies drill of our own shores like florida and california, hell, even the rocky mountains contain enough
oil to last the US 300yrs, but that will never be drilled.
You thinks cars use the most oil? Wrong. Industrial oil usage is where most of the oil goes for lubricants and plastics. Hell, oil is even used to
make solar panals, wind turbines and batteries. LOL.