posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 10:45 PM
Another popular theory held by many involved in New Age philosophy is that the Greys are truly the benevolent race they claim to be, and that they are
here to guide humanity into the next millennium with spiritual understanding of each other, in order to create a more perfect society. It also finds
support among those who claim to be in contact with the Greys, and claim to receive information about what they are doing, as well as why. This
information, however, seems to be too much like propaganda as well as disinformation to the author. This theory holds that the Greys come from a
society whose gene pool has become overly inbred or otherwise has become depleted. It is somewhat similar to the old science fiction scenario, with a
dying Mars coming to Earth in order that they can survive.
This theory is much simpler, as well as much more direct in its thought process, than the one above, and is entertained more by various groups devoted
to the spiritual and mental evolution of mankind. Supporters of this theory say that the same Greys have spoken to them, and told them the reasons
that they are here. According to these individuals and groups, the Greys are trying to help humanity save itself by saving the planet, because the
death of Earth is soon to come, and tell of great storms, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, as well as war, pollution, famine, and starvation
that will soon to sweep across the face of our planet. The Greys claim that they know these things will happen because they aren't limited by time
flowing in a single direction, but can move forwards and backwards though time. While they cannot stop it, they only want to prevent as much suffering
as possible. While they are here, though, they could use some of our DNA, because their supply has been drastically reduced, for a reason rarely told
to the contactees who communicate to them.