posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 08:35 AM
Bruce Simpson.....the pulse jet man! He's been on scrapheap challenge over here, jet powered go-karts! The guys a legend in my book!
His proposal for a cruise missile was based around his x-jet, advanced pulse jet engine. The x-jet website has not been updated for years, much to my
disappointment as an avid follower of it's development. Either the technology didn't work, or someone/some company has paid Bruce for the rights to
Basically a small missile could be created using a traditional pulse jet, or several of them! Remember the Germans managed it in the 1940's with the
Doodlebugso I'm sure it's even more possible now.
I don't think low height terrain hugging would be a problem, a
]laser range finder costs just £25, all you need to be able
to do is write an inteface between that and a control servo to adjust altitude.
Inertial navigation could be used or GPS, again this would output to the servos for guidance.
Fuel would be petrol or LPG.
The german v-1 carried a warhead slightly under 2000 lbs!
I think this would be a really interesting project, so long as the warhead is not added I can't see any problem with building one as a challenge!
Obviously sticking explosives on the end would be idiotic, but the concept could be proven using a camera as a payload?