posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:40 PM
I've often wondered about this too. Only last night actually, whilst I watched SG-Atlantis.
i suppose it depends on the method used. If it was some form of sub-space displacement, as in SG, and you where sent "as a whole", I would think
you'd still be you.
If it was some form of matter transporter, like in Star Trek, the way I understand it is that it breaks down you molecules into a data stream,
transports you through sub-space and re-materializes you at the other end. This method sounds like it might kill you.
It depends, really, on what "consciousness" is. If it is just a result of chemical process, I would assume you would still be "you", not "you
2". If you do indeed have a consciousness that is seperate from the body, you might find you'll have a body materialise at the other end, but would
it have brought the "soul" with it...
Very puzzling thoughts... Like I said, it would depend, i suppose on whether "you" are a result of plain old chemistry or something else.....