posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 06:18 PM
I just watched a story on out local news stating that there are Drugs in our drinking water.
Among other things listed were:
1) Steroids
2) Hormones
3) Mood Inhancers
4) Seditives (sp)
This shocks the hell out of me. When the local water processing plant was interviewed they stated a few reasons that they don't test for these
1) The tests are expensive.
2) Nothing could get through there treatment procedures.
3) It's just paranoia.
Now the news station did tests on the tap water and found Narcotics, seditaves, lithium (sp), and a few different types of steroids and other
hormones. Now, I have been drinking steam distilled water for years now (the local tap water had, in my opinion, a horrable taste and smell) because
the local water board lets the water get till it smells like raw sewage before they dump in what smells like 1 months worth of chlorine bleach in, all
at once, (it burns your eyes, dries your skin and discolors (fades) your clothing)
so this doesn't affect me so much, but I wory about my
extended family (parents, siblings, nieces/nephew) What are they drinking? And why won't the water department test for these and do something about
it if the tests come out positive???
If this is a conspiracy that has been hit on before then you have my apologies and MODS please pull this, but if not then I would like to know what
all of you think? How would you feel if this was happening to you? Is this happening to you? Is the government trying to turn us into some sort of
giant, brain dead, worker ants?
Your oppinions are very welcome.
Thanks to all.