posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 04:49 PM
We all know now that the Governor of New York is an
unfaithful husband, and a hypocrite.
(In the interest of disclosure, I am a Democrat)
I think he should resign, and I think we will, but I have 2 questions
I cannot find answers for, and maybe my smart friends at ATS can help:
1) It has been rumored that he has used prostitutes for 6 years, or more.
Regardless of how long he has used the services of hooker rings, what I cannot figure out is how NOT ONE of the actual girls ever recognized him as
either the Attorney General of NY or the Governor (depending on the timeframe). Sure- most of the girls may not watch CNN on their free time, but he
has ALWAYS been a high profile guy- especially in NY, where this last service was based. Wouldn't some girl either sell the story, or tell a friend
who tells a friend who tells a reporter? In other words, even though he used cash and not wires, and used Geroge Fox as an alias, he surely did not
wear a mask like the dudes in the orgy during EYES WIDE SHUT. So how come word of this never leaked out? Or, rather than leaking out, how come a girl
never went back to her (underworld) boss and said "Hey, we might want to re-think Client 9... he is the Attorney General (or Governor) of New York!"
Finally, if one of the allegedly MANY girls he paid for recognized him, wouldn't one of the escort service bosses realize the value of that
information... the leverage he or she would have with him? They could have used it to either extort him or protect themselves from future
prosecution... after all, they are professional criminals.
2) He gave the last girl, Kristen, $4300 after the DC tryst, using only 2 of 4 paid hours, and establishing a future credit. Now that the scandal has
hit the media, and all signs point to him not using the now defunct Emporers Club VIP services any more, my second question is... will he get a