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New Conservative FSME

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posted on May, 7 2008 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Sounds as though we are on the same page.IMO there have been powers chipping away at our freedoms for many many years.Things have become more evident to those of us willing to look.At this point I don't believe that it's to late to turn things back around.I am a strict constitutionalist.I believe that all the amendments to the constitution,with the exception of the original bill of rights and the thirteenth amendment should be repealed.
I believe that the government has no right to interfere in anyones private life,so long as what they do harms no one else.The government's mandate is to protect the constitution and defend the citizen.Not act as mother and father to what they consider wayward children.
Fifty years ago an adult had responsibilities,he did not have to be coerced or coddled to do the right thing.Our government has cultivated a populace that have little work ethic left and very little moral fiber.(as seen by the baby momma syndrome)
We now have government programs to fulfill every need.So there is no need to be responsible for your actions.

What do you Think?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

What kind of Harley are you riding?

I'm looking at the Nightster as an entry into them. Started last May on a DRZ-400 enduro by Suzuki. You can make fun of me, but I think I started on the right bike. Never had a mechanical problem, and the practice with the higher center of gravity will make it easier to ride a cruiser when I get the money and "balls up."

Maybe you've ignored me, but whatever. This site really doesn't rule me like a lot of members I see post.

Help me out.

[edit on 9-5-2008 by cryingindian]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Congrats on the FSME position, Semperfortis. Sorry I didn't see the announcement the first time around. Since you are the expert, I hope you don't mind if I raise a few points about conservatism. Myself I have not affiliated with either of the two major parties because I didn't quite agree with either one. I have always thought that the two parties were pretty good at balancing each other out, and clearly they are not two heads of the same coin as some would suggest.

What I find fascinating looking from the outside in is that people from both parties really don't know their parties origins nor do they understand the implications of the agenda of their parties. What I see is that members of a party will spout the positive benefits of a particular ideology and that is all they are aware of. I believe that there are pros and cons to both major parties in this great county of the United States of America and would like to make my point on the conservative side with your opening post if you don't mind.

Originally posted by semperfortis
I believe Conservatism to be the core foundation of this great nation and our only hope of continuing into the future as incredibly successful as we have been in the past.

I would agree that conservatism has been an economic value to this great nation, but it is anything but the core foundation. The core foundation of this great nation is libertarianism. The founding fathers were of this ilk and wrote the Constitution accordingly. It really bugs me when a conservative claims that it was the foundation in this country when that is far from the truth. You may believe that conservatism is the core of this nation NOW, but it was not in it's origin.

This may be not be a real attempt at deception by Semperfortis, but in my opinion it is written is very subtle manner to suggest that conservatism was what this country was founded on, but it wasn't and it is my intention to point that out.

I also find the following post very interesting.

Originally posted by semperfortis
While some good did indeed come from Lincolns term, it is my opinion that he was possibly the greatest abuser of Presidential Powers that has ever held the office.

Let me explain...

States rights are essential to our freedoms. The Founding Fathers knew this and it is clear in the Constitution.

The States have to have the freedom, even to secede from the Union, if the people so choose to do so. When that freedom was taken from us, through the Civil War, we lost.. BIG TIME...

While many are deluded into thinking the Civil War was over Slavery, the roots of the war are far deeper and more insidious.. It truly was all about freedom...

Lincoln felt that the preservation of the Union was more important that the right of the people to decide their own destinies.. He took that away forever..

Just my opinion of course...


Disregarding other aspects of this statement, I will only focus on the aspect of rights. This is were I find Semper to have a double standard, and in this post he tries to claim that conservatism is about State Rights. I beg to differ. Individual rights are what are granted by the Constitution, which was written in the libertarian ideology. If you don't know what I mean, let me explain. Libertarianism considers the individual rights above all other values like government and corporations. That is the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and all the others that you will find in the Bill of Rights. This gives an individual the right to do what he wants, and protects him/her from tyranny that people suffered from in the past.

So Semper here is using these constitutional (libertarian) rights back in this period to claim that a person should have the right to run his state as he sees fit. What he is not seeing is that individual rights do not override the rights of the common good.

I find this incredible, because in conservatism, the individual has LESS individual rights. We are now seeing this in many forms in the current administration. The Patriot Act allows the government to illegal search and seizure, in other word wire tapping our conversation without a warrant.

Now Semper has brought up many good points in the past regarding the Democratic Party. He refers to them as Liberals and claims that they are Socialist and want nothing but the government to provide everything for everyone. That is true to an extent, and this is where I find myself also in disagreement with the Democratic party. However the Democratic Party is made up of several factions one of which is the Liberals. The Liberals are the ones that can claim the origins of our founding fathers in the Libertarian Party. Since then the party has changed.

The fact is that Socialist have infiltrated the Democratic Party and should be considered a threat. Likewise, the Republican Party has been infiltrated with Fascists. These Fascists believe that the individual possesses less individual rights and the Nation State should not be questioned. Sound familiar?

Both parties are not perfect, and when it comes time to vote it comes down to the lesser of two evils. The world is not perfect, but it is worth fighting for.

I challenge our conservative FSME Semperfortis to take a hard look at his party and it's agenda and where it might lead. I believe he loves this country as much as I do though we may not agree. I wish him luck, and I congratulate him on his efforts.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by cryingindian

I don't ignore anyone my friend...

The "Nightster" is an excellent bike!!!

I have the 1200 Screaming Eagle Sportster.... Drag Pipes and all.. LOVE IT
I always used to own "JAP" bikes, this is my first Harley and I will never go back..


posted on May, 10 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Reporting for duty Sir!

Anyone you need me to toss out of the thread?

I too share your conservative stance. I feel we are highly outnumbered here on ATS but I think that makes it all the more entertaining.

Can't wait to read your contributions.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:58 PM
I haven't visited this forum in loss.

Semperfortis, my name is jsobecky. Glad to make your acquaintance. And congratulations on your assignment as FSME. How much does it pay, if you don't mind me asking? We've heard rumors of six figures plus perqs.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Hold on a second...

My Chauffeur just pulled up and wants to know if I want Champagne or Cognac in the car....


Nice to meet you....

6 figures? HEHEHE I scoff at 6 figures.. I pay my gardener 6 figures...


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
I pay my gardener 6 figures...

Where do I apply?

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by chissler

Originally posted by semperfortis
I pay my gardener 6 figures...

Where do I apply?

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by intrepid

You are SOOOOO going to pay for that in our debate!!!!


OK, It MAY have been a little funny..


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Well, I'm happy to see you've made it to FSME, SF.

Whether you're a conservative, or not, you're a fair individual, always. Looking forward to seeing you around the boards, and in the Political Ideology Forum as well.

posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 07:42 AM
according to the future maps (google that) the british isles are soon going to be under the anyone knows where exactly the "uk survival team" plans to go?

i would also appreciate the advice on how to change the password here.

reply by U2U svp, or directly to [email protected] , as i occasionally have troubles with navigating various web sites.

posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 02:56 AM


posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:55 AM
Congratulations Semper......
I hope we can agree to disagree because
I think the Republicans as well as the Democrats have it all wrong.

You have always been one of my folks here

Sticking out my hand , only so you can shake it


posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 07:39 AM
Well, it's a dirty job, but I guess somebody has to do it. My sympathies.

Just joking

Edit to add: Duh. Just noticed this is old old old.

[edit on 11/20/0909 by ladyinwaiting]

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:16 AM

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Congrats and look forward to your input!

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 11:37 PM
Why do you feel tricklenomics failed so horrible? Do you hold that it was an incompetent actor's fault (probably wouldn't disagree with you out of hate for the individual), or some other reason.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:24 PM
are there any moderators in here that aren't conservative? if not, why not? if so, who and what do they believe in? i think this forum needs broader political representation among the moderators personally. all we seem to have is American conservative and right-wing libertarian voices in here. what about American liberals, social democrats, Marxists, libertarian socialists, anarcho-capitalists, etc? this forum seems like the typical American political spectrum where it is various degrees of moderate right-wing ideology while no one who dissents can be involved in the leadership.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by semperfortis


Will you be my BFF?

Glad to know. I may end up running to you if have questions.

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