Hey mike, That's great that you're able to block out pain with your mind, I don't know if this is purely psychological or if this is a step further
altering also your physiological system (mind over matter) to tolerate both pain and injury.
I'm also very interested in the mind, or the mental aspect of certain skills or abilities. I'm curious about what mental condition or state the mind
needs to be in to achieve various abilities. I'm actually currently considering about emailing or meeting up with the past president of the
parapsychology association, Stephen E. Braude, for more insight about psychological aspect. He's a professor at a university in my state.
I'm sure you'll be of great help man. I not very knowledgeable in specific sects of yoga, meditation, or those sort of things, maybe bits and pieces
of concepts revolving these type of forms. So, by all means share your what knowledge you know and have about the similarity, differences, believes,
concepts and practices of the various form.
For example, I don't know much about Tibetan meditation, and for a couple of minute thought you were getting confused with the Tibetan
"five-elements system" with popular the "seven-chakra system." Since I believe both system exists in Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism.
But after further reading, I finally understood what you we're saying about the differences in the chakra system and I got a little explanation as to
why as well (
www.kheper.net...). But I'm still not sure originally how many chakra were in the Tibetan's
system...well gotta read more on that, so thanks for the book suggestion.
Plus, on the side-note recall there is six types of yoga practiced in Tibetan Buddhism, I know one is Tummo, do you have information on the other
And when it comes to meditation, what form of meditation do Tibetan monks practices....is it subjective or objective, does it involve visualization or
clearance of thoughts (like zen), does it involves mantras....etc...
P.S. thanks for the interesting fact about the Tibetan belief of practicing meditation or yoga indoors. Does that mean there is an underlying belief
of Fung Shu in tibet? That's really interesting, and I wonder how many Tibetan believes that.
P.S.S. Anyways would it be okay for you to give maybe a describe to us the conditioning and they type of exercises to achieve g-tummo?