posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 01:53 PM
as stated on another thred i dont care about that hole it dose nothing for me the beam behanid the fireman is what i have a problem with .the simple
fact that it is 4 inch thick plate and has cooled molten metal wich is now slag runing down the side in that angle and that much slag means it is not
from a torch theres to much slag to come from a torch head a number six wouldnt remove that much metal to create that much slag the torch head is not
big enoughto blow or melt that much metal along that cutt line and leave that much slag unless 4 or more torches where used at the same time there was
alot of metal turnd to slag on all 4 sides hard to do by just one torch but if it is cutt from an torch it is a very very ugly cutt by the
profesional cutter team i would question their ability but im just saying
[edit on 18-3-2008 by plasmacutter]