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ufo seen during endeavour live tv broadcast!!happening right now

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posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 08:32 AM
I have been thinking this all along.
Everyone was acting as though the video in question had been found.
While I find the small, spinning artefact gliding along in the background interesting, it's hardly explosive.
I'd really love to see the footage which the OP saw where the camera zooms right in before it's cut.
Considering how important this could be I'm surprised the search seems to've ended.
But I guess we have to consider this is the footage he saw and just got a little carried away.
Ah well, guess we'll never know for sure

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 01:19 AM
I have still been searching the nets for that Nasa footage of the camera operator zooming in on the object that is being discussed, but no luck yet, I did find these two interesting videos on STS123.


posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by ExpertTexpert

Hello, ExpertTexpert,

Wow! Tons of words, mostly drifting away from the topic of seeking
other member's help in retrieving video that had a UFO in it...

No dig on you, i've done it before too!

Blog on! (short & sweet can be satisfying).

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:57 PM
Hey everyone. I am a first poster. At approximately 9:30pm on March 14th I was watching the live Nasa feed. I had tuned in because currently living in Japan, this mission is huge news here as they are assembling the KIBO laboratory in the Space Station. It was my first time to watch the direct feed, but I was curious to see what all the fuss was about. I was SHOCKED at what I saw! Within the first minute of my watching the feed, a bright object (similar to the video caps posted in response to the OP) kind of floated into the background. This obviously caught the attention of whoever was manning the camera because the camera was jerked back into the direction of the object and quickly zoomed in. As soon as it was starting to take a focused shape they abruptly changed to a different camera.

I have to be honest. I was not really a believer in UFOs, but after seeing this I couldn't stop thinking about it. Today I went as far as to google "STS-123 ufo" just to see if anyone else had witnessed this. I am very glad that I am not the only one who saw something on his feed. Anyway, I have no evidence and no photos, but all I can say is, whatever I saw definitely gave me a weird feeling.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by EarthOne
I have still been searching the nets for that Nasa footage of the camera operator zooming in on the object that is being discussed, but no luck yet, I did find these two interesting videos on STS123.


Hey have a look at Link 1
At the 11 min mark there is something between the big round thingy and the lower second arm, what is it ??

Edit - im thinking its the moon /

[edit on 16-3-2008 by busyfrog]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by teardropexplodes
I have been thinking this all along.
Everyone was acting as though the video in question had been found.
While I find the small, spinning artefact gliding along in the background interesting, it's hardly explosive.
I'd really love to see the footage which the OP saw where the camera zooms right in before it's cut.
Considering how important this could be I'm surprised the search seems to've ended.
But I guess we have to consider this is the footage he saw and just got a little carried away.
Ah well, guess we'll never know for sure

You have to review the whole thread again my friend. The OP you
mentioned already recognized the video I posted as the same one he
was looking for. There was another comment about a second video
that is the one with the zoom in - zoom out feature showing two objects
but this video came later to discussion ok ? By the way I also have this
video. Therefore the search was not inconclusive but successfull regarding
the original footage requested. Check also the subsequent comments.


posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Is there any way to record the NASA live feeds without losing any resolution? If you were to try to record it to dvd in full-format it would obviously fill up that DVD pretty fast. You'd be switching out DVD's at a ridiculous rate. Is there a way to record it to DVR and configure the DVR to save a direct upload to the computer every once in a while? I just mention this because people keep catching really interesting stuff and/or seeing really interesting stuff but the resolution just sometimes gets lost in the process of uploading it and everything else. Is there a cheap way to do this?


posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by free_spirit

Originally posted by teardropexplodes
I have been thinking this all along.
Everyone was acting as though the video in question had been found.
While I find the small, spinning artefact gliding along in the background interesting, it's hardly explosive.
I'd really love to see the footage which the OP saw where the camera zooms right in before it's cut.
Considering how important this could be I'm surprised the search seems to've ended.
But I guess we have to consider this is the footage he saw and just got a little carried away.
Ah well, guess we'll never know for sure

You have to review the whole thread again my friend. The OP you
mentioned already recognized the video I posted as the same one he
was looking for. There was another comment about a second video
that is the one with the zoom in - zoom out feature showing two objects
but this video came later to discussion ok ? By the way I also have this
video. Therefore the search was not inconclusive but successfull regarding
the original footage requested. Check also the subsequent comments.


In regards to the zoomed in footage. Can you post it also?; and what does " Check also subsequent comments." mean?

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 01:33 AM
is this it?


[edit on 17-3-2008 by Frankenchrist]

[edit on 17-3-2008 by Frankenchrist]

[edit on 17-3-2008 by Frankenchrist]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Frankenchrist

I can't see a thing there. Cept fo the ISS.
Is it my crappy monitor or is someone pulling r legs?

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by ExpertTexpert
reply to post by ExpertTexpert
And modeling or reasonably predicting future scenerios based on those past is all we have. I do insurance analysis, so I'm very aware that past events and human behavior is, indeed, a reliable well from which to draw.

You are, of course, quite right about predicting human behaviour in such a manner. But that's only because people are not free. They've been "guided" by forces beyond their grasp for such a long period of time that they don't remember how to be free anymore. That's not any different from pattern recognition and behaviour prediction of a herd of sheep. Sheep used to be free once, but then humans came along, and gave sheep "human rules" to follow. As long as sheep keep following those rules, they are as predictable as can be. Just like humans are.

But, what happens when sheep don't follow the rules?

Consent has been manufactured since the first humans began to gather in packs, recognizing the strongest or smartest to offer direction and leadership.

No, no, no... You've got it upside-down. The rules were taught first - to form packs to hunt and gather, and then to capture and hold "domesticated" animals and do agriculture. Once humanity accepted those rules, it became very predictable under them. Were there other possibilities at the time that didn't include staying at the animal level? I'm certain there were, but they were strongly discouraged. Thus, we have what we have now on Earth - a pyramidal scheme of energy use and abuse.

... algorhythms in statistical analysis or energy and matter is identical - simply in different states.

Quite right.

That church of the subgenius seems a bit on the edge, (I'm being kind).

They do sound like that, don't they?

That's only because they speak of reality using words wrapped in humor. Words are quite inadequate to describe reality (Quantum Mechanics has already hit that wall, and pretty hard at that). The only way to describe reality is through personal experience, and that's exactly what they are doing. Their words can hit a thread of personal experience. It is "code-talking", but on a level no Earthly secret society can even begin to comprehend (yes, secret societies do rule this planet). Essentially, the whole story is summarized in these words:
"If you don't laugh, you didn't get it, but if you ONLY laugh, you didn't get it".

What these words say is that this whole Universe is a giant energy pyramidal scheme. It's so tightly controlled that it would make your head spin if you only had a glimps at it. It's so incredibly, utterly meaningless that you just have to laugh at it. Humor is the only valve to deal with it. But if you only laugh, you are as crazy as the rest of the beings who take themselves so deadly serious (secret societies, yup) inside a completely meaningless Universe. Do you see the humor of the situation here?

What they are pros at, is beyond me.

That's why you need more experience.

Have no doubt though. The carefully manufactured American myth will survive, relatively unscathed.

But it won't. That's the point. Statistical analysis and behaviour prediction (Game Theory) are completely useless tools in this case. Both sides (not human) involved in these events are too fluid and unpredictable to be modelled by such primitive concepts.

Let me quote admiral Fallon. This is the very essence of his military genius.
"I try to be reasonably predictable to my own people and very unpredictable to potential adversaries."

I believe this was enough speaking of thread-unrelated matters...

Shall someone finally bring out that zoom-in video?

[edit on 17-3-2008 by elendal]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:48 AM
I was just watching NASA-TV at about 9:40AM Eastern and they rebroadcast some STS-123 launch footage. A clip showing the launch from the orbiter (looking back or behind) did show a ball of light that moved from screen right to screen left and it seemed pretty large. Maybe NASA will post it. If NASA does I'll post a link or try and capture it.


Edited to add the following clip and comments:

A good cup of coffee and several viewings adds perspective. The anomalies seen at about 20 and 40 seconds in the above clip would seem likely to be the RH SRB as viewed from the rear facing camera on the LH SRB.


[edit on 17-3-2008 by SpeakEasyOne]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by free_spirit

Ya know, you could just re-post a link to your video OR you could at least state what page the link to the video is on. I don't want to have to wade through 18 pages of mudslinging just to watch a video.

It would be a lot easier if the OP would just edit his original post and include a link right there on the first page. It's a bit ridiculous when all you want is to watch the video. If the video itself is even worth it we can decide to come back to the thread and post our thoughts.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Breadfan
reply to post by Frankenchrist

I can't see a thing there. Cept fo the ISS.
Is it my crappy monitor or is someone pulling r legs?

the problem with that footage is that there are no characteristics that would distinguish it from space junk. There are some pretty impressive video clips shot from orbit. That one is not one.


posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Breadfan
reply to post by Frankenchrist

I can't see a thing there. Cept fo the ISS.
Is it my crappy monitor or is someone pulling r legs?

the problem with that footage is that there are no characteristics that would distinguish it from space junk. There are some pretty impressive video clips shot from orbit. That one is not one. (in the youtube link frankenchrist posted from STS-123).


[edit on 17-3-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by reject

They would have not sent their shuttle so close to a "fast" moving satellite! by the way, no reason why it's moving so fast! That is real fast moving object! It blinks as well!

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by merryxmas
reply to post by free_spirit

Ya know, you could just re-post a link to your video OR you could at least
state what page the link to the video is on. I don't want to have to wade
through 18 pages of mudslinging just to watch a video.

It would be a lot easier if the OP would just edit his original post and include a link right there on the first page. It's a bit ridiculous when all you want is to watch the video. If the video itself is even worth it we can decide to come back to the thread and post our thoughts.

If you think this thread is just mudslinging maybe you may find something
more interesting for you in other threads. The OP made a report and the
response was overwhelming. The comments from the members were
elocuent and all of us made this story along with Jay the OP.

If you are still interested in watching the video invest some time like
we all did and read the story from the beguinning. It's your choice.


posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 02:45 PM
Burning magnesium is what I saw. I don't think aliens burn magnesium.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by merryxmas
reply to post by free_spirit

Ya know, you could just re-post a link to your video OR you could at least state what page the link to the video is on. I don't want to have to wade through 18 pages of mudslinging just to watch a video.

It would be a lot easier if the OP would just edit his original post and include a link right there on the first page. It's a bit ridiculous when all you want is to watch the video. If the video itself is even worth it we can decide to come back to the thread and post our thoughts.

This makes 2 problems with ATS (and message boards in general) quite obvious:
1) The OP can't edit his thread after a certain time period. This sucks about ATS.
2) There should be a Wiki option for exactly this purpose such as forums use. This way, the 2nd post of any thread could be edited by anyone to add more links and info during the investigation.
3. And while you're at, check out their thumbs up/down approach for posts, much needed on ATS.

You hear that ATS?

[edit on 17-3-2008 by Grey Basket]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 06:40 PM

For those who choose not to sort through the past sixteen pages of "It's a helicopter" here is a summary of a few of the more relevant posts:

* The original poster did not say it was huge. Somebody else did.
* The original poster did not say it looked like a worm. A couple somebody elses's did.

Here are some screen captures posted by someone. The original poster has confirmed that these are pictures of the same event that he witnessed. e.jpg

Here is a link to some general flight information for this mission. As of this post, the "STS-123 In-flight Anomlay Log" reads "Nothing at this time."

Here are links to videos of the event. One has been zoomed in for clarity. It has been noted that the resolution is extremely poor.

When viewing these videos, please note the following:

* Before the object even appears, the dialogue on the video is reasonably proper context for a cutaway. Discovery clearly states "We'll give you a couple minutes and call you back" before the object appears.
* When the cut occurs, it is not a clean cut, but rather the screen goes to static before going to mission control.
* When the view returns to mission control, there is a large screen visibly showing static as well.
* If you look closely at the zoomed in footage, you will see the object at approximately :04 to :05. It then disappears behind a protrusion of the shuttle, and reappears on the other side at approximately :09.
* The direction of the rotation of the earth relative to the shuttle implies that the shuttle is traveling towards the object, and not away from it. Consequently, if the object is debris of some kind, it seems unlikely that it came from the shuttle itself.
* Somewhere in the vicinity of :10 to :12, there is an apparent change in the trajectory of the object. With the quality of the video it is not completely obvious, but if you hold a straightedge up to your screen as you watch, and align one end with the position of the object when it first appears at :04, and the other with its position at :09, you will see that it's ultimate destination is not in line with this path.
* Given the quality of the video, and given that the path the object takes is obscured by the shuttle for several seconds, it could reasonably be suggested that what we are seeing is not a single change of trajectory, but rather that the object is traveling along a curved path. For example, like an orbit. However, if this is the case, the path the object follows is not what should reasonably be expected from an earth orbit. The earth is at the top of the video, the trajectory appears to change towards the bottom of the video.


Please note that getting your news in soundbite form like this from random people on the internet you do not know (like me) may be dangerous. Yes, I have attempted to filter through the garbage and give you the useful information from the thread. However, please always remember that people who filter information for you may not always have your best interests at heart. And even if they do they might not always notice everything. Also, they could be mistaken. Make your own judgements.

[edit on 17-3-2008 by LordBucket]

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