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The Unemployed: Perfect Soldiers of the Coming Revolution

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posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 09:48 PM
When people are out of work, they have nothing but time on their hands. Even better yet are those individuals who are able to collect Unemployment benifits, which they have been paying to receive while formerly employed. They can, if they're smart, buy ammunition and firearms with their unemployment checks. The unemployed are, I am afraid, going to STAY UNEMPLOYED, unless they can get a government job or something in the Pharmaceuticals industry.

It is my guesstimation that the people who are put out of jobs by the policies of the current US administration, will be the perfect foot soldiers of the situation which is on the horizon.

And then, the people who think they are comfortable in their present situation will realize that they are not all that comfortable, when their mortage rate climbs another percentage and the costs of fuel to get from their home in the suberbs to work go up another 50 cents. They will look for a way out of their situation. And that way will be a revolution to OVERTHROW the Government.

If the corporations who are said to "run the government" presently, continue their current path of greed, aren't they really writing their own ticket for failure? Put enough people out of work, and all that's left to hoard is the valueless dollars that the "Fed" prints up.

Or maybe I'm misinterpreting the current climate?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by cryingindian

I think you might be misinterpreting things a bit. For one thing, your theory (that corporations run the government, and are engineering an economic collapse for their own profit) fails the consistency test. If corporations were 'running the government', why would they want an economic down-turn and high unemployment? That leaves them with nobody buying the things they make, which means no profit. Banks won't make money...folks who are unemployed aren't likely to take out loans except in an emergency, and (assuming long-term unemployment) aren't likely to have the ability to repay whatever loans they do take. So...corporations and banking interests are setting up a situation where they don't make money, so that they can make money? Makes no sense to I missing something?

As for a revolution to overthrow the government, why would that happen? People are unhappy with "the government"...the vast, nebulous constellation of Congress, the White House, and several Alphabet Soup Agencies. When it comes down to specifics, though, most of the unhappiness goes away. "Congress" in a generic sense is Evil, but not my Congressman. "Government" is evil in a generic sense, but student loans, social assistance programs, and the like are fine. In short, the dislike isn't deep enough to be a life-and-death motivator, and until it is, there won't be a revolution.

You also need a leader, even if it's just a symbolic one. Right now, we don't have a Che, a Mao, a Fidel, or even a George Washington to catalyze things. Until one comes along, you might have simmering unrest, but not a revolution.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Brother Stormhammer


I don't see that I'm misinterpreting anything.

The fact is, the way I see it, the corporations are too short-sighted. They see GREED and nothing more. Otherwise they never would have agreed to things like NAFTA, et al. to send jobs overseas so they would have less overhead.

That's my point. They have set up their own demise.

Cheap labor is good for them, but not if that means their ultimate source of income -- consumption, is destroyed...

They'll play with the hedge funds and such until there is no money left to make. Really, at this point, what are the elite making now profit-wise anyway besides devalued dollars?

The government will confiscate the gold (because it has value) that those of us who were fortunate enough to have some kept, and then the Greatest Depression will occur.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:07 AM
Ironically I read an article somewhere that a Bank Of American employee was sitting in a training session with Homeland security.. and the Homeland security agent told the BofA employees that in the event of a National Emergency no gold or silver is to be given back to customers from there safety deposit boxes.. only documents...

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by cryingindian
When people are out of work, they have nothing but time on their hands. Even better yet are those individuals who are able to collect Unemployment benifits, which they have been paying to receive while formerly employed.

I've been out of work for over a month now, I have NO time on my hands while trying to find another job.

They can, if they're smart, buy ammunition and firearms with their unemployment checks.

Wait being stupid here I guess, I would rather spend my checks I get on food
for my family and paying some bills.
So I can continue having the needs to live, and find more work.
I don't think saying "if they're smart" is a good thing to say.
Many of us are smart but its the dumb jobs we work for that laid us off or shut down.
But since we get checks once a week that makes us stupid right?

The unemployed are, I am afraid, going to STAY UNEMPLOYED, unless they can get a government job or something in the Pharmaceuticals industry.

Well no, I'm not gonna get in to the Pharmaceuticals, and there is other jobs out there besides Gov.
I'm also not going to be a foot solder either.
Just harder to find right now hence why I'm not sitting around all day with all that free time like you must think I have or others in my position.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Brother Stormhammer

High unemployment means there are more people than jobs. This means that employers can offer lower wages and cut benefits and still be able to find labor. Because hey, people have to make rent. They have to eat.

It's the consumer / employee who picks up the real costs of the system.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Brother Stormhammer

High unemployment means there are more people than jobs. This means that employers can offer lower wages and cut benefits and still be able to find labor. Because hey, people have to make rent. They have to eat.

It's the consumer / employee who picks up the real costs of the system.

Correction (my opinion) High unemployment means there are more people not willing to take jobs that are available.

This means that given the jobs that are available, there are people who would not benefit from taking them. My statement applies to this country/society as I both have had great jobs as well as have been unemployed.

While unemployed I was offered jobs but didn't take them because they would not benefit myself or my family. I could do better for my family by utilizing unemployment benefits. I'd worked for decades proceeding that period so I felt no guilt using it.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 01:24 AM
The people are already revolting. The prisons are filled with them.

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