posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is: Canis Lupus, which is the scientific name for the Gray Wolf. I live in California. I love dogs and
work at a doggy daycare where I get to watch after 15-25 dogs all off leash in an open environment every day. I am also a dog trainer.
I am interested in New World Order, Alien and Government Conspiracies. I have read or seen all of the speeches from Phil Schneider. I've also been
watching the speech from Naomi Wolf, Freedom to Fascisim, for her book. I've even printed and started studying the constitution. And I have
read/seen vast amounts of other information online. I am interested in learning whatever I can to help piece it all together. Based on what Ive been
reading/seeing so far it seems that "We the people" are in deep water.
My basic understanding of it all is this: The Government, or rather the elites such as Rothschild, Rockerfeller etc. have taken over our Banks, thus
taking over our government and are trying to lead us under one world government where they will have complete power (Also murdering 80% of us) through
groups such as the Illuminati and now the Bilderberg group. I'm not sure if the CIA is directly involved with the elites or wether they are also
fighting for their own version of NWO but they are dealing drugs and funding terrorism etc. through their "black budget" and have supposedly been
working with the grey aliens since 1954 (When Eisenhower signed the Greana Treaty) by trading roughly a million people a year for technology.
Ultimatly I believe our government is decieving us and I believe its time the people stood up for democracy, that is why I came to these forums to
learn from other people what they know and to try and figure out what we can do to stop them.