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The unexpected fall of the towers: Did you see it coming?

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posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 03:35 AM
I was having oatmeal that morning. Still, I was shocked to see the planes hit the towers. And I thought,

"well, ok. they hit the towers with some planes. We can rescue the people out and fix em' up".

Didn't actually think that the towers would fall. And then, what a coincidence that BOTH of them fell, one after the other. I found that weird. if it was really a breaking point in the structure, then the towers wouldn't come down immediately like they did. Obiviously, to anyone of any intelligence the way the towers came down depended only on explosives and NOT planes hitting them.

The point of the story? Surprised to see them both fall down in such a vertically correct way. As it was planned. Who did it? Well, if you read my other threads you know where I stand. But I don't want to make this thread about WHO; but about the chance of both of them falling after getting hit by small planes. Discuss.

[edit on 12-3-2008 by jedimiller]

[edit on 12-3-2008 by jedimiller]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 05:26 AM
I'm not any expert to this matter but I never expected them to come down. I mean... they are huge. Like titans. Besides there have been pretty big fires and all in high buildings before and they didn't come down. Like I said, I'm not an expert so don't expect me to come up with the reasons why they should or shouldn't have come down, but I could have never imagined they would.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 12:49 PM
Considering they didn't fall when the planes hit and the holes being so high up, I didn't think they would. Of course, at the time I was thinking if they did fall, the tops would topple over.

[edit on 12-3-2008 by citizen soup]

[edit on 12-3-2008 by citizen soup]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 05:39 PM

The point of the story? Surprised to see them both fall down in such a vertically correct way. As it was planned. Who did it? Well, if you read my other threads you know where I stand. But I don't want to make this thread about WHO; but about the chance of both of them falling after getting hit by small planes. Discuss.

Small planes? Don't know what your definition of small is? Planes which
struck WTC were 767-200 mods.

767 specs:

lenght: 159 ft 2 in
(48.5 m)
wingspan: 156 ft 1 in
(47.6 m)

max wt: 315,000 lb (767-200)
(142,880 kg)
395,000 lb (767-200er)
(179,170 kg)

Hitting building at approx 500 mph +/- going to do immense amount of
structural damage to building, add to that over 9,000 gal jet fuel dumped
into each tower and resulting fires started. As for falling straight down -
its called gravity and its the law (of physics).....

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by thedman
As for falling straight down - its called gravity and its the law (of physics).....

Glad you understand the laws of physics, gravity causes things to return to the earths' surface and all, but they fell straight down, in a complete freefall, with no resistance from the lower mass of remaining floors. They literally imploded (from the inside-out). Studies have been done to show that even if the fires were the only cause of the collapse, the top portion above the failed point (place of plane impacts and mass structural damage) should only have collapsed perhaps 3-5 stories, leaving the rest in tact and standing. The collapse was "helped" along in an effort to make the whole attack more catostrophic then the "terrorists" .

Oh yeah, since no one has mentioned it yet (at least in this thread), how about WTC7 collapsing 7-8 hours later, BUT 20 minutes after being reported as collapsed on at least two major networks. Why? Not because of the BS reasoning you have been brainwashed with! tuth of the matter was to end the ongoing corporate investigations by the SEC which was housed in the building. Wake up people, we are all about to be those "innocents" trying to escape. The Declaration of Independence gives up the legal right to stand up to our corrupt government. When are we all going to grow some balls, come to our senses, and organize not a mass protest, but a mass revolt???

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 06:45 PM
No, I did not expect the towers to fall after the plane impacts.
I thought the worse would be if the top portion toppled over.

It never seemed right in my mind.

It just doesn't make sense how the floors below the impact
could support the weight of the building for years and years,
yet when it finally starts to give-way, the top portion topples slightly,
at the point of impact, which is expected, but all of a sudden,
the bottom floors systematically fail, floor by floor?

Jet fuel? Come on.

There's just no way the top portion of the building could just bulldoze
through the bottom half, pulverizing everything into a fine dust.

Not without some help.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 06:58 PM
I was in college at that time. I'd have midmorning classes and I'd sleep in until the class. It was a half hour drive from my home to my school. I use to get ready quickly and have my coffee on the road.

I was still part sleepy when I started bumping into people I knew. There was something a buzz. I think I recalled some guy trying to talk to me about it, but I was clueless, and all he did was tell me to watch the news.

I didn't have time to watch the news, I had to get to class and I did. Though the class seemed a little strange that moring, I arived moments before class started and class did start. It was a computer science class, so you know the topic matter is kinda serious anyway, but about 10 minutes into class an anouncment came over the speaker how classes would be canceled for the rest of the day because of the "tradgedy".

Still clueless, I asked but everyone I knew was in a rush to get home. Wow, this is serious, so I listened to the news on the ride home. Wild reports were coming in, how it was an acident and such.

It was clear the world had changed the next day. It's about what we talked about. I recall being in such great shock. Not so much shock that we were attacked. I told my PS class that they should not take me wrong but that the event was awesome.

I'm not talking like "awesome dude". It's not junk term awesome has become but that Objective term. Never before had I thought anyone could use a plane as a wepon nor did I think that skyscrapers could be dropped. Really quite mind boggling.

There were Nostradamus Quartrains that I had reasoned out were talking about planes before that, but I never gathered the deeper meaning.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 07:07 PM
It sickens me that fools claim some NWO associated with the USA did this to OURsevles.

Even worst are the ignormaic statements of planes not being able to do such a thing, nor the way the buildings fell.

After the event, as I've said I didn't ever think planes could do such a thing nor did I think skyscrapers fell, I got a little obsessed with the science behind it.

It was done by the terrorists. I'm in no way in suport of terrorst groups when I use terms like "awesome" or "genius". However that event was awesome and the science behind the attack was genius.

all the parranoid statements of planed attacks by the NWO with expolosions beside the airplanes are foolish and blind and just confused little minds trying to fill in the wholes with rubbish.

Maybe because the lot of them are simple minds they can not understand the "evil genius" of that plan. However the science behind it is beautiful.

Again don't get me wrong, terrorist attack is bad bad bad, however that was such a masterful attack it's too genius to be in modern day movies and mostlikely that is why the simple minds of the world can't see the reality behind it.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 07:16 PM
At one point in my life I was working at a gas station. The owner has a love for drag racing. Once he went to the airport and picked up 5 galons of Jet Fewl.

Let's get one thing strate! JET FUEL is not GAS.

If I wanted to burn down your house, I could use 5 gallons of gas, and mostlikely the house burning wouldn't get done. However with only a half gallon of Jet Fuel and a mister I could blow your house up.

Jet Fuel burns so much hotter then gas, and those airplanes where overloaded with gallons when they struck those buildings that the flames within the buildings quickly weakened the suports.

Like your knees giving out, the bulidings droped within themselves. When you're knees give out on you, you don't tumble unless you are in motion, if you are standing still and upright you go strate down like a ton of bricks., and that's what happened with the beams of the building, once One started to buckel, they all could no longer suport and crunch.

If I were a policement or fireman on that day I think I would have been heard saying "Stuff your pention, I'm not going in there!".

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 07:30 PM
Here is a quiz:
Do you think the first tower to be hit was the first to fall?

I thought that, untill very recently.
It did not come from direct observation, though I was obseving, the whole time.
The idea that the first to be hit was the first to fall, came from listening to the news comentary.

To answer the OP, Yes, and No.
Yes I expected a staged desaster, from listening to Alex Jones, every day.
I recognized, instantly, that this was what Alex was predicting.
No, I did not expect for the towers to fall.
I was very angry, and disgusted.
Not at the "Terrorists", but at Bush and Gang.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated

Nice three post rant. I think a simple "Yes" or "No" followed by
a brief paragraph why you think so, would have sufficed.

Please stay on topic.

You're kinda new, so here's some older, awesome threads
that might help explain why so many of us "fools" believe
planes and jet fuel are not enough to facilitate a total collapse.

Phillips:60 Architects Support WTC7 Controlled Demolition Theory
Barometric or A-neutronic bomb, any more info?
“Hand Waving” the Physics of 9/11
NASA Scientist Ryan Mackey Answers ATS Questions

These are just a few of the MANY threads available for your reading pleasure.

Check yourself before you call anyone here "fools" or "ignorant".

[edit on 3/12/08 by aecreate]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by aecreate

The buildings were built to take the force of an impact. They were not built to withstand the fire that followed. All possible conspiracies have been debunked. I did not expect the buildings to fall, but they did. They fell because an evil man attacked the US. Plain and simple.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by jmt18325
reply to post by aecreate

The buildings were built to take the force of an impact. They were not built to withstand the fire that followed. All possible conspiracies have been debunked. I did not expect the buildings to fall, but they did. They fell because an evil man attacked the US. Plain and simple.

Thank God there are still some people with logic skills out there in the world. It returns my faith in humanity when I see someone post like this. When you really look into it, as you say "they were not suposed to fall", that's why I have to say the plan was classic "evil genius" and it was really an awesome attack, that understandable doesn't make it a good thing.

However the shear reality of the attack was a real eye opener.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 09:26 PM
"All possible conspiracies have been debunked"

Oh really? Care to provide me any links when this happened?
Plain and simple! LOL, wow

Try READING some of the older threads here. All possible conspiracies have been debunked? 9-11 Conspiracies. Why's there an entire forum dedicated to the subject? It certainly isn't because everything was answered in the Official 9-11 Commission Report. Get real.

Good luck on the forum fellas. I'm done here.

[edit on 3/12/08 by aecreate]
edit for ridiculousness

[edit on 3/12/08 by aecreate]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by aecreate

Its called difference between static and dynamic loads - buildings are
designed to resist static loads, that is non moving forces. Can
demonstrate this by placing heavy weight (brick, bowling ball, etc) on
foot. Comfy? Now pick it up and drop from waist height. Feel the
difference in forces? Now image hundreds of thousands of tons of
building above the failure point falling down. On impact with floor below
will overload the supports and cause it to collapse adding its mass to
the falling mass. Will continue until some force sufficent to resist it -
in this the case the ground.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by aecreate

Already did in another thread.

I'm nut sure why there is a whole forum dealing with something that has been explained.

[edit on 12-3-2008 by jmt18325]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated

Like your knees giving out, the bulidings droped within themselves. When you're knees give out on you, you don't tumble unless you are in motion, if you are standing still and upright you go strate down like a ton of bricks., and that's what happened with the beams of the building, once One started to buckel, they all could no longer suport and crunch.

Absurd argument alert! Think logically about the masses of the two compared entities you referencing here. (WTC building vs human body) Your knees don't equate to the 90 floor of the WTCs, try your elbows or biceps even! As I stated before, they may have possibly collapse 3-5 stories beyond the impact point after failure. Case closed, there must have been other factors involved for the lower 70-80% of the building to seemingly fall unobstructed and pulverize like it did. Anyone claiming a knowledge of physics, yet arguing the fact above are most certainly denying ignorance.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by aecreate

Its called difference between static and dynamic loads - buildings are
designed to resist static loads, that is non moving forces. Can
demonstrate this by placing heavy weight (brick, bowling ball, etc) on
foot. Comfy? Now pick it up and drop from waist height. Feel the
difference in forces? Now image hundreds of thousands of tons of
building above the failure point falling down. On impact with floor below
will overload the supports and cause it to collapse adding its mass to
the falling mass. Will continue until some force sufficent to resist it -
in this the case the ground.

No, not in this case. Once again studies have shown that that 30-50 foot fall of the failed portion would have collapsed (in the manner you state) probably 3-5 stories, not all the way to the ground. How could the top 20% of the buildings have enough mass to start the "chain-reaction" you talk of? It couldn't and has been proven.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:53 PM
I was working. My work, I was required to drive place to place, one appointment every 1.5 hours. through the day, it got harder and harder as I thought of the people that at that very time, where dying. My driver, who was about 19, thought it was all funny. It's a young persons view.

When the towers fell, I understood what happened. You see, the steel was not protected as it should of been, because asbestos was not used. It was made illegal because of fears, and they couldn't use it even though a substitute was not yet invented. So the steel got hot, and buckled, and the top of the building fell, and the rest followed because it was not made to hold up the force of the building, with kinetic energy forcing downward.

Oh, but what am I doing... sorry, forgot where I was. Lets not think about the people who had the choice of jumping 150ft to their death, or baking alive. Lets not think of the evil that is really out there. Lets sit in our mom's basements and do all we can to pretend reality isn't what's really going on.

3,000 people. Just trying to go to work. What about the UPS guy that was only making a delivery? what about the guy delivering some food to the building that was only working that job to save for a vacation for his family? Some times, fun thoughts get too far.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 11:01 PM
Honestly, I did nto see it coming at all. I remember watching the planes hit the towers and was in absolute shock, but still thinking they would get everyone else out that was below that. Thinking about how would they get the people above those floors out, ect.. Then when it fell I just remember gasping and being in absolute shock that it fell.

At the time it never occurred to me that it was something other than what it was portrayed to be, I guess I was a good sheep back then. Of course now that I take a look at things I am highly skeptical that there wasn't something behind it besides what we were told. I mean really, who on earth wants to believe that our govt, the people we voted into place could do such a horrid thing. It sort of turns a persons world upside down to believe some of the things that rational thinking says it could be. So often times it is just easier to stick with what we know and believe to be right, truth be damned. To answer the question more directly, no, I never saw it coming. I just never expected the buildings to fall, never in a million years.

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