reply to post by chromatico
Do you realize how many lives alcohol has ruined?
Do you realize how many lives this War on Terror has ruined? Innocent lives, like innocent Middle Easterners who still have no power and hundreds of
thousands that have died as collateral damage, those poor innocent families we are trying to help by instating our will on them and our ideals of how
a nation should run (though Saddam was a piece of trash we put in power that did atrocious things). Unfortunate American families who have lost loved
ones serving. More Unfortunate American families and soldiers who are on extended trips because our military is overextended and haven't seen their
family much. Think about children 5 years old that have only seen their father for a couple weeks a year. A lot of soldiers signed up to defend this
country, not kill people overseas in a war that violates the constitution by violating a signed treaty.
Do you realize how many lives are ruined of people who did not commit any act of violence or theft, who did not do anything but do something they
enjoyed in their own home, but are now serving time in a jail system, with a ruined record, because some people think they know everything?
Do you know how many famous artists and writers did things that you think destroy lives whose work has enlightened and inspired the world?
Do you realize the only reason it is destroying so many lives is because it is illegal?
Get real. Are you out trying to reinstate alcohol prohibition? Are you trying to ban caffeine? How about all OTC medicines? What about pharma that
contains drugs like coc aine? Are cigarettes on your no-no list? What about non-lean cuts of meat? Those are quite unhealthy and can kill by
heartattacks? What about things like concentrated sugars used for candy and soda? Those are bad, give people a sugar-buzz, and are addictive.
So, where is the line? What can one do that is acceptable to you?
Apparently this discussion is personal for you. You know somebody that didn't have self control and abused something. I feel empathy for you. It
is a sad affair. I have known people to abuse things too. But, just as a gun doesn't kill anyone, the drug is neither at fault.
An alcoholic needs counseling ... that doesn't mean the person who drinks responsibly should be prohibited. Just because a small percentage of
dummies get behind the wheel intoxicated doesn't mean that alcohol should be illegal.
If you say, it creates violence, well so does poverty.
Transportation is related to more deaths and injuries than just about anything else worldwide. Should we ban all forms of transportation since it has
ruined countless lives over the past 100 years? People steal and kill for vehicles, so they must be bad. They also steal and kill for diamonds,
diamonds therefore must be illegal.
We cannot make laws based on the few who make bad decisions. We cannot let ourselves be controlled by corporate money and have laws passed that
benefit the few, not the many ... that is a fascist dictatorship ... one that tells you what you are allowed to do and what you can and can't
Research a bit, and you will find truth. A friend I have that died from an overdose of a 'cocktail' does not mean a responsible user should be
prohibited. I know people who abuse their own prescribed medicines. I know people who take the prescriptions correctly and are still near zombies.
I know people who have half a wine cooler and get wasted as well as people who can down a bottle of hard liquor and walk a straight line.
We cannot pass judgment because some people are irresponsible. That is not freedom and liberty for all. Those people need to be helped.
For all the money in the 'war on drugs', it would be much better spent by having accurate education on each chemical, accurate information on the
pros and cons, rehabilitation and prevention centers for those who don't want to do it anymore or need a place to go before temptation gets the best
of them, and other supportive methods to reduce addiction and abuse, instead of imprisonment which ends up making people worse, repeat offenders, and
loss of respect for the system if they got in trouble doing a victimless crime in their home.
DWI/DUI is a crime, regardless if it is an OTC product, prescribed product, legal product, or illegal product. If you are intoxicated, you should not
be behind the wheel.
But where does anyone get off thinking they have the right to tell someone what they can or can't do in their house as long as it isn't
physical/sexual abuse upon another (without their consent, some people have a secret naughty side).
I don't drink, so should I have the right to tell you, you cannot drink in your house, in your yard? I have seen it destroy lives. I have tried to
help people who didn't want help and end up doing regrettable things, or losing loved ones because of alcohol abuse ... does that mean the person
who has a single glass of wine with dinner ever day should be banned from this? It is not different at all. Alcohol is harmful, can lead to
violence, destroy organs, kill from overdose, and loads of other things if done irresponsibly. But educate and people learn to be more responsible
with it.
I have seen a lot of people's lives get ruined by going to jail while doing something, and these people would have never harmed anyone, they went to
work on time everyday, even volunteered for overtime regularly, and were model citizens with a private secret. How in the world could anyone justify
ruining the life of a hard working citizen that pays their bills on time and has an impeccable attendance record at their job?
It is all fair unless it is your rights are being taken away, or it is someone you know that has been negatively affected by a corrupt law.
We all know what kind of criminals 80 year old cancer patients can be trying to soothe their pain, or that person serving your hamburger for 12 grand
a year doesn't need an escape at the end of the day to keep going through the struggle and serve you with a smile.
Boy, that Mary Ann from Giligan's Island was really hurting so many people. Willie Nelson is such a troublemaker by having a bio-diesel plant to try
and lessen America's dependence on foreign oil, supporting our troops, raising money for farmers, helping animals ...
What a croc this anti-drug crap is.
I am clean, sober, and I can see the hypocrisy of it all. You really want to get me wound up, ban white chocolate, then you have a real fight on your
The only reason they are illegal is because alphabets and pharma make loads of money that way. It doesn't benefit society. There are places these
things are legal, and people are responsible with it. The tourists not-so-much, but the tourists would go away if it wasn't such a rare policy to
have it not be a crime.
The propaganda machine has been in the schools for a long time, I don't expect a lot of people to change their minds from decades of repeated lies.
I also can respectfully disagree with someone who had a personal life negative experience that cannot separate the unique situation from the general
population. If Joe Schmo chokes on a pecan, that doesn't mean pecans are evil, it means he needs to pace himself better or if allergic, stay away
from it and read labels.