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Extraterrestrials Are Pubicly Contacting Earth

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posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 06:34 PM
NO one is suggesting that this particular Crop Marking is genuine though.

It is quite funny though!

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 06:37 PM
I dont know what to think when it comes to crop circles.

There are so many, and most proven to be fakes.

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
The fact that the movie circle showed, along with a humourous topper, should go to show you that these are done by humans, not aliens...and are done for fun....

What are the aliens trying to say with this:

"Forget your leader....take us to DisneyWorld!" ???

No... disney made the movie signs... read the review and it will tell you why that appeared.... they are a part of the disclosure plan.... There's a reason that "signs" made no sense... it wasnt made to be a movie for entertainment... there's more to it. you just have to look deeper.

[Edited on 20-2-2004 by porschedrifter]

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 02:18 AM
I never bought into the crop circle thing, mainly because they all seem to occur in the same places over and over. Just a few people having fun, some quite skilled. Though there's always the possibility some are real most if not all are fake.

[Edited on 22-2-2004 by outsider]

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 02:30 AM
How can people here say that all crop circles are made by people when there is the following known about many crop circles:

1. They appear quickly eg. in minutes or a few hours even though it would take a large number of people a long time to make them.

2. They have been found with no visible evidence of people leaving or entering them?

3. People have videotaped balls of light creating crop circles, look on the web.

4. Areas where crop circles have been indicate that there is more than a trampling of plants because subsequent crops are affected years after.

5. Magnetic and radioactive effects in the crop circle areas.

6. Perfectly bent plant stalks showing that the plant GREW that way? Impossible?

7. As mentioned already DNA and genetic effects.

8. Perfect interleaving of rows of plants like material is made all through the arrays. Impossible to do by trampling.

9. Perfectly executed and difficult geometric designs to high levels of accuracy.

10. Designs and symbology that often seem to confer information but they are not understood.

So I say again how can anyone here say that crop circles are all made by people? Sometimes it pays to learn about a subject before you form an opinion on it.

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 06:16 AM
(watcheroftheskies)- lets see if some of the best crop circle people in the world can get together and make one as intricate as the most intricate ones out there and leave no trace of it

(Gazrok)- They can, and they have....

(dangermouse)- SOME are fake, but the ones with molecular alterations in the wheat stalks, decide

as dangermouse says Well some are obvioius fakes, but explain away the molecular alterations in genuine crop circles please?

also if people had the technology to make these molecular alterations then they would be public knowledge and be rich, some are human made others are either alien, inter dimensional, or human made with high tech secret stuff for whatever reason.

i did have an idea that some couldve been made with time experiments from future, as makeing crop circles would go public an be recorced as proof they suceeded we would not know till we actually do it and thus explain what they really were at that future time.

posted on Feb, 22 2004 @ 07:21 AM


So why can't I see them when I lookat the sky day or night? Why can't I receive telepathic messages from them? They haven't given me any messages or contacted me at all. I'm sick of my mind and subconscious trying to make me think everything is extra-terrestrial related. My post from a few weeks ago of seeing a UFO, I don't know any more. It could've been this newly visible to the eye Venus and my eye playing tricks or the binoculars shaking without me being aware. I thought I saw it move in many directions then get smaller and hover like the ones in area 51 movies and during that time I would've said nothing will ever change my thoughts and I definitely saw it. But this stubborn closed frame of mind is just taking out the possible scientific explanations such as clouds moving over planets at a long distance away or light and star sources which fool the eye into making it look like it is flashing when really it is just a big burning ball of gas. From now on until an alien ship flies 10 metres near my house and comes out and shakes my hand I will remain skeptical. Has anyone seen that X-files episode where everyone but Mulder believes the strange lights flying in the sky are UFO-related?? And Mulder believes the UFO phenomena is purposelly made by the US government to redirect the real source: US Military projects. By shifting the blame to ET activity the US government can go to any country in the world with its stealth and above top secret aviation, stealth and invisibility technology and do whatever.

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