posted on Dec, 21 2002 @ 09:13 PM
Illimatic, it is amazing that you base your conclusions off of the wrong information that was orginally presented.
The Sub-Saharan Africans ARE savages, for the most part, there are a few points of interest, that had been repressed due to racism, but are now being
re-explored, but they are very few.
Hell, south african "zulus" did not even discover the sword until the late 1700s//1800s when Shaka Zulu went insane and started killing everyone.
Africa is savage not because of us "Stealing" everything, Whites conquered the world on their own because they came from EXTREEMLY favorible
climates. Blacks in Africa did not, they are plagued by disease, and huge jungles/deserts and grass lands. there are few mountainous regions
(important for advancing peoples, because of the challenges in wheather food and mental abilities) in africa. Also, Islam has set Africa WAAAAY
Islam has conquered if you will, much of Africa, and plunged it into religious darkness, their government systems are archaic and defunct, but are
supported through religion...which islam strengthens the local governments, unlike European religions, which often fractured and because it did that,
people did not hesitate so much to overthrow governments, for fear of going to hell.
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