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Now we have 4 sets of data.
1. P4T showing 11.2 G's from pole 1 to pentagon (under review currently as linked from our original article)
2. R Mackey - 3.49 G for full duration Antenna to above pole 1 to pentagon (Claims to be a NASA Engineer)
3. Myriad - 1 G from Antenna to Pole 1.... 3.2 G's for segment pole 1 to pentagon (admits to using high school math)
4. Farmer - 1 G from Antenna to pole 1.... 3.5 G's for pole 1 to pentagon (of which Farmer missed his mistake on 170+135=235 until it was pointed out)
The one that makes the most sense right now from the "opposition " is Mackey's. Mackey has the aircraft pulling 3.49 G's for the full 4.3 seconds (where the others are 1.3 second duration).. We are currently reviewing the calculations based on the original article premise of 1 G from Antenna to pole 1, then pull level. As you can see with Mackey's numbers, those G's will increase significantly if combined all in the last second.
We will post a revision on the original article if required. However for now, we have a "Common Arguments" thread linked on the original article for visitors to see rebuttals from the "opposition".
Again, this is a very complex issue and we do want to get it right. We will certainly amend the original article if required.
However, we now have conflicting sets of data/duration from within the "opposition". We are currently reviewing it internally with outside help/colleagues.
We will also compare the G forces required with FDR altitudes plotted by the NTSB. The data provided by the "opposition" as it stands now does not support FDR Data. It will be in further conflict once using altitudes provided by the NTSB as it will be higher than the antenna.
Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT
And just so everyone is 100% clear here.....
Please note the Oct 2006 date on the alleged "rebuttal" from jref that was posted by "COOL HAND" and authored by "Anti-sophist".
It is clearly not a direct response to the very specific and simplified claim in this article.
They will throw this convoluted bunch of nothing to cast doubt on facts and common sense over and over and over and over.....
Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by COOL HAND
Cool hand... Jref has a thread from yesterday that totaly dismantles the math that Rob presents on his website. There is no refuting this and they know it.
Jref Mods have since locked the thread for some sort of "investigation" from the administrators. Not sure what that means. Anyway. Rob was once again proven wrong on his assumptions.
Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Jref Mods have since locked the thread for some sort of "investigation" from the administrators. Not sure what that means. Anyway. Rob was once again proven wrong on his assumptions.
Oh my god, that's funny.
If you don't trust my numbers, work through the problem yourself. I even set it up for you. I did so because that way, you don't have to trust me. Just do it. Again, any high school kid who's passed algebra should be able to handle it.
If you can't figure out why my numbers and Myriad's are not identical, then you're truly, truly lost.
Ryan Mackey is helping out a lot. The rest of the guys all contradict each other and R Mackey who is the only one on the right track.
- Ryan Mackey
Mr. Balsamo is either spectacularly incompetent, or a total fraud. Whichever it is, you have been duped.
- Ryan Mackey strictly with measurement and calculation and is of an informational nature ONLY.
All of the available data suggests a terminal trajectory that is achievable by a Boeing 757 aircraft. Even the most unfavorable example suggested by "Pilots for 9/11 Truth," specifying an initial height inconsistent with the FDR figures supplied by them along with the most challenging altitude at both light pole and impact, requires only 4.0 g of load in the airframe for a mere 4.4 seconds. The aircraft is expected to survive such a load without any significant risk of failure.
Based on these calculations, there is absolutely no case to be made that (1) the obstacles are inconsistent with the impact of Flight 77, (2) the FDR data is inconsistent with the impact of Flight 77, or (3) the FDR data is inconsistent with impacts to the obstacles themselves. Furthermore, with the exception of Case F, all of the various requirements lead to a trajectory that is easily reconcilable with an amateur pilot at the controls. Even Case F is plausible, it is merely unexpected.
Originally posted by eyewitness86
It really staggers the sound mind to read the incredible nonsense that believers in the Official Fairy Tale will resort to trying to defend the indefensioble. Nitpicking silliness replaces logical and sound thinking and analysis. The hood of a car has not ONE scratch on it, yet some people will believe that a huge lightpole crashed thru the windshield of that car while it was traveling down a highway...unreal.
It really staggers the sound mind to read the incredible nonsense that believers in the Official Fairy Tale will resort to trying to defend the indefensioble
Forgive the rant, but im sure most of you will understand its purpose and why i am posting it here. It was going to be posted in the thread linked below, but the mods closed it before it had a chance to get there....
Quote -
You people have made every excuse in the book to not sign up for P4T to discuss this when P4T has linked Common Arguments from the article itself so visitors can see your point of view. You first use the excuse for not registering by implying you might get "shot" in an obvious attempt to discredit and derail. When called on it, you say you arent worried about it and move the goal posts to "you just arent interested" and claim we are trying to derail. Anyone reading this thread (and the other that was removed) will see your amount of "interest", spin, abundance of ad hom and personal attacks, attacking the individual/organization instead of the argument, breaking forum rules. It is also clear (which we have been saving for this occassion) you have amended the numbers to fit your bias (using top of pole 1 yet using bottom of of pentagon to decrease G Load). If you are going to argue based on the govt story, the "bottom of aircraft" struck pole 1 at roughly half its height (remember the "shrub" you guys like to trot out so often?) 38.7 (actual pole height) /2=19.35+40 (ground elevation) = 59.40 - 33 (ground elevation of pentagon) = 26.35. (If you say its higher, then you can no longer use your "shrub" argument elsewhere)
Instead, you use top of pole 1 while adjusting height at pentagon in your favor. Why are we not surprised. We are on the JREF after all.
Looks like Mackeys initial 3.49 G pull for duration of entire segment Antenna to pole 1 to pentagon just went up significantly.
Your numbers conflict with each other in terms of duration and G Load itself.
You people are told none of your numbers match the FDR and will in fact increase load, conflicting further, if you use altitudes plotted by the NTSB. The usual suspects run out and drop links yelling "Debunked!" regarding the FDR. When shown it is not "Debunked" using their very own words in those links, we are suddenly "off topic". Do you really think people are that stupid and cannot see your game? Even your own people realize your spin on the subject. The man who started SLC forums IIRC ( questions your motive for evasion. The tags on this thread itself refer to the FDR! But somehow its suddenly "off topic" when shown your own words do not support the govt story and/or FDR data when you claim "Debunked!". Some of you even claim we have "hidden the FDR data" when we posted it right here in this thread! (However, one thinks the animation reconstruction produced by the NTSB, uploaded to google by a JREFer, is a "cartoon". And this guy claims he is a pilot...!)
Beachy claims P4T is a FAILURE because he cannot distinguish between meters and feet, did not bother to check his initial claims which place the antenna fully underground, writes a second post claiming he meant meters when his initial post cleary states feet, then edits his second post when someone obviously PMed him for a heads up for looking so stupid and still does not realize that we are, and have been using 304 feet! Is it any surprise this is the same guy who deletes his post content when proven wrong? His only debate style is ad hom, and when he does show some type of substance (albeit incoherent mostly), he constantly has to amend or delete his posts! Why do you let this guy continue? He only hurts your position. Ohhhh.. thats right. He is a "Forum Donor".
Yes, we will admit our use of terminology was not accurate at in one post. We have also addressed that in the common arguments thread if you care to look.
You people know the article can represent your side. You do not sign up to P4T because you know you cannot debate without the use of personal attacks and ad homs as is readily apparent in this thread and the one that had to be removed. No doubt if you register for P4T, you will once again show why such people get banned from P4T employing the same exact rules on the JREF forum which many members break constantly without recourse (unless they are a "twoofer"). This whole subsection breaks your own forum rules. Im sure you also know you will readily be exposed for your spin when registering for P4T. You would much rather stay in your "gang rape" group think style community instead of venturing out. We understand, but we come here anyway (until most of our side is removed or banned based on a clear double standard).
We will be coming out with a revision to the article. We are not sure when it will be published. We have many individuals working on it but schedule conflicts are abundant. We will also demonstrate in the article "opposition" extreme bias in amending their figures to fit their obvious agenda and argument from incredulity. In the meantime, If you would like to represent your side of this matter to all who visit the original article itself, you know where to find us. Thank you for participating and for showing your obvious interest only when you are surrounded by "friendlys". :-)
"FDR figures supplied by them along with the most challenging altitude at both light pole and impact, requires only 4.0 g of load in the airframe for a mere 4.4 seconds"
"there is absolutely no case to be made that (1) the obstacles are inconsistent with the impact of Flight 77, (2) the FDR data is inconsistent with the impact of Flight 77, or (3) the FDR data is inconsistent with impacts to the obstacles themselves."
If his first paragraph is accurate (which is probably not the case considering his initial calculations), his second paragraph statements are entirely false. We will write up a response to his calcluations as time permits.
We currently have people working on this issue however there are many scheduling conflicts. If we find we have to revise the article, it will be done.
..despite all of the evidence that shows that the Neocon cabal and their pals pulled off 9-11...
there is absolutely no case to be made that (1) the obstacles are inconsistent with the impact of Flight 77,
(2) the FDR data is inconsistent with the impact of Flight 77,
(3) the FDR data is inconsistent with impacts to the obstacles themselves
If his first paragraph is accurate (which is probably not the case considering his initial calculations), his second paragraph statements are entirely false. We will write up a response to his calcluations as time permits.
We currently have people working on this issue however there are many scheduling conflicts. If we find we have to revise the article, it will be done.
Originally posted by johndoex
Mackey also lies that we are "hiding the [FDR data]."
You really don't get it, do you?
You guys set up a mental experiment and performed some math. That math was wrong.
Mackey and Myriad fixed your calculation for you to show you what the true answer of your calculation was. Then you change the subject and say "OH WELL THATS NOT WHAT THE FDR SAYS". So? IT WAS YOUR MENTAL EXPERIMENT.
The topic is your guess at the flight path and the Newtonian physics thereof. You made a post detailing how your guess of the flight path was an impossible flight path for an aircraft. They have showed you that your guess at the flight path is not impossible, just that your math is wrong.
Why are you ignoring the fact that your math is wrong and instead constantly trying to change the subject? This is your experiment, your guess. If it doesn't match the FDR, that's not exactly our problem.