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Gay Marriage be Legal?

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posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by sugeshotcha
One a science program on TV I watched a few years ago doctors said people were born as homosexuals. That's bull$hit. It depends on many other factors of how they get to this desperate stage, some I have mentioned above already. Other reasons are similar to why people become gothics and dress up as withces, or punks, or homies. They feel a sense of identity, carefree and freedom, e.g. its all in their head, PSYCHOLOGICAL!!

Did you even bother to read the post immediately before yours? It lists several BIOLOGICAL factors that cause homosexuality...or are you so knowledgeable on the subject that scientific research doesn't matter to you?

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 09:17 AM
I know this is going to piss off a few people but I thought it was too true to pass up. It's adapted from a post on another site.

Why Gay Marriage Should be Illegal

1.Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, & birth control.

2.Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. infertile couples & the elderly can't legally marry because they can't produce children, & the world needs more children.

3.Obviously homosexual parents will raise homosexual children, since heterosexual parents only raise heterosexual children.

4.Heterosexual marriage will be less meaningful, since Vegas Drive-thru style marriages make it so meaningful.

5.Heterosexual marriage has been around a long time & hasn't ever changed; women still can't vote or have a career, slavery is still legal, interracial marriages are banned, and divorce is illegal & immoral.

6.Homosexual marriage should be decided by the legislature not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the Constitutional rights of the minority.

7.Homosexual marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy such as ours, the values of 1 religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we only acknowledge 1 religion in america.

8.Homosexual marriage will encourage people to be homosexual, in the same way that hanging around deformed people will make you deformed.

9.Legalizing homosexual marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. people may even soon wish to marry their pets [because a dog has legal standing & can sign a marriage contract].

10.Children can never succeed w/out a male & a female role model at home. that's why single parenting has been outlawed.

11.Homosexual marriage will change the foundation of society. heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, & we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't even adapted to airplanes, atm's, or artificial insemination, and we still use horse-drawn carriages.

12.Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage w/ a different name, are better, because a "seperate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Seperate schools for african-americans worked just as well as seperate marriages for gays and lesbians will.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 09:32 AM
Hey, If I am not sleeping with you or trying to sleep with you then what the hell do I care who you shack up with.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Jonna
Hey, If I am not sleeping with you or trying to sleep with you then what the hell do I care who you shack up with.

Sure seems like the obvious solution doesn't it Jonna?

The problem really comes in from all those people out there who feel they should be able to decide for you who you will be sleeping with and not sleeping with, even though it has nothing to do with them. That of course doesn't work in the other direction however, but that is because, in their opinion, they know what is right and best for you, instead of you making those choices.

To make it worse, they use the excuse of Exercising Their Rights to do so. That to allow others to also have the same Rights to Freedom and Liberty in how they choose to live in this so called free country, is somehow immoral and unlawful and so forth. Hypocritical, yes, but they somehow don't see it that way.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Jonna
Hey, If I am not sleeping with you or trying to sleep with you then what the hell do I care who you shack up with.

Sure seems like the obvious solution doesn't it Jonna?

The problem really comes in from all those people out there who feel they should be able to decide for you who you will be sleeping with and not sleeping with, even though it has nothing to do with them. That of course doesn't work in the other direction however, but that is because, in their opinion, they know what is right and best for you, instead of you making those choices.

To make it worse, they use the excuse of Exercising Their Rights to do so. That to allow others to also have the same Rights to Freedom and Liberty in how they choose to live in this so called free country, is somehow immoral and unlawful and so forth. Hypocritical, yes, but they somehow don't see it that way.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 09:48 AM
Just watched Bush hijack the world stage to speak out against gay marriage. Why doesn't he fix the economy, get our troops out of Iraq or at least stabilize it.
Answer for his failed reasons for war, hell the list is long.

I just can't see this being as big an issue as they make it. I personally don't care who can or cannot marry. I want jobs, healthcare and security. Apparently a buch of gay people wanting to make a commitment to each other is more important though.

[Edited on 2/24/2004 by nativeokie]

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 10:22 AM
has anyone poited out yet that this whole media fiasco could very well be another planted smokescreen to distract america from some more controversial actions being taken by the us at this time? just curious

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Alright, everyone is missing the forest for the trees.

The institution of marriage is what is at stake not whether or not you want to see two women/ guys kissing. This has nothing to do with someone being a homophobe this has everything to do with a tradition that is as old as man himself. Government should have never been involved in marriage.

Marriage has always been since the dawn a man a union between a man and a woman and not between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I just don't understand how someone can say that its a gay couples right to be married when since when has that right been granted?

Gay's have said that they don't want civil unions and that they will not stop until they get marriage but why? They want it so that they will feel that what they are doing is normal and that since they are married they will be accepted by all religions. They want society to approve of their misbehaviour. Why not civil unions? Because Civil Unions carries no vindication for the choices that they have made.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 10:50 AM
I agree actually. Marriage is a religious ceremony. Civil Unions is the way to go and I believe that outside of a few radical activist in the gay commmunity most would accept a civil union vs actual marriage.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 10:54 AM
Another thing,

There are alot of people here saying "I don't care what everyone else does in their bedrooms because it doesn't bother me."

Why do Gays want everyone to know what they are doing in their bedrooms? Why do they care if they are married or not? Why can't they just shack up and shut up about what they do?

Because they want to feel vindicated in their decision making process. They want everyone else to approve of their decesion.

Thats why.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 10:56 AM

Hey, If I am not sleeping with you or trying to sleep with you then what the hell do I care who you shack up with.

Hey now, its well known fact that EVERYBODY wants to sleep with me...............LOL

I could not agree more, with all the REAL problems in the world this is really a non-issue in my book. Some people have WAAAAAAY to much time on there hands.

And by the way you just got my vote for way above for something you said on another thread.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Amuk

Hey, If I am not sleeping with you or trying to sleep with you then what the hell do I care who you shack up with.

Hey now, its well known fact that EVERYBODY wants to sleep with me...............LOL

I could not agree more, with all the REAL problems in the world this is really a non-issue in my book. Some people have WAAAAAAY to much time on there hands.

And by the way you just got my vote for way above for something you said on another thread.

Thanks! Every once in a while something intelligent slips out of my inate babbling....well...funny at least.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 11:05 AM

Why do they care if they are married or not? Why can't they just shack up and shut up about what they do?

We will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

Why do you care if you are married or not? Why would you want the state to back YOUR union. When I was younger I would have said I didnt care but as you age it becomes a MAJOR legal point that you cannot get by just shacking up.

AS for me personally I think a legal union that gave the SAME rights as a marriage would be OK but I would not vote against gays being married, either.

The country is built on equal rights for everyone not hetrosexuals. For me, to discrimanate against them you would have to admend the constition to say everyone BUT gays

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 11:08 AM
First and foremost, gayness is not biological, it is psychological. First and foremost, there are many studies that have shown that gayness can be cured. Check out the site of the American Psychological Society for details. The success rate is about 70%...that means that 70% of gay patients have been cured.

Furthermore, ask any gay about his life: in some point in their lifes, they were attracted to females(if they are honest, they will answer you).

I don't say that ALL cases are psychological though. There may be a percentage that the person is a mix of girl and guy (I don't know much about lesbians) is a result of hormone disorder.

I also don't say that gayness is psychological as a result of choice. For me, there is no soul. When I say "psychological", I mean physiological, but NOT DEFINED AT BIRTH. A combination of physical parameters lead the male person to affection of the same sex.

A big role in gayness plays the pleasure received from the anal is an addiction equal to drugs; and because the rectum is not stretchable like the female's genitalia, once opened, it stays open, and then it must be filled with something for the male to feel pleasure.

The above can be verified from straight guys that allow their women to fondle their bottoms (or, to stick fingers inside them).

All the above factors account for a very high percentage of gayness, over 60% in my opinion, and it is what I call as "psychological".

My comments were not nazistic, as many of you harried to comment, but they were based on research, either personal or scientific. I have gay friends and a big curiocity to learn.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 11:21 AM
A big role in gayness plays the pleasure received from the anal is an addiction equal to drugs; and because the rectum is not stretchable like the female's genitalia, once opened, it stays open, and then it must be filled with something for the male to feel pleasure.

The above can be verified from straight guys that allow their women to fondle their bottoms (or, to stick fingers inside them).

My comments were not nazistic, as many of you harried to comment, but they were based on research, either personal or scientific. I have gay friends and a big curiocity to learn. \\

You or your supposed "gay" friends are the most ignorant people I have ever heard of.

First of all, the anus IS stretchable. Does your anus hang wide open after you have taken a crap? I guess so........from all the BS spilling out of it.

[Edited on 24-2-2004 by MacMerdin]

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
Another thing,

There are alot of people here saying "I don't care what everyone else does in their bedrooms because it doesn't bother me."

Why do Gays want everyone to know what they are doing in their bedrooms? Why do they care if they are married or not? Why can't they just shack up and shut up about what they do?

Because they want to feel vindicated in their decision making process. They want everyone else to approve of their decesion.

Thats why.

Nothing personal but your comment makes me long for something the exact opposite of the Way Above Award vote button. Not that that would be a bad thing, or you should feel offended for I imagine your intent with such a comment is to offend Gays, Democrats, Libertarians, minorities and socially progressive Repubicans equally.

"Good job" I say. Thus I want a button to commend you. Some may argue the "Ignore" button should suffice but I disagree. You have managed a statement so backwards to the very fiber of what I and most progressives would imagine the next steps in unifying America would be that I can't wait to see what comes next. Thus you need an award. "Way Below" isn't exactly what I'm after since that would be charged with some elements of ignorance or a lack of quality in posting and that is clearly not the case here.

No, your post is so shocking in it's arrogant reduction of the civil rights movement that I must contend that you know exactly what you're saying and seek such status as the opposite of "Way Above" would entail.

Again, I say "good job" and repeat my plea for whatever singular WTF Award the staff may deem apporpriate to offer the community. I imagine a once per month allowance would impend some pretty striking results with some of those getting the "Way Above" also getting high counts of "WTF?" I look forward to such time of community recognition hoping to earn some "WTF's" myself from my esteemed opposition, but for now I suffice my entire response to your post and position to the following:

WTF? And repeat "Good for you". I'd offer you a glass of ice water for your obviously impending retirement in hell, but don't want to infringe on Colonel's trademark and booming business.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:01 PM
If my statement is so backwards then tell me what place does the government have in marriage and also what place do gays have in marriage.

The answer to both is none whatsoever.

Government has rooted its way into marriage over the years before I came to be and how exactly it made its way in I do not know. Marriage has always been a religous sacrament between a man and a woman and why should a government be given the right to say if and when you are married?

Its the same thing with gays. Gay's have never married and are using the government to gain it.

Government and Gays were never ment to have any part in marriage. I have no trouble with the government allowing gays to have civil unions but the government should have no say in marriage.

I guarantee you its only a matter of time before a preacher, priest, rabi, etc... is sued for refusing to marry a gay couple. Then what? The same people calling for Same-Sex marriages are the same ones calling for separation of church and state but marriage is a religous institution so like you said WTF

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:28 PM
All these Old Testament arguments for the sanctity of marriage are well and good but don't mean squat today. Neither does saying marriage is a religious institution not a governmental one.

Guess what. It's 2004 and we live in America. I'm pretty much an atheist and got married under the LAW. That's what common law marriage is all about. So's the Justice of the Peace. Granting life partners all those rights that they'd otherwise have to get special dispensation for through contract after contract.

Marriage is simple. One word, that covers all those rights. Easy breazy. What I find absolutely hilarious are the conservatives so against "special rights" 90% of the time seeking some new law of civil unions just for gays. Separate but equal BS all over again.

You can have your separate voodoo Catholic weddings in churches or freaking underwater for you Baptists for all I care. I'm talking about MARRIAGE UNDER LAW like we've done for generations to protect the MINORITY of women and thier right's to alimony and livelihood should a partnership break up. Some backroom contract with lawyers does NOT have the same umph.

So let me put this as delicately as possible. YOU ARE WRONG. Marriage is a legal status. As far as marriage in the US goes, is not "holy" or of the church or anything else. If Andy Griffith can marry you... it's of the government baby and a RIGHT to all citizens, even those "nasty" minority gays that bugger ass for fun.

Bush is wrong. It will be legal in the future just like civil rights, because it is a civil rights issue. Oppose it on religious grounds all you want, you will be overturned.

[Edited on 24-2-2004 by RANT]

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by MacMerdin
A big role in gayness plays the pleasure received from the anal is an addiction equal to drugs; and because the rectum is not stretchable like the female's genitalia, once opened, it stays open, and then it must be filled with something for the male to feel pleasure.

The above can be verified from straight guys that allow their women to fondle their bottoms (or, to stick fingers inside them).

My comments were not nazistic, as many of you harried to comment, but they were based on research, either personal or scientific. I have gay friends and a big curiocity to learn.

You or your supposed "gay" friends are the most ignorant people I have ever heard of.

First of all, the anus IS stretchable. Does your anus hang wide open after you have taken a crap? I guess so........from all the BS spilling out of it.

[Edited on 24-2-2004 by MacMerdin]

Oh my goodness. Not all gays have anal sex, many straight women have anal sex. I doubt it is the reason gays want to be married. As for anal sex being like a drug addiction? I could say the same for pu**y.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by BlackJackal
Marriage has always been since the dawn a man a union between a man and a woman and not between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I just don't understand how someone can say that its a gay couples right to be married when since when has that right been granted?

This is just silly! Because, throughout what you know of the world's past, the right of homosexuals to marry has not been shown, we should just follow history's example indefinitely? Are you aware of the idea of progression and improvement in mankind? Do you think that since women throughout history, "since the dawn of man" have been and still are oppressed, abused, and treated like property, America should have continued that practice as well?

The men who created our government and the Constitution, considered this country to be an experiment which had never been tried before. They were breaking the mold, and setting things up to be a continuous progression toward greater individual freedom and reduced governmental control. They did not want us to base our laws on what other people did in the past. They wanted us to do what was necessary to preserve every American's freedom and ensure their equal rights in the eyes of the law.

"The Gothic idea that we were to look backwards instead of forwards for the improvement of the human mind, and to recur to the annals of our ancestors for what is most perfect in government, in religion and in learning, is worthy of those bigots in religion and government by whom it has been recommended, and
whose purposes it would answer. But it is not an idea which this country will endure." --Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 1800.

Gay's have said that they don't want civil unions and that they will not stop until they get marriage but why? They want it so that they will feel that what they are doing is normal and that since they are married they will be accepted by all religions. They want society to approve of their misbehaviour. Why not civil unions? Because Civil Unions carries no vindication for the choices that they have made.

So you have spoken with all the gay couple's wishing to marry and they have told you that it's all about easing their conscience by getting the religious community to justify their "unnatural" love for each other, and if it weren't for that they wouldn't care? It's not at all possible that they want to get married for the same reasons that straight people get married? That maybe they always dreamed of falling in love and getting married, like other people do? Are you implying that homosexual people cannot be religious? That all of the gay people who are active in their churches and who claim to love their God, are really just pretending?

How is it that you have been granted such wisdom and insight into the hearts and minds of the homosexual community? They sure are lucky to have someone, who knows what they really think and feel, that is willing to pass those insights on to the rest of us! Tell me, do you have as much sagacity when it comes to the straight population?

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