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Who has GAINED from 911? Saying what MUST be said.

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posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 08:52 AM
I hope folks will recognize the BIAS the media today represents. Most media are owned by ZIONISTs. This differeing greatly from what most people think of as 'jews.' I don't have a problem with 'race' but I DO have a problem with a religion/ideology of DEATH, MURDER THEFT and PERVERSION. Reasearch their 'holy book' called the TALMUD as opposed to the TORAH. Then note the mentalities infesting the Bush administration. Chertoff, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Feith etc. We're talking KGB types here setting up the Homeland GESTAPO. Just as Bush's family worked with Hitler in WWII, now they are setting up Russian style GENOCIDE here in the U.S.

Who now is benefitting from the oil in Iraq? http: //

I have a HUGE problem with 'dual citizenship' and LOYALTY to another country other than THIS ONE.

WHO Primarily owns the media?
http: //www.

WHO owned the WTC complex?? A rabid ZIONIST named Larry Silverstein.

Who is this country really fighting and DYING for? http: //

And what have they got planned for this country?

http: // (no need to 'join' to read)
http: // (no need to 'join' to read)
http: // (no need to 'join' to read)
http: //
http: //
http: //
http: //
http: //

posted on Mar, 9 2008 @ 09:26 PM
I haven't looked up all your links and gone to the websites to read the material, but this is not new territory to me and I get your drift.

There is no question that Israel was a major beneficiary of 9/11.

Even when I was a staunch Bush supporter, post 9/11 and thought the US should get over there as quick as possible and rag-doll every "m-effer" in sight, I still remember being slightly annoyed at Ariel Sharon's body language when he was on TV expressing his crocodile condolences for America's misfortune. I thought the body language was expressing delight.

And of course the reason for the delight (quick inset shot of the dancing Israelis high-fiving one another) is that now there was a chance that Israeli misery would get some muscular American military company and maybe something could be done about Arab terrorism. That's all completely obvious.

But did the Israelis perform the attack on 9/11?

That is a trickier question. I don't believe they did, in the sense that I don't believe that this was an Israeli government policy initiative, carried out at the behest of the Israeli government by agents of influence within the Bush administration.

To get into the depths of this question you have to ask yourself another important and seldom asked question.

Who benefits most from the continued existence of the state of Israel?

Unquestionably it is the United States of America, if for no other reason than that Israel is the biggest unsinkable aircraft carrier in the eastern Mediterranean. It is the one state in the region hooked on the heroin of US support. When one acknowledges this, many other questions, including ones surrounding 9/11 issues take on a different coloring.

In a certain sense, one could legitimately say that Israel has been taking a s!#t-kicking in the interests of US foreign policy for decades. I for one can understand how they might be overjoyed at the prospect of Uncle Sam doing a little more (than holding their coat) while they duke it out with all comers in the neighborhood.

But having said all that, there is no doubt that Israel is a problematic country. Personally, I agree with Howard Stern, when he said on his radio program that Israel should be moved to Arizona. But that's too much common sense for this world.

[edit on 9-3-2008 by ipsedixit]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:59 AM
The fact that the paid debunkers dont want to touch this thread is proof that it it cant be debunked.

Dont forget that Germany and France played a massive role too, but thats Above top secret.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:17 AM
Who gained the most from 9/11?

Conspiracy theorists. 45 years since the JFK assassination by Lee Harvey Oswald. It was just time for the next big conspiracy, and what bigger than 9/11?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:40 AM
You’re on the right track with the Zionists……something to think about, who owned building 7? “Larry Silverstein”

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by hitech47460


You are correct to imply that Israel had a hand in orchestrating 9-11. She (Israel) also arranged the assassination of JFK because he steadfastly refused to ‘give’ (allow/assist/transfer technology) Ben Gurion the Atom Bomb. Quite possibly the company most likely to have rigged WTC-1, 2, 6 and 7 for detonation is CDI, and the owners of that outfit might very well have strong Zionist ideologies — but that’s pure wild speculation.

HOWEVER — and this is a gargantuan however! — there is a much more important driving force behind the 9-11 false flag events. It is our need for oil in a world with rapidly dwindling reserves. The true state of remaining petroleum supplies is most certainly NOT anywhere close to what’s being reported. We’re probably just about ‘empty’. But this is something that will never be discussed because it’s in no one’s interest to reveal. Talking about such a fundamental problem — the finality of oil availability — would lead to un-payable higher prices, collapse of the banking system, panic and anarchy.

So to blame 9-11 on Israel is not fair. Anyone who is a decadent consumer of resources refusing to change their lifestyle radically (to a pre-industrial level) is guilty as well. Everyone’s cry-babying about higher gas prices. Well if we hadn’t conquered Iraq they’d be ten times higher. We’re stealing oil there to keep the barrel cost low and the world economy (and ‘civilization’) from collapsing.

The Wizard In The Woods

[edit on 3/15/2008 by Wizard_In_The_Woods]

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