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The Matrix, Could It Happen?

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posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 07:25 AM
The Matrix, Could It Happen?

Thomas is an individual living within The Matrix. By day, Mr. Anderson is a programmer at a respectable software company, by night, he is hacker extrodinaire Neo, who has a nagging feeling that something is not quite right with the world. He, like everybody else was unaware of the truth, not realizing he was a SLAVE to AI. Neo was a "Copper Top," because like everybody else, his physical body was hardwired to the matrix and used as a power source. The words "Copper Top" refer to a discardable battery (Duracell).

Could tecnology such as the matrix really happen? Is it available now or in our lifetime? Let's take a look and see:

Most people don't realize the revolutionary impact of that. The development of computers that match and vastly exceed the capabilities of the human brain will be no less important than the evolution of human intelligence itself some thousands of generations ago. Current predictions overlook the imminence of a world in which machines become more like humans--programmed with replicated brain synapses that re-create the ability to respond appropriately to human emotion, and humans become more like machines-our biological bodies and brains enhanced with billions of "nanobots," swarms of microscopic robots transporting us in and out of virtual reality. We have already started down this road: Human and machine have already begun to meld.

It starts with uploading, or scanning the brain into a computer. One scenario is invasive: One very thin slice at a time, scientists input a brain of choice--having been frozen just slightly before it was going to die--at an extremely high speed. This way, they can easily see every neuron, every connection and every neurotransmitter concentration represented in each synapse-thin layer.

Seven years ago, a condemned killer allowed his brain and body to be scanned in this way, and you can access all 10 billion bytes of him on the Internet. You can see for yourself every bone, muscle and section of gray matter in his body. But the scan is not yet at a high enough resolution to recreate the interneuronal connections, synapses and neurotransmitter concentrations that are the key to capturing the individuality within a human brain.

Our scanning machines today can clearly capture neural features as long as the scanner is very. close to the source. Within 30 years, however, we will be able to send billions of nanobots--blood cell-size scanning machines--through every capillary of the brain to create a complete noninvasive scan of every neural feature. A shot full of nanobots will someday allow the most subtle details of our knowledge, skills and personalities to be copied into a file and stored in a computer.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 07:27 AM
"Welcome to the Real World"

The control system in the movie wasn't seen easily by the citizens who were living inside it. Do you see a similar system in place?

I believe that some of the divide and conquer tactics, started as early on as "The Tower of Babel" event. What better way to divide the people and seperate them than to confuse their language. Who really brought on this event? I am not sure yet. But hopefully if we all put forth the same effort, maybe we can find out.
It is mentioned in the Old Testament, that the concern over the building of the tower that would ascend into the heavens was; "They are of one mind and one accord and nothing will be impossible for them."
Other than educating those who you wanted to control with inaccurate information, what other means would be used to stay in control?
Introducing different religious belief systems into the world system would be an excellent way to keep a people divided. If a people remain divided, they do not realize knowledge. They would not realize the truth! That they are being controlled.

The ancient Sumerian texts give a different slant or viewpoint on the way that most people today accept the modern bible. Suppose there is more truth in the ancient texts? Would this, then make more sense to the suppression of knowledge and unification in joint efforts?

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 07:31 AM
Regarding UFOs, some even speculate that programs such as these are designed in such a way as to reveal the truth little by little as time goes on or to mislead the people.

[Agent Brown studies the screens as the life signs react violently to the injection.]


The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was re-designed to this: the peak of your civilization.

As you will learn in the Genesis Revisited page, while the human race was in Eden, every need of the human race was taken care of by Satan. And as long as the human race accepted their servant (slave) status to the gods (Satan) it would remain "a paradise". This, agent Smith refers to as; "perfect human world where none suffered".

Then there was a disaster Smith said, "no one would accept the programming". This "disaster" is where humanity ate the fruit(learned knowledge from Prince EA, the forbidden knowledge). This made humanity aware of its slavery to the gods. Then it was Satan who cast mankind out of Eden!

Humans were nude in the Garden while the gods were fully clothed. Mankind's nudity reminded him of his slavery, this ashamed him . .
Neo says to AI:
"I know you're out there.
I can feel you now.
I know that you are afraid.
You're afraid of us.
You're afraid of change.
I don't know the future.
I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end.
I came here to tell you how it's going to begin.
I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I am going to show these people what you don't want them to see.
I'm going to show them a world without you.
A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries.
A world where anything is possible.
Where we go from there, is a choice I leave.... to you."

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Your government controlled Education

From birth people are programmed, parents dictate all kinds of rules and regulations to their children. Your mind is ready for imprinting. Your first experiences are imprinted and greatly impact the rest of your life.

The Department of Education (DOE) is a faction within the United States government. It sets the standard for education all throughout the land. People are born into this world and educated in falsehoods schools without even realizing it. Some grow up and become teachers teaching those lies to future generations.

Most subjects pertinent to your spiritual recovery are not present in the government controlled education system. The truth about Freemasonry isn't taught in public schools is it?

The making of a Robot

Where do you start if you want total control of the minds, bodies and souls of a country? You start with the children. Both schools and churches educate the masses. As you further your studies you will realize that this isn't good for the people. In fact, it turns people into robots. Robots that do not question what they are taught.

How do you perform this systematic brainwashing of the children? First you have to start by getting full control of the schools. You have to be able to force the use of your materials, your methods and your value system. Teachers must be indoctrinated in college and enrolled into a strong socialist organization to keep them straight.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 07:47 AM
A Synthesis of the
Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics:

This treatise on communist brainwashing;

Remember, all lands are governed by the few who only pretend to
consult with the many. It is no different in America. The petty official,
the maker of laws alike can be made to believe the worst. It is
not necessary to convince the masses. It is only necessary to work
incessantly upon the official, using personal defamation, wild lies,
false evidence, and constant propaganda to make him fight for you
against the church or against any practitioner.
Like the official, the bona fide medical healer also believes

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 09:38 AM
Then surely it's more likely we are already living in the matrix...

Seriously, you've got to stop smoking whatever it is you are, as you've already filled this thread with a bunch of unconnected ramblings
There is nothing of substance in anything you've written, at least nothing that says anything about your initial question. It does speak a lot about your views on the world, though...

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 10:43 AM
I know why you're here, sizzle. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live, and why night after night, you sit by your computer. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing - and when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, sizzle. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.

Send me a PM, sizzle, because the answer is out there and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by dave420

Have patience. The thread isn't over. It has only just begun.
If it seems so disconnected, outrageous, unbelievable, etc. Maybe you can find something else on this board more in your comfort zone and to your understanding. Peace.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 05:13 PM
With mod hat on, I stand boldly and do proclaims Play nice people!

With member hat on.....

In some respects quite a few folk are there. 8 Million WoW subscribers connect up to a form of "matrix" every day. True, at the moment they don't have it implanted and live solely in the game but as a WoW player myself I can tell you that some people take it all way way too seriously, and thats scary.

And then theres Eve, Ultima, TCoS, City of Heroes/Villans....the whole MMORPG market is basicly its own matrix. Worlds within a world. People escape to them and some people would rather be inside them.

The tech is nearly here to hardwire something like that and it bothers me but....

To have a proper Matrix we need evil overlord AI's and huge machines. We've not got there just yet
- or have we? How would we know?

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by neformore

Thank you nefermore,
As I alluded to in previous post, there is a lot more I intend to tie together here. You will all have to forgive me temporarily. We had high winds here that blew in a lot of allergens and pollens. So I am suffering miserably from a sinus headache.
I do intend to tie all this together and add more as soon as I can get past this headache.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:20 PM
"I want to be someone famous like an actor or something." That line actualy came from Keana Reves who was actualy cypher who sold out morpheus and the real neo in the real world and then when cypher/Keana was plugged back in. The machines lived up to their bargain making Keana an actor despite his lack of talent. And then allowed the movie to be made because the machines incharge have a satyrical sense of humor.
They have to as overlords it jives well with the rest of us.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by Zealott]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by sizzle
The Matrix, Could It Happen?

We are absolutely in the Matrix NOW. I am quite serious. And I'm not talking about any technological matrix, internet, computers, nanobots, politics, futures, etc. I'm not talking about any William Gibson or Ray Kurzweil ideas here.

We live in a construct that we don't understand; why we are here we do not know. We are incapable of freeing ourselves nor preventing our eventual exit. We connect with each other using physical laws that shouldn't exist, and that defy reason, and that constrain us in ridiculous and illogical ways. We have no answers, and no understanding. We make guesses sometimes, and things work out -- or not. We know only one thing for sure between all the strange years spanning birth to death -- we exist.

We are so drilled in the ways of this Matrix that it has become a non-question to us, starting at around age two. We have gone into total acceptance mode, resigned to live in this unexpected universe without doorways or windows.

The great thing about the Matrix movie was how perfect an allegory it was to our actual existence on this lonely and mysterious plateau. Many will agree with me on that, I am sure. These people will also agree with (and this is a test, most definitely) will agree with me here:

You selected ones will agree. The second and third Matrix movies were the WORST!!! There is no spoon.

Edit: If you don't get that, then you might as well skip this post, because this will all be pure gibberish to you. I should have made that qualification earlier, I know. Too late now, sorry.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by Buck Division]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 12:50 AM
Can anyone proof that I am NOT living a dream? And no, communicating on ATS is not proof of an "external" world

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Buck Division

Originally posted by sizzle
The Matrix, Could It Happen?

You selected ones will agree. The second and third Matrix movies were the WORST!!! There is no spoon.

Edit: If you don't get that, then you might as well skip this post, because this will all be pure gibberish to you. I should have made that qualification earlier, I know. Too late now, sorry.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by Buck Division]

Matrix II & III were a joke, albeit a lucrative one

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 03:09 AM
This excerpt is in reference to computerized humans and virtual reality:

We can touch and feel this technology today. We just can't make the nanobots small enough, not yet anyway. But miniaturization is another one of those accelerating technology trends. We're currently shrinking the size of technology by a factor of 5.6 per linear dimension per decade, so it is conservative to say that this scenario will be feasible in a few decades. The nanobots will capture the locations, interconnections and contents of all the nerve cell bodies, axons, dendrites, presynaptic vesicles, neurotransmitter concentrations and other relevant neural components. Using high-speed wireless communication, the nanobots will then communicate with each other and with other computers that are compiling the brain-scan database.

If this seems daunting, another scanning project, that of the human genome, was also considered ambitious when it was first introduced 12 years ago. At the time, skeptics said the task would take thousands of years, given current scanning capabilities. But the project is finishing on time nevertheless because the speed with which we can sequence DNA has grown exponentially.

Brain scanning is a prerequisite to Winston and Nellie's virtual life--and apparent immortality.

In 2029, we will swallow or inject billions of nanobots into our veins to enter a three dimensional cyberspace--a virtual reality environment. Already, neural implants are used to counteract tremors from Parkinson's disease as well as multiple sclerosis. I have a deaf friend who can now hear what I'm saying because of his cochlear implant. Under development is a retinal implant that will perform a similar function for blind people, basically replacing certain visual processing circuits of the brain. Recently, scientists from Emory University placed a chip in the brain of a paralyzed stroke victim who can now begin to communicate and control his environment directly from his brain.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 03:19 AM


Singularity: The rise of super intelligent life, created through the improvement of human tools by the acceleration of technological progress reaching the point of infinity
Progress vs. Time -> Singularity

Technologies Which May Take Us to Singularity:

* Computer software endowed with heuristic algorithms
* Artificial entities generated by evolution within computer systems
* Integration of the human nervous system and computer hardware
* Blending of humans and computers with user interfaces
* Dynamically organizing computer networks

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 03:31 AM

The metaverse roadmap offers a glimpse of what the next decade might hold, but does so recognizing that the futures it describes are not end-points, but transitions. The choices we make today about commonplace tools and everyday technologies will shape what's possible, and what's imaginable, with the generations of technologies to come. If the singularity is in fact near, the fundamental tools of information, collaboration and access will be our best hope for making it happen in a way that spreads its benefits and minimizes its dangers—in short, making it happen in a way that lets us be good ancestors.

If we're willing to try, we can create a future, a singularity, that's wise, democratic and sustainable—a future that's open. Open as in transparent. Open as in participatory. Open as in available to all. Open as in filled with an abundance of options.

The shape of tomorrow remains in our grasp, and will be determined by the choices we make today. Choose wisely.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 03:37 AM
The last few posts are to show you that a matrix (virtual reality) if you will is already, intensely being strived for under the name of, 'Singularity.' This is definitely a case of AI (artificial intelligence).
I would advise those of you who are interested, and may seem lost on the associations of the information put forth here; to please follow the links given.

There is so much more on the original sites, than I am at liberty to post here. Perhaps then you will see the connection or the possibillities.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Buck Division

Best Post of the thread imho.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Buck Division

I absolutely agree, look at my avatar. When I saw The Matrix, it hit a little close to home. Wow that movie sure opened some doors for me.

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