I have this terrible download problem. No matter what or how large file is, it just stops at a random time. I cant download anything at all. I dunno
if its my computer or what, but it does it on both my desktop and laptop, both which run Vista, and i have IE on the desktop and Firefox on the
laptop. Im just so lost, i cant do anything.
Are you using a dial up modem or DSL, or cable modem or what?
If you can't download a 1meg test file and you have DSL, then maybe you have a bad connection somewhere?
Maybe you're trying to download it to a wrong location, such as your back up drive (typically a smaller drive where the OS reload is for emergency
Can you run a browser ok? As you know your browser is downloading files to the browser cache. So if that's working you are downloading stuff.
I running through Cable, and my wireless access is connected to my cable as well. Browsers run completely fine. It does this with online videos as