posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 10:29 PM
When I was a kid I had a bike that had one of the pedals broken off. All that was left was the peg, and I would leave the bike outside and so it was
rusted in several places, including the hand brakes. Sometime before this incident, the back brake cable had broken, so only the front one worked.
Anyhow, my brother and I were out riding our bikes and he kept cutting me off, so I would hit my hand brake and make the front tire slide. About the
third time he did this, the front brake cable broke, and I ran into him, which really pissed him off - as if it was my fault. So he rode off and left
me there on the ground, slightly bloodied. Well, I tried to get up but couldn't because I was entangled in the bike. Some lady pulled up next to me
in her car and asked if I was OK, and I said that I was, then she got this really scared look on her face! I told her that I would probably need a
ride home, because my bike was messed up. She suddenly passed out and her car just coasted away - and ran into a parked car a little ways down the
road. A bunch of people came out and called for an ambulance and told me to not to move. I kept trying to explain to them that she didn't hit me,
but when I tried to get up I realized that I was dragging the bike along with me, because the foot peg had gone through my leg. You can probably
figure out the rest of the story - ambulance - stitches - scar that I lie about (looks like a bullet entry/exit wound) Never found out what happened
to the lady in the car.
I got a new bike that next Christmas, and I learned to do routine maintenance. I must have learned something too, because I haven't had a car or
motorcycle accident since I learned to drive 39 years ago. (I did slide on ice about 6 years ago, but I went through a jeep instead of hitting it -
don't ask me how - it was like the jeep was a hologram or something, but that's a story for another thread).