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American patriotism.

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posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 11:38 AM
I can't fully understand how many Americans believe in their government so blindly. If Americans were send to prison camps for torture would they still love their government? What's the big deal and why do they love their government so much? Have they forgotten what their government has done for the last 50 years or so?

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 11:56 AM
Many Americans actually fear and loathe their government and what it has become.

The problem is, they fear and loathe the apparent alternatives even more.

The fantasy that a majority of US citizens have bought into is that thier lives, no matter how proscribed they may actually be, are better than the lives of those in any other country on earth.

So of course...

When your Life is "Cush", you stay on your Tush!

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Foreign media baffles me as to how they are able to get you people to believe all kinds of rubbish about Americans.

Bush currently has a 19% approval rating (most likely the people who still watch Fox news), so to say that 'Americans believe in their gov't so blindly' is wrong.

Why don't you come on over, and see what Americans are REALLY all about.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I can't fully understand how many Americans believe in their government so blindly. If Americans were send to prison camps for torture would they still love their government? What's the big deal and why do they love their government so much? Have they forgotten what their government has done for the last 50 years or so?

You must not know many Americans. We don't love our government and really we never have, with the exception of a few outstanding presidents. Don't believe what you hear on the blatantly anti-American media.

What you see in our pop-star exports is entertainment of the lowest common denominator. If 20% of the population is at least somewhat interested in Paris Hilton then that's enough to sell the merch. Many Americans, myself included, hate how we are represented by the likes of these pop-whores.

The world is in the Pax Americana (which is fading but that's for another thread). There has never been a more benevolent and charitable empire. We take so much verbal abuse, people spit on us, and yet we fight and die for other nations. The US has been singularly responsible for maintaing the world economy ever since WWII, and that is not an exaggeration.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 12:34 PM
I'm American myself, I am just using the word "American" to refer to the other Americans (I didn't mean to confuse people into thinking I am foreign from the country). I know that people despise Bush. However, many of the Americans I meet in this country other than me don't know what they are talking about when they talk about politics, they don't know who Barak Obama is, and they think that Hillary Clinton should be our first woman President and I get the feeling that a lot of them think that Barak Obama is inexperienced so he shouldn't be President.

My problem with this country is that they are so blinded by ideals that they forget that Bush has practically abolished the Constitution with Bills like the Patriot Act that have been passed into law. The Government can track our library records, they can monitor our internet activity and they are starting to develop the technology in which they can track our every move without telling us.

Many other Americans wouldn't dare to question the government because they like the country enough so they won't complain. I like the country but I still complain because it is my constitutional right. Other Americans should do the same.

[edit on 9-3-2008 by Frankidealist35]

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 12:42 PM
What makes the USA the greatest country in the world is something you stated but didn't realize it.

Americans may not like what "the government" or President Bush does, but we talk and post comments about it, all we want. This is just part of freedom, this is what we want to bring to the world.

Don't believe what you read in anti-American propaganda.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I'm American myself, I am just using the word "American" to refer to the other Americans (I didn't mean to confuse people into thinking I am foreign from the country). I know that people despise Bush. However, many of the Americans I meet in this country other than me don't know what they are talking about when they talk about politics, they don't know who Barak Obama is, and they think that Hillary Clinton should be our first woman President and I get the feeling that a lot of them think that Barak Obama is inexperienced so he shouldn't be President.

My problem with this country is that they are so blinded by ideals that they forget that Bush has practically abolished the Constitution with Bills like the Patriot Act that have been passed into law. The Government can track our library records, they can monitor our internet activity and they are starting to develop the technology in which they can track our every move without telling us.

Many other Americans wouldn't dare to question the government because they like the country enough so they won't complain. I like the country but I still complain because it is my constitutional right. Other Americans should do the same.

[edit on 9-3-2008 by Frankidealist35]

Iwill agree that most people are ignorant about politics. A person at my job thought that the Primaries determine who the President will be. I lol'ed.

I'm a 26 year old male, without a wife or children. A woman at work told me, when she heard my age, "oh you should be married by now and have some kids!" That would be most irresponsible of me, due to my income:debt ratio. I'd end up on welfare. She knows my income because she has the same job, but being socially responsible is not something that naturally occurs to some people. My op-ed: This is your classic "let the government take care of you" Democrat.

America has its fair share of idiots. Due to the ease of life many of us enjoy--the lack of struggle--we become "fat and lazy." Laziness is a mental state. If the economy crashes that will come to an end and hopefully the resilient spirit of the American people is still alive.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 01:09 PM
Patriotism is great for easy control of people. You just click a few emotional buttons and there they go, the sheep.. off to war to die for someone else to make a #load of cash.

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by spaznational

Very good answer . . . very good answer. You get a star for that piece of work.

I need a second line

[edit on 9/3/2008 by xxpigxx]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 08:35 AM
Stop moaning! You think you have it bad, why don’t you come live in South Africa for a while; our Entire Government is incompetent! You only have to replace Bush!

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 08:54 AM
its not that we love our government, its that we love our Country, and what we are able to do an say here without being thrown in jail an many being in up roar about it,

its about the freedom to have sites like this, an others that speak in ways most countries wont let their people say or even do without fear of death or jailtime.

Yes Our government leave alot to be desired but what really is an has been our government? Americans, If you honestly put this country up too it, we will fight for our rights....

Yes most have been turned into cows, an cowboys, but honestly this is still america, an at least untill Im dead, I will stand up for that belief. An statisticly* speaking there are more like me.....

We love the ideals an the foundation of what this country was, we like what has been discovered thru our freedom to epress ideals without being forced to kept it to a certain goal. this WAS a awesome nation and WILL be once again, We just need to overhaul our system.....

Appears to me we have some Tapeworms in office an in congress, an all they wanna do is get fat, Well its time we put some paper where our mouth is,

People run this country, being that they keep us in the loop or not, they are still people, an these people will be held accountable for their actions against this great nation.

Let freedom Ring.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by hinky
Don't believe what you read in anti-American propaganda.

Where is this anti-american propaganda?

People don't bother to know what is really going on because they are busy working 60 hours a week to pay for crappy health insurence, pay the interest down on their houses, and be intimately familiar with Paris Hilton's antics.

Apathy is a disease which originates in the US.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 08:58 AM
When I say im a Patriot, That means im a Patriot to the Constitution and the founding fathers, not our current government

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:07 AM
I believe my government because it give me the freedom I want, the opportunity I want. Its funny how so many people hate our country but so many people die just trying to get here. I love the fact that America is the greatest county in the world and what it stands for.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by jcavs88

People keep saying "greatest country on earth", but on what metric? Could you be more specific?

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Trance Optic


It is all about patriotism for the country, not the government. It's the freedoms and opportunity that the nation was founded on that people have patriotism for. However, far too often, many people actually transcribe that to the government.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:25 AM
For one thing the ordinary guy lives a good life. Rick people can live well anywhere. I have read somewhere that a country is not judged by how it treats its most affluent citizens but by how it treats the average citizen. This country has great opertuniets to immigrants that come seeking a better life. The possibilities are endless.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by jcavs88

Yes, they can come here and pick oranges and strawberries - Then you can complain how they are taking your jobs.

America treats it's poor like crap. I know, I've been poor in America, Switzerland and the UK.

The idea of America is great ; the implementation is somewhat lacking .

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 12:02 PM
I think I can speak for just about every american on this subject and it's not the fact that we're in love with our government but it's that we're in love with the dream that is america. As all other parts of the world go the USA probably has the best view on life; well at least on paper and that is what America loves. The past 50 years haven't exactly been that bad for the USA either, I'm curious to find out what country you come from and what history i can bring out on your lovely country. In the past 50 years America has gone through some very hard times for alot of other countries; an ya you could say its just the US being world police but if we didn't do it where would the world be. Africa would most likely be the largest radical state found on the globe and what of the communists in Asia? What would happen if they were given a chance to run wild. You need not to look at a country for problems in the world but look at it's people, at the heart of anything if there is no good then there is no life.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by Lokey13]

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Merigold

Yeah, we sure don't do enough for immigrants do we?
. We should give everyone a free house and and free car, and free health care the day they walk in! Illegals are not just picking fruit, or landscaping, so stop with the "poor immigrant BS. No other country on earth would have allowed 20 million people to just flood in thier borders and bankrupt every hospital they came in contact with.

There are a ton of programs for the poor, public and private. If you don't use them thats your problem. As a matter of fact, being poor is almost 99% of the time your own fault. So explain to me how it's the mandate of the Government to make the taxpayers responsible for your life and financial issues?

I can't belive people whine about the mortgage they have to pay, boo hoo! No one forced you to buy an over priced house with a bad loan. Good god people.

The Idea of America is individual Responsibility. You either fail or succeed on your own. It's not that way any more. which is why I pray for a dollar crash now. Watch how fast the poor become producers when the government can't take care of them anymore. Watch how fast those "poor" illegals stop protesting and flooding the border. Maybe Europe will get flooded with lazy bastards from America after that. Then we can whine about EU immigration standards.

[edit on 10-3-2008 by aravoth]

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