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It's not Jesus, it's Clovis the 1st......

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posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 02:05 AM
Below is a painting of Clovis, the Merovingian king of France. Notice his long nose and how he resembles the picture most people have of Jesjuah:

And this is a good site where you can compare many of the Merovingean kings in order to study their family's distinct characteristics. Quite amusing to see that if you had put in a so called Jesus icon there, you wouldn't notice any difference. The Merovingeans were the first emperors of the so called Holy Roman Empire. They claim to be of mixed Toyan and Jesjuah blood. Yeah right....

Here is one of them: Childric III

And this is yet another: Clovis II (notise the small mouth and the long nose):

Then compare with this which is supposedly a picture of Jesjuah:

As Keizers of the Holy Roman Empire, they held the title C�sar, which means "deadly wounded by sword" Go figure.....

It should be obvious for everyone that the Catholic Pope (the False Prophet) has made every living soul on this planet worship his C�sar or Keizer (C�sar and Keizer means "Deadly Wounded by Sword"). How many times do I have to repeat this, and feed it into your unwilling mouths with tea spoons? The Pope is a JOKE. His Emperor is a JOKE. They all laugh at your ignorance while they continue their Mithra and Sun cult in the legacy of Nimrod the creator of Babylon.


[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 02:07 AM
Now I'm not an expert in the field of astrology, but an inverted pentagram alliance below the Morningstar in Pisces should ring a bell among the magi. Anyone here into astrology?


[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 05:59 PM
This is a morph between a picture of a portrait of the Merovingean king Clovis I and the shroud of Turin I made tonight. The shroud of Turin which according to the Catholic Church is the image of the Son of God they worship, and Clovis I, a C�sar of the Holy Roman Empire. C�asar meand "Deadly Wounded". As you will see below, the "Jesus" who is worshipped by the Catholic Church and most other denominations of the House of the Roman Senate (Curia and Church has the exact same meaning), like the Church of England for instance, or the church down the street. They all have the same idols or icons on their altars mostly. The artist who has painted the shroud didn't even mirror the face, as you see, and he was careful enough to include all the lines in his face. Just look:

Now, do you who call yourselves Christians still think it is right to keep these pictures of "Jesus" in your mind and above your children's beds? Guess not........


[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 06:33 PM
Your astrology chart is most interesting. I have some books that are used to create and read those charts with damn good accuracy I might add, and I'll take a more detailed look at that chart you posted and make a post with what I find for those interested. It might take some time though to type it all so be patient.

When it comes to comparing the pictures/paintings like what you're doing, I don't really consider that to be the best of clues in solving this mystery however. Colonel has made the same assessment by using Ceasar and his paintings too I believe and with the same result as you. I don't find this to be all that impressive however since I'm sure if you take any Renissance style painting which shows a Male with long hair and beard he will most certainly look extremely similar to (the common idea held today as) Jesus. To take it a step further, I myself have been told repeatedly over the years by many people that I remind them (visually) of Jesus. I can assure you that I am NOT Jesus but if you dress me in a robe or something similar, let my hair down and have the right facial hair style, I too will look an awful lot like what Jesus is thought to look like. That goes for in person as well as a painting too. So I don't think using that method is going to produce valid results. It may be helpful as one of many smaller clues, but that's about it.

The birth chart is a Much Better way of getting to the bottom of this!! After all The Bible does say that God gave us the Stars as a guide for Science and Wonders and Knowledge, right?? (Those aren't the exact words obviously, but that was the gist of it I think.) I'll get back to you with my info about that chart soon....

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 06:42 PM
No matter what people say, the painting of Clovis I is the exact same as is painted on the shroud. Which came first and what exactly Clovis I looked like, we don't know of course, but you all "get the picture", right?

Hehe, many people say I also look like their vision of Jesus, however, I don'yt look much like him in the vision I have of him and how he looked when I met him. We are related, but noone can compare to my Dad in the Heavens.

However, this is a statue meant to be Arch Gabriel (the one with the fiery sword who is infact mightier than Great Arch Michael, and who is the servant of the Prophecy), it looks like me, allthough I can't believe I am Ole Gabe of course.....


[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 06:44 PM
Probably because pictures of Clovis must have been very early on identified as Jesus by historians, and things probably just spiralled after that. This means they got the wrong person I suppose, this does Not disprove Jesus existing, just they got the wrong person, of course, it probably disproves the shroud theory. Which of course has already been shown through the science of determining the age of artifacts, to be a fake.

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by QuestForSafety
Probably because pictures of Clovis must have been very early on identified as Jesus by historians, and things probably just spiralled after that. This means they got the wrong person I suppose, this does Not disprove Jesus existing, just they got the wrong person, of course, it probably disproves the shroud theory. Which of course has already been shown through the science of determining the age of artifacts, to be a fake.

I am fully aware (ofcourse) that Jesjuah both existed and exists. In my opinion he is YHWH and I bet I am able to make even Satan believe it if I am allowed to complete my speech. Jesjuah is the Light that infact Created Heaven and Earth. Before there was light, noone could whether see nor touch whether Heaven and Earth. Jesjuah is Heaven and Earth. In the Papyrus of Ani Jesjuah is Osiris and Orion and Ra and H-H and Nut and Geb and Isis and Seth and Toth and Silene and all the rest of them. Jesjuah built the Pyramids, he created this Earth and made our souls with Love. What have we done? We have left him who loves us. The Only One Who Can Exist Exists for Us. That are the eight greatest names of God in the English language.


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 07:04 PM
just a few comments - an no I'm not catholic

originally Posted by Hamilton
The shroud of Turin which according to the Catholic Church is the image of the Son of God they worship,

Acutally the Catholic church hs no official position on the shroud. It has, however, been venerated by many popes.

originally posted by Hamilton
The Merovingeans were the first emperors of the so called Holy Roman Empire. They claim to be of mixed Toyan and Jesjuah blood. Yeah right....

no actually they were not. They were a line of Kings in France ( France as we know it today did not exist) and they took over part of the country, after the fall of the Roman Empire, later uniting with Charlemagne

see here......

The Franks' success has been attributed to Clovis' decision, traditionaly in 496, to convert to Roman Christianity rather than embrace the Aryan heresy which was more popular among the barbarians. Conversion led to a strong alliance with those Romans still living in Western Europe, (read: powerful bishops) and eventually the "Roman Empire" of Charlemagne.

see here timeline

Originally posted by Hamilton
(C�sar and Keizer means "Deadly Wounded by Sword")

actually, every name page I have looked up says that Caesar means " Long Hair ". Although, that is interesting in itself in view of what you are discussing.


As for the word " Keizer" do you mean " Kaiser" ? I cannot find a definition of the first word, but " Kaiser"
can be defined as

Noun 1. Kaiser - the title of the Holy Roman Emperors or the emperors of Austria or of Germany until 1918
see here

As for your natal chart .......... may I ask how you obtained the exact time and place of CLovis's birth? that is what you generally use for natal charts. I agree the inverted pentagram is interesting, but I dont know how you got the data to accurately come up with that?

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
The birth chart is a Much Better way of getting to the bottom of this!! After all The Bible does say that God gave us the Stars as a guide for Science and Wonders and Knowledge, right?? (Those aren't the exact words obviously, but that was the gist of it I think.) I'll get back to you with my info about that chart soon....

I agree with Mojom the charts are a better way to get down to this. Ask your self why do they decieve us???

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by mulberryblueshimmer
Acutally the Catholic church hs no official position on the shroud. It has, however, been venerated by many popes.

Why is still the "
knowledge of the geometry of the shroud" still needed by anyone who is hired by the "Church" to paint his picture? Try showing them the true image and then see what they do. They will not tolerate any idol which is not based uppon the geometry of the shroud. Judas!

originally posted by Hamilton
The Merovingeans were the first emperors of the so called Holy Roman Empire. They claim to be of mixed Toyan and Jesjuah blood. Yeah right....

no actually they were not. They were a line of Kings in France ( France as we know it today did not exist) and they took over part of the country, after the fall of the Roman Empire, later uniting with Charlemagne

They are still aroud and they have become you obviously

see here......

The Franks' success has been attributed to Clovis' decision, traditionaly in 496, to convert to Roman Christianity rather than embrace the Aryan heresy which was more popular among the barbarians. Conversion led to a strong alliance with those Romans still living in Western Europe, (read: powerful bishops) and eventually the "Roman Empire" of Charlemagne.

see here timeline

Originally posted by Hamilton
(C�sar and Keizer means "Deadly Wounded by Sword")

actually, every name page I have looked up says that Caesar means " Long Hair ". Although, that is interesting in itself in view of what you are discussing.

Then you have the wrong guides. C�sar means and has always meant "Deadly Wounded". He used the same technique the holy ones did in Jesjuah. Only he cannot (woe) live again unles our God has a purpose with him. His title means "wounded till death by sword". Don't just surf. Study. Do you btw know what language means? It means: "Distortion of the truth in the name. And the Name(!). And you will have to know the Truth to descipher it" Or simply: Land God Age Loves: "God loves the land and the ages" (therefore he has confused the languages and made covenants with the peoles so his children will be married.) But I guess you already knew that....... It is worthless..........


As for the word " Keizer" do you mean " Kaiser" ? I cannot find a definition of the first word, but " Kaiser"
can be defined as

Noun 1. Kaiser - the title of the Holy Roman Emperors or the emperors of Austria or of Germany until 1918

It's a Greek inspired Germanic transliteration of C�sar. Tsar is the exact same word.

see here

As for your natal chart .......... may I ask how you obtained the exact time and place of CLovis's birth? that is what you generally use for natal charts. I agree the inverted pentagram is interesting, but I dont know how you got the data to accurately come up with that?

It is a noon chart for the official date he was born. You find the same date in the archives of the Vatican. I am not playing around. It's your lives at stake ere why do you try to hinder us?


posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by DaTruth

Originally posted by mOjOm
The birth chart is a Much Better way of getting to the bottom of this!! After all The Bible does say that God gave us the Stars as a guide for Science and Wonders and Knowledge, right?? (Those aren't the exact words obviously, but that was the gist of it I think.) I'll get back to you with my info about that chart soon....

I agree with Mojom the charts are a better way to get down to this. Ask your self why do they decieve us???

It will all depend uppon whether yu seek the wisdom of Ba'al or the wisdom of tomorrow....................


Just dont hope it all ends up with a lesson "for the stupid" in comma rules or why Dativ came about in the first place. (research shows that a mere two percent understood what I just said. I am sorry. For yu... choose to not understand just to prevail over you)

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by Hamilton]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by Hamilton

Why is still the "
knowledge of the geometry of the shroud" still needed by anyone who is hired by the "Church" to paint his picture? Try showing them the true image and then see what they do. They will not tolerate any idol which is not based uppon the geometry of the shroud. Judas!

do you have proof of this requirement?

They are still aroud and they have become you obviously

and that is meant to mean what?

Then you have the wrong guides. C�sar means and has always meant "Deadly Wounded". He used the same technique the holy ones did in Jesjuah. Only he cannot (woe) live again unles our God has a purpose with him. His title means "wounded till death by sword". Don't just surf. Study. Do you btw know what language means? It means: "Distortion of the truth in the name. And the Name(!). And you will have to know the Truth to descipher it" Or simply: Land God Age Loves: "God loves the land and the ages" (therefore he has confused the languages and made covenants with the peoles so his children will be married.) But I guess you already knew that....... It is worthless..........

your source for that translation?

It is a noon chart for the official date he was born. You find the same date in the archives of the Vatican. I am not playing around. It's your lives at stake ere why do you try to hinder us?

where did you find this official date?
why do you think someone who is questioning you is trying to hinder you? I'm just asking for verification of your claims. And I will state again, I'm neither catholic nor christian

[Edited on 21-2-2004 by mulberryblueshimmer]

posted on Feb, 21 2004 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by mulberryblueshimmer
do you have proof of this requirement?

Yes I have exactly as many trilion proofs I need. Do a search on Google Images or AltaVista Images or any other search engine for images for: Jesus+icon and be amazed. It's the same image over and over (woe), and it is the image of one of the princes of Dagobert everytime.

They are still aroud and they have become you obviously

and that is meant to mean what?

That you believe and support the image of the Beast (C�sar as I have explained a mill times before, do a search) of course. What did you think? That I meant that I disagreed?

Then you have the wrong guides. C�sar means and has always meant "Deadly Wounded". He used the same technique the holy ones did in Jesjuah. Only he cannot (woe) live again unles our God has a purpose with him. His title means "wounded till death by sword". Don't just surf. Study. Do you btw know what language means? It means: "Distortion of the truth in the name. And the Name(!). And you will have to know the Truth to descipher it" Or simply: Land God Age Loves: "God loves the land and the ages" (therefore he has confused the languages and made covenants with the peoles so his children will be married.) But I guess you already knew that....... It is worthless..........

your source for that translation?

Every bloody etymology dictionary in the world. The language of Latin. Duh

It is a noon chart for the official date he was born. You find the same date in the archives of the Vatican. I am not playing around. It's your lives at stake ere why do you try to hinder us?

where did you find this official date?
why do you think someone who is questioning you is trying to hinder you? I'm just asking for verification of your claims. And I will state again, I'm neither catholic nor christian

Try the saga of the Merovingeans, the official chronicles of the kings of the Franks, find it yourself. I have searched and found, you don't believe, why should I care?

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 02:51 AM
I live in a place called Clovis. Clovis, NM

I wonder if it was named after this guy... hmm...

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 02:53 AM
Actually your premise is correct but not entirely. Because the Merovingian line is directly descendant from Christ thus it is not a total lie but an aberation.

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
Actually your premise is correct but not entirely. Because the Merovingian line is directly descendant from Christ thus it is not a total lie but an aberation.

Neo - you're referring to the premise in the " Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and " The Templar Revelation" books I presume?

Personally I liked the premise in those two books and found them rather intriguing.......

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 03:09 AM

partly and from other sources too btw.

yes I do find it most interesting too and if it was the case and the truth came out it would be quite a kerfluffle too.

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 03:11 AM
Neo - I dont know if " kerfuffle" would be the right word..........

more like the theological equivalent of a nuclear explosion

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 03:14 AM

agreed, my lack of words was bested by you!

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by Hamilton

As Keizers of the Holy Roman Empire, they held the title C�sar, which means "deadly wounded by sword" Go figure.....

Kaizer & Caesar just mean Emperor and not " deadly wounded by sword ".

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