posted on Feb, 10 2003 @ 10:20 PM
The technology explored during the Philadelphia experiment was not well understood at the time. Nikola Tesla was initially involved in the project,
and then decided to back out. When the feds wouldnt let him out, he intentionally detuned his equipment, causing it to not function. They let him out,
thinking he was no longer reliable. Navy scientists attempted to retune the system without Teslas assistance. The initial experiment in Philadelphia
harbor was actually not intended as a full run experiment, so much as the techs were trying to power up the system and fine tune it (which is when
they found out it was tuned wrong, and everyone knows what happened at that point).
The experiment was later repeated far out at sea with a number of escort ships. The results of that test are obviously still classified, however, they
must have been satisfactory, as testing then began on shore.
It is known that Camp Hero at Montauk Point, NY was at least one site for testing (they apparently used the radar dish as an early antenna). I have
heard and read many different stories about the results of these tests, including that they repeated the teleportation/time travel effects. I have no
evidence as to the truth of these stories.
The technology developed from this research currently exists in the US HAARP project, the Soviet ZEVS, and similar projects in the UK/Australia,
Isreal, China, Japan, and most likely other countries. This technology is THE DEADLIEST weapons technology ever developed, and far outstrips nuclear
weapons in destructive power.